Chapter 995 Compiling the Destiny of All Lives
Many monks open their mouths to defy the sky, and shut their mouths to slaughter the sky, but in fact, they don't understand the sky at all, and they don't even know what the sky is.If the cultivation base is not up to scratch, you can't touch the sky at all, and naturally you won't be able to defy the sky.

Wang Bin has been in contact with the Dao of Heaven many times, but he is very familiar with the so-called Dao of Heaven.

The so-called way of heaven is essentially a combination of many laws in the world, and it is just the desire and instinct of the world's evolution.

The way of heaven is ruthless, because it is just a combination of a group of rules; but the way of heaven is sentient, because it is contaminated with human emotions, and has the seven emotions and six desires.

Originally, Wang Bin wanted to infiltrate silently, but just as he infiltrated, he was discovered by Tiandao, and they immediately confronted each other fiercely.

Boom boom boom!
Wang Bin had just entered the sea of ​​chaos, just at the edge of chaos, when he was noticed by the Dao of Heaven—the so-called sea of ​​chaos was also created by Dao of Heaven.The air of chaos flickered, the void changed, and one after another of the air of chaos collided and entangled with each other, quickly evolving into one after another of chaotic god thunder, with the light of extinction, killing and killing.

Chaos Divine Thunder, the first wave of blows from heaven is coming!

The Chaos God Thunder is astonishingly powerful, like raindrops, with a bursting sound and a destructive light. It is so powerful that it can instantly kill a saint of heaven.

"The wheel of fate!"

Wang Bin activated the spell, and immediately a huge roulette appeared above his head. As the roulette turned, the fate of the heavens flowed and changed accordingly.

One after another, illusory rivers flowed from the roulette, endlessly, extending to the end of the void!

The void body of fate, a powerful physique is displayed, with the stalwart that suppresses the heavens, it drives the wheel of fate to rotate, and the combination of the two immediately erupts with unparalleled power.

Boom boom boom!
One after another Chaos Divine Thunder blasted down, but they were all swallowed by the wheel of fate and turned into their own food.

Wang Bin's face was a little dignified, and the breath burst out from his whole body. After experiencing countless worlds, the powerful strength accumulated completely burst out and was no longer reserved.

The strength of the battle is comparable to the way of heaven of a great sage, if you keep your hands, it is still for the sake of coercion, for the sake of the so-called chic, you will only die a miserable, very sad reminder!

It seems to feel his strength, and the way of heaven is no longer reserved, and the destructive will leaks out, sweeping and suppressing!

Two supreme wills collide together, like a needle point against a wheat awn, like a bison against a tiger. Under the battle of this supreme will, the air of chaos is distorted, and the void is exploded by it, turning into a piece of land. Nothingness, turned into a vacuum.

Wang Bin's mind was flickering, all kinds of thoughts were surging, he was calculating the changes in the way of heaven, calculating the strength of the way of heaven.

Of course, these shortcomings are not actually shortcomings, as long as the strength is strong enough to crush down, it is enough to make up for the lack of skills.

"The way of heaven is merciless, the way of heaven has no desires, the way of heaven is selfless, it is equal because it is merciless, it is fair because it has no desires, it is fair because it is selfless!" Wang Bin said: "Actually, the real way of heaven is very good!"

If you are afraid, if you are afraid, the way of heaven has produced feelings, desires, human emotions, and six desires, and wants to transform like a monk, and then transform into a human being. For all beings in the world, it is almost a tragedy, almost a destructive disaster. !

In the world of Shrouding the Sky, the perfect holy spirit who has just transformed into a form has the cultivation of a great emperor.

But at this moment, if the Dao of Heaven manifests itself, it will directly have the strength of a Daoist Saint.

At this moment, Heavenly Dao is very powerful. In terms of power level, it is not inferior to Dao Saint, far surpassing Wang Bin.It's just that the way of heaven has not come out of form after all, and it has not gone to perfection-the way of heaven is lacking.Because of such defects, it is difficult to exert perfect power.

As for skills and attacks, Heavenly Dao is also much inferior.

At this moment, the Dao of Heaven was also calculating and calculating Wang Bin's cultivation. Suddenly, a river appeared in the void, which was the river of fate.

The Heavenly Dao was in motion, and the huge power of the Heavenly Dao surged like a tide, like ripples, like waves, like the rising and falling of the sun and the moon, trying to weave Wang Bin's fate into the long river of fate.

Destiny is a huge long river, in which there is the destiny of all beings, and the destiny of the world. Everyone's destiny is a small gully, a small tributary.Everyone's destiny streams are connected in series and converge into a huge river, which becomes the long river of fate.

Between heaven and earth, all living beings, thousands of creatures, all kinds of fate, all kinds of cause and effect, are entangled and change each other, like a mess, but the way of heaven is like a super optical brain to quickly analyze, peel off the cocoon and spin, The mess is sorted out accurately, and the fate of all living beings in the world is compiled.

Heaven's retribution, tried and tested!
Where the way of heaven lies, every detail is in place, and karma will never be happy.

Ordinary people cannot escape the control of fate.

Those who practice advanced can evade fate.

No matter how advanced, one can completely erase the traces of one's own destiny, ignoring the cause and effect and fate that fate has blessed one's body.However, after all, it is in the long river of fate that leaves its own traces, and no one can escape the long river of fate.

Everyone has their own destiny. The fate of a small person may be a microbe in the long river, and a slightly larger person, such as a god-level powerhouse or a saint, is a small fish and shrimp in the long river of fate.People in the realm of Tianzun, Tianshou, and Tianyuan are the big fish in the long river of fate; while those in the realm of heaven are the giants in the long river of fate, Jiaolong.

All living beings are ups and downs in the long river of fate.

In the world of comprehension, the so-called outliers are actually just some changes, but they are still in the long river of fate. As the saying goes, the general trend does not change, but the small trend can be changed.

The fate of all living beings is prepared by the way of heaven.

At this moment, the long river of fate descended and enveloped Wang Bin, and he was about to be included in the long river of fate

Originally, Wang Bin belonged to a black family when he came to this world; but now Tiandao wants to give Wang Bin his hometown and incorporate it into the management system.

However, there is no use at all. Wang Bin is a void of destiny, representing the escaped one, and is not under the jurisdiction of heaven.Being governed by the Dao of Heaven is not a one who escaped.Like a phantom, like a dream, it was born in the void and disappeared in the void.

Even if the long river of fate flickers and the power is constantly stimulated, it is difficult to weave him into it.

Wang Bin fell into the long river of fate, his eyes flickered, but he saw the historical trend of the world in the next few decades.

PS: Some cards, some plots still need to be recalled, and even more wonderfully written, some headaches! !

(End of this chapter)

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