Chapter 976 Cutting the good corpse, the supreme master!

"Mom...a bunch of heartless fellows. My master treats you well, but now you're all rebelling, it's absolutely hateful!"

Wang Bin sighed, cursing in his heart, furious to the extreme.

At this moment, the situation collapsed to the extreme, and the gods moved towards rebellion.Originally controlled by the imprints of the gods, the gods would not rebel at all; but the source of the gods made a move and used supreme means to blind the imprints of the gods, and the main god had the possibility of rebellion.

The luck of heaven, with the rebellion of the gods, is showing signs of collapse.

It has to be said that the seemingly brilliant strategy of creating an angel-managed dynasty now looks like shit.

Angels are heartless and desireless, have no greed, will not favoritism, and will not corrupt the law. It can be said that it is the best way to govern the country. Relying on angels to govern the country has indeed achieved clean government, social harmony, fairness and justice, and everything seems to be extremely beautiful.

However, this is another dead end.

In the world, there is no absolute fairness and justice. The so-called absolute fairness and justice are essentially the greatest unfairness and injustice.

Many legal provisions are self-contradictory and conflict, but relying on angels to govern the country, the so-called fairness contains unfairness; the so-called fairness contains injustice.

Of course, these are small things,
The point is, with the angels ruling the country, it seems that the country is prosperous and the society is clear and harmonious, but it also suppresses human desires.

When people are alive, they have desires; where there are desires, there is a source of progress.

But now, the appearance of the angel has suppressed the desires of all beings, and all beings without desires are like a pool of stagnant water!
The situation has completely collapsed, and the old concept of governing the country has become a joke.

The gods rebelled, this is civil strife!
And not long after, Supreme True Demon, King Zhu Xian, evil god, demon master, King Swallowing Heaven, first devil general, etc. joined forces to besiege; and in heaven, the high priest rebelled; as for the king of idols, he used to be his Pets did not rebel.

These half-step Wuwu shots are just for the king's vanguard, just the vanguard army; and the source of the gods is the main force, who will make a move at the critical moment, and the world will be determined with one blow.

"What is good and what is evil? In the world, there is no such thing as good and evil. Good and evil are just lies for the superior to deceive the inferior!"

Wang Bin sighed.

A ray of light flew out from the body, quickly condensed, as if tempered by endless light, it was the good corpse, the supreme master.

At this moment, Wang Bin cut out the good corpse.

The evil corpse is the supreme true demon; the good corpse is the supreme ruler.Only the deity, transcending fate, is born in the endless nothingness, and disappears in the nothingness.

At this moment, the good corpse sat on the throne.

"You are calculating me, and I am calculating you too, it depends on whose calculation is better!"

Wang Bin's figure flickered and disappeared!


Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the 72 kings took the lead in attacking heaven, followed by the group of demons from hell, and then the demon clan and the lineage of evil gods attacked one after another. The battle started quickly and quickly became fierce.

"Execute the Immortals and Exterminate the Gods, the map of the king of the myriad realms!"

King Jade Immortal took the lead, and the map of the king of all realms flickered on the palm of his hand, and it continued to expand, turning into a huge world, covering the sky and the sun, sweeping towards the heaven, intending to submerge the heaven and turn it into dust.

In an instant, the light of heaven was swallowed up, and endless darkness shrouded the heaven and earth. In an instant, the heaven and earth became one and turned into endless nothingness.

"Heaven Divine Fist!"

The supreme master punched out, like a ghost attacking, extremely domineering, punching and killing, the king of ten thousand realms let out a wail, and flew out backwards.Zhu Xianwang vomited blood from his mouth, retreated one after another, and his body was even more cracked.

With one move, King Zhuxian was seriously injured.

"Demon Tai Chi!"

The sorcerer made a move. On the palm of his hand, the yin and yang qi flow turned into a running Tai Chi, with a bewitching light and a destructive aura, coming to kill like a millstone.

"hand of God!"

The Supreme Ruler punched out again, the nine handprints merged into one, and the supreme palm descended from the sky, killing it.The Taiji Diagram was shattered on the spot, and the demon master was beaten to a pulp, but the powerful recovery power surged, and the injury recovered quickly.

"The evil god is supreme!"

The evil god made a move, and the supreme evil spirit surged, and the gray air flow surged, like a cloud of gray smoke flashing, coming to kill.

"Fist of Creation!"

The Supreme Master punched again, and the evil spirit flew backwards, vomiting blood from his mouth.

Then, the High Priest and the First Demon General also made their moves one after another, but the Supreme Ruler only punched and kicked, and he possessed supreme power, obliterating everything, suppressing everything, and easily suppressing a few half-step Wujieqiang By.

"Blessings from the God Realm!"

At this moment, the auras of the five powerhouses, including Supreme True Demon, King Zhuxian, Demon Master, Evil God, and the First Demon General, are changing, and the source of the God Realm surges, blessing the five half-step Wuwu powerhouses, and their power once again Soaring, the power of destruction is brewing.

kill kill kill!

How powerful and invincible it is between the five and a half steps without any shots.

However, the supreme master's moves were all ingenious, and every move was extremely simple, just like a mortal martial artist swinging his fists and playing inferior martial arts.But every move is just right, all of them are extremely powerful, with unpredictable power.

Bang bang bang!
Under the blessing of the origin of the God Realm, and with the joint efforts of the five powerhouses, they were still unable to take down the Supreme Master and fell into a stalemate.


Boom boom boom!
In the void, an elephant and a giant snake collided together, and various laws were intertwined, constantly annihilated, and constantly changing.

The King of Idols is fighting the King of Swallowing Heaven!

Casting the supreme spell, the swallowing king swallowed the king of idols again and again, and then his body was stretched by the king of idols, and he escaped.

The battle became extremely fierce, the king of idols had supreme power with his punches and kicks, and the king of swallowing heaven was fierce in his killing moves and his methods were extremely exquisite, but he was defeated in the end and was at a disadvantage.However, relying on the fierceness of the attack, the Tuntian King was not the opponent of the King of Idols, but he cleverly entangled him. He was at a disadvantage, but he did not die!
In order to prevent the rescue of the Idol King, which caused an accident in the battle situation, King Tuntian did not join the battle sequence of besieging the Supreme Lord, but went to intercept the Idol King!


At this moment, the King of Idols was a little impatient, and he made repeated killing moves, but it was difficult to break through the blocking of Tuntian King.

"Quack quack! Snake swallows elephants, this is the fate of elephants, and also the fate of giant snakes!" King Tuntian said coldly, like a demon from hell, with a sense of coldness in his voice. "Today, the heroes are besieging Juggernaut, and Juggernaut will definitely die!"

(End of this chapter)

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