Chapter 307 Mr. Jin, Ms. Song, she...

When Song Luoyu woke up, it was already dark outside, she just wanted to move her body and stand up, but she didn't want to, but she couldn't lie down!

I couldn't help being stunned for a while, and then I realized something belatedly in my heart, taxi, detour, aroma...

Her eyes gradually widened, and she thought in disbelief that she had been kidnapped!

It was dark, cold and damp all around, she didn't know where she was at this moment, but she recalled the scene when she got into a taxi during the day, at that time, there seemed to be a couple of men and women getting into the car before her, but it turned out that there was not much Seconds came down again, I didn't care about it at the time, but now that I think about it, it's clearly very wrong...

If the driver wanted to kidnap, why did he single out her? Is it because he thought he couldn't deal with the two of them, or was she the target? !
Her heart was very confused, even though she was very scared and uneasy at the moment, she was still trying her best to force herself to calm down.

She vaguely remembered that she made a phone call before she finally fainted, but she didn't know who she called, and did she get through in the end? !

She tried to struggle again, but found that it still didn't work. Her wrists were tied behind her back, her legs were tied tightly in front of her, and the rope was extremely rough. The more she struggled, the tighter she became, and there were bursts of pain. It's like the flesh is scratched.

He could only bite his lip and watch the situation change.

I pray that someone will find her missing and come to rescue her...
Seeing the time getting later and later, Jiang Ma saw that Song Luoyu still had no sign of coming back, so she couldn't go home with peace of mind, so she called her one after another at Jin's house, but they couldn't get through after all. It was the notification that her mobile phone was turned off.

There was no other way, and in the end she chose to call Jin Yandong, praying in her heart that Song Luoyu was actually with him...


In the noisy and lively banquet hall, a man in a black suit walked to the corner to answer the phone. His tall body was leaning against the wall, rubbing his temple with one hand, feeling a little dizzy from drinking too much.

But at this time, I didn't expect that Jiang Ma's tentative voice came from the phone, "Sir, Miss Song... is she staying with you?"

After saying a word, the man was stunned for a moment, as if he had thought of something, his deep eyes opened, and the light in his eyes staring at the front was a little cold.

"What's the matter? Hasn't she come home yet?"

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Ma was stunned when she heard the words. She was flustered, but she still tried her best to suppress her emotions and said, "Yes, Miss Song hasn't come home yet, and... the phone has not been connected."

The man finally frowned, his deep and dark eyes tightened, and he couldn't help but think of the phone call she made to him at noon today, and his heart sank severely. After all, a bad premonition came to his heart.

"Okay, I see, I'll ask someone to check now."

After saying this, he hung up the phone.After sinking his heart, he turned around and returned to the banquet hall. Assistant Li just happened to walk towards him. Seeing his expression at the moment, he subconsciously asked, "Sir, what happened?"

"Pick up the car! I'm leaving first! You order to go down and immediately search for Song Luoyu's whereabouts! You must give it to me within an hour!"

Assistant Li was stunned, and also understood that this time's matter must not be simple.But in the end, he thought for a while and reminded, "Sir, tonight is a banquet hosted by Mr. Allen, and you are his important guest. If you leave first..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Do as I say!"

 Ask for a ticket~ Monthly tickets and recommended tickets are all available\(^O^)/
(End of this chapter)

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