Chapter 394 His Heart Betrayed Himself
The afternoon gaze shone through the shade of the tree, and fell on the girl's pale face. At this moment, her eyes were flushed, showing helplessness and sadness, which inexplicably made his heart stagnate.

The originally firm and cold heart changed unconsciously at this moment.

After all, when he was facing her, he couldn't completely stay out of it, leaving her alone in the dark abyss and ignoring her...

There was silence in the air, after all, he opened his lips and said, "I didn't bring my ID card."

As soon as the words fell, Song Luoyu's face collapsed, and now the last bit of hope was shattered. Could it be that she really wanted to go back to the Jin family's old house?

I was very resistant in my heart, but besides this choice, is there anything else?

Unless you sleep on the street...

Just as she was thinking about something, the tall body standing in front of her turned around directly. At this moment, Song Luoyu was a little discouraged, and her heart was sore and sad.

I didn't expect to fall into such a sad situation. Jin Yandong has been deceiving her all along.Now that she has escaped, she has nowhere to go, and even brother Yan Zhan doesn't want to pay attention to her...

Eye sockets were constantly flushed, biting his lower lip slightly, and staring at the tall body that walked out of the pavilion with great ungrievance.

But at this moment, as if he could feel her gaze, the man who had left originally stopped at last.

Turning around, his stern face was still ugly under the sun, and his lonely and deep eyes were fixed on her. In the next second, he finally said: "Aren't you going? Are you going to stay here for a few days?"

Song Luoyu was startled when he heard the words, and finally stood up hesitantly, and walked towards him step by step.


He obviously didn't bring his ID card, so besides sleeping on the street and going back to Jin's old house, where else can she go?

But after the words fell, the man raised his hand helplessly, brushed away the hair that was stuck to her face with tears, and said lightly: "My family, if you don't want to, you can refuse."

With a simple sentence, Song Luoyu seemed to be touched by something in his heart, a little dazed and delighted.What he said meant that she could live with him temporarily?

The big stone in my heart seemed to be finally relaxed, the corners of my lips could not be raised, and I nodded vigorously and sincerely, "Yes! I am willing!"

Now that she can not go back and face Jin Yandong, and doesn't have to be reduced to the streets, she is very willing!

Arriving at Yan Zhan's house, Song Luoyu only felt a little sad in her heart. She lived here during the last month of arguing with Jin Yandong. She thought that there would never be a second such situation, but I didn't expect it to be so soon...

"You stay here first tonight, and I'm going to prepare food for you now."

He pointed to a room and told her, then turned around and went to the kitchen, but the moment he turned his back, the suppressed emotion in his eyes finally surged out...

The big hand hanging by the side clenched tightly.

After all, he violated himself, and he had clearly promised himself that from that day on, he would no longer care about her affairs, but when he saw her sad appearance again, he still betrayed himself in his heart.

Song Luoyu was sitting in the room, looking at the push messages of various software on the mobile phone, almost all of which were related to the matters of Jin Yandong and Feng Jingxian, her heart throbbed.

Close your eyes, turn off the phone and put it aside, after all, you want to numb yourself and stop paying attention to these things.

But unfortunately, I can't control my heart.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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