Chapter 344 Looks Like a Jealous Husband
The man's brows and eyes were silent, staring at the direction of the balcony. After an unknown period of time, the corners of his lips curled up into a smile as if thinking of something.

Some mocking arcs of sarcasm...

"If you don't come back so late, what kind of girl can you be?"

His tone was cold and indifferent, as if he was talking about an unimportant person, but he didn't notice the sadness in his own words...

Looks like a jealous husband.
In the early morning, the man washed up and got ready to go to work. He put on his shirt and tied his tie, but as if he suddenly remembered something, he stared at the dusty brocade box on the bedside table next to him...

After hesitating for a while, he finally picked it up, opened it and took out the tie clip.

Trying to clip on my own tie, and then turned to look in the mirror. Unexpectedly, the tie I was wearing today seemed to match the tie clip very well...

He was still a little hesitant at first, but he finally settled down at this moment. After all, if you can use it, don't waste it, right?Besides, it just fits his tie pin today...

Jin Yandong thought of the reason in his heart, and didn't want to go out anymore.

Assistant Li was already waiting in the car. After seeing him get in the car, he started the car and set off.

It's just that he didn't want to, when their car drove to the gate, a dark gray car on the side of the road attracted his attention...

Because Song Luoyu just got out of the car!
Immediately afterwards, the driver's door opened, and a tall man walked towards her...

The car drove further and further away, and the two figures in the rearview mirror also disappeared. At this moment, the man withdrew his gaze, and his gaze touched the tie clip on his tie. For some reason, he felt inexplicable irony in his heart at this moment.

Without any hesitation, he directly pulled the tie clip, and then threw it directly under his feet!
She last night...

Sure enough, she didn't come back all night, and she was still with a man!
I can't tell what kind of affection it is in my heart, but in the end, it seems that there is an unknown fire burning, which inexplicably upsets him and makes him feel angry...

And he thought, the reason why he has this kind of emotion must be because he treats her like his own sister in his heart, but when he finds out that she doesn't cherish himself so much, and hangs out with men all night, that's why he feels so worried and angry, right? !
Squinting his eyes, he felt that he had to find a time to have a good talk with her. He was her brother, so he couldn't see her sinking into the abyss and ignore her, right?What's more, now that she is only eighteen or nineteen years old, how can she ignore her studies and fall in love?What if you meet someone who is not a good person? !
The man clenched his hands tightly, his heart filled with gloom.
"Brother Yan Zhan, thank you yesterday, and took care of me for one night, I will definitely treat you to dinner next time."

The girl bowed and thanked, her face still pale.

But the man stopped her, with soft warmth in his eyes, "Silly girl, I just happened to pass by, besides, I wanted to let you rest for a while, but you refused to insist on coming back, I didn't even take care of you."

Song Luoyu smiled and shook his head, "No, you have treated me very well, I can't stay here to disturb you anymore."

After finishing speaking, she took a step back and waved at him, "Go back and get some rest earlier. I occupied your bed last night, so you can only sleep on the sofa. You must not have had a good rest."

"Okay, you go back and rest for a while."

In the end, the man didn't hold back any more, put one hand in his pocket, and motioned her to go back and rest quickly.

Song Luoyu agreed with a smile, said "goodbye" again, and turned back to the villa.

The man stared at her back until he saw her enter the villa, then returned to his car and started the car.But before he left, he stared at this old-looking villa compound again, and there was a coldness in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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