Chapter 341 Thank you for giving me an empty joy
In a trance, she felt a warm body embrace herself, but at this moment, she could no longer see the man's face clearly.

The eyelashes were unable to close, but a tear slipped out, as if her heart that had failed fell to the ground and was completely shattered.

Jin Yandong, thank you for giving me an empty joy...
The bar box is full of excitement.

Colorful lights gathered in the air, and deafening music resounded throughout. Today's gathering was supposed to celebrate Jin Yandong's recovery and discharge from the hospital, but as the person involved, he didn't seem to be in high spirits.

Several friends were all in their arms, drinking fine wine, looking very happy, but he was sitting alone, drinking bottle after bottle of wine.

It seems inexplicably desolate and deserted...

The tall and straight body is obviously sitting in the main seat in the box, but it looks like a corner and a pavilion, and there is no lively atmosphere
After all, one of his friends couldn't stand it anymore.

Leaving aside the beautiful woman in his arms, he walked over with a bottle of wine in his hands, and Da Lala sat down beside him.

Leaning lazily on the sofa, pouring wine with one hand, the other naturally rested on his shoulder.

"Young Master Jin, how can we say that we haven't been together for so long, right? Why are you still like this? You don't want to be alone, and you don't chat and drink with your brothers. It's so boring to sit here alone!"

After the words were finished, he raised his eyes to look at Jin Yandong, but he didn't want to, but saw him staring sideways at his hand, then raised his eyes, staring at him with cold and strange eyes...

In an instant, the man seemed to have realized something, quickly withdrew his hand, and smiled, "I even forgot about your amnesia, brother, I am Lin Jing! Have you lost your memory?"

He pointed at himself and winked, as if trying to remind him.

But when the words fell, Jin Yandong only glanced at him, replied "no", and poured wine by himself.

It seems that he is not in a good mood...

For some reason, after he returned from the hospital today, his heart felt blocked, depressed, and very uncomfortable.

Song Luoyu's appearance often appeared in my mind, and her dazed and injured eyes at the end, everything seemed like a nightmare, and I couldn't clear it from my mind...

"You really forgot about me?! Well, brother, let me tell you, we used to be together..."

Hearing what he said, Lin Chen began to tell him about the past two people, but at this moment, Jin Yandong suddenly remembered that brocade box he threw into the trash can...

A gift from Song Luoyu.

I don't know why in my heart, but I want to know what she will give as a gift?
That was the first gift she gave him since he lost his memory...

Complicated emotions surged in his heart, thinking that maybe after today was over, the contents of the trash can would be cleared out, for a moment, his hand holding the wine bottle couldn't help but increase his strength.

Finally, while Lin Chen was still "talking on and on", the man suddenly stood up!The tall body almost made the box appear cramped and cramped.

The people in the box were all stunned, looking at him puzzled, not understanding what happened.

At this time, I didn't expect him to walk directly towards the door, his pace was extremely fast and hurried, as if something urgent had happened...

"Jin Shao, where are you going?!"

"How did you go?"

Several friends were calling behind him, but he ignored them all.

Assistant Li and another assistant were stunned when they saw this, and quickly followed the pace of their own boss to the parking lot.

 Thank you dear [] baby for voting for a monthly ticket~~!

  (Haha I tried my best to type this Korean)
(End of this chapter)

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