Chapter 398 I'm Happier When I Stay By His Side

Luo Yu listened to the man's words, but there was some indescribable resentment and resentment in her heart. Why did she always have to obey his words?
Now that the news about him and Feng Jingxian broke out, what would she do by staying by his side?Could it be that he really wants her to stay by his side and play the role of a younger sister?

There is a sense of irony in my heart.

If it were in the past, he had never done those intimate acts to her, said those vows of eternal love to her, and she would not be like this now...

Everything is claimed by him, and everything is destroyed by him.

And after all, what kind of role is she in his eyes?A puppet at the mercy of manipulation?
Her heart was dull and uncomfortable, she finally pursed her lips slightly, her clear eyes fixed on the man, this was the first time in her memory that she was so resolute and definitely rejected him...

"I won't go back. I'm very happy here. It's much more comfortable than staying by your side."

After one sentence fell, the air became quiet. At this moment, the surrounding air pressure seemed to be much lower.

The tall and straight body of the man finally froze, and the joints of his clenched fists turned white, making a terrible "clucking" sound.The beast imprisoned in the bottom of my heart finally broke through the cage and rushed out completely!

Song Luoyu's words were like an ice pick, biting his heart fiercely, and there was no more severe punishment than this...

How ironic, he thought that she left the old house suddenly because she was unhappy with the news about him and Feng Jingxian, but now it seems that everything is completely different from what he imagined!
She doesn't care about that at all and doesn't matter...

The reason why she didn't come home at night, the reason why she chose to leave and come to live in a man's house, was just because of her own willful behavior!She wanted to live with this man, so she chose to leave without saying goodbye!

He thought of his desperate and crazy behavior in order to find her today, and now he finds it ironic and funny!I held her so carefully, for fear that she would be unhappy if she got hurt, but in her heart, she felt unhappy staying by his side...

After all, the pain in his heart intensified, and he had never felt such a painful and painful moment. Looking at the man and woman standing in front of him at this moment, the jealousy in his heart was about to burn him.

He couldn't help thinking crazily, what is the relationship between them, why he never knew, and they looked so close, not like ordinary friends at all!
Thinking of the last time gangsters attacked the old house, he was the one who accompanied Song Luoyu back. At that time, he wanted to protect her regardless of his own safety. Obviously, how could his feelings for her be unusual!
At this time, Yan Zhan, who had been standing silently by the side, heard Song Luoyu's words, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

He was a little surprised in his heart, after all, they had never been so unhappy before, many times he could feel how deep Song Luoyu's feelings for Jin Yandong were, but now she...

After all, he couldn't tell what kind of affection he had in his heart. He knew that Song Luoyu must be speaking out of anger, but seeing her disobedient to Jin Yandong at this moment and not agreeing to go back with him, he still couldn't restrain the joy in his heart... …

He raised his eyes and stared at the man in front of him. Before Jin Yandong could speak, he showed his attitude first.

"You should understand Luo Yu's meaning, right? She doesn't want to go back with you, please go back."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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