Chapter 408 He Doesn't Approve Her Finding a Boyfriend

Grandma heard that Feng Jingxian was pregnant today, and even though she was happy, she was still worried about Luoyu's future situation. She didn't want her to tell her that there was a boy she liked.

Grandma Jin felt relieved, feeling as if a big rock had finally landed, and fondled Luo Yu's head lovingly, "Good boy, tell grandma which boy is he, who is so lucky to be liked by Luo Yu?"

Many people on the field were watching. Except for Grandma Jin, everyone was in different moods. Song Luoyu would marry in the future and they would be happy to leave the Jin family, but at the same time they were curious and jealous, wondering if she would She is lucky to be with a wealthy son again. In that case, her life will still be happy and worry-free...

Even, there is one more person who cherishes and loves her!

After all, Jin Yandong put down his wine glass, and at this moment his eyes were so cold and icy staring at her, as if he was thinking about something in his heart.

But Song Luoyu didn't seem to feel his gaze at all. At this moment, he smiled sweetly, leaning on his grandma like a child and said: "He is not someone from the upper class, he is just a boy from an ordinary family, but He is really good to me, in this world, besides grandma, he is the one who treats me best."

After these words fell, everyone at the dinner table let out small sighs, some were surprised that Song Luoyu liked ordinary people, some felt that she could find someone who was good to her, and some were surprised that Song Luoyu said that Boys are the best people to her besides grandma.

So where did she put Jin Yandong?

At this moment, grandma looked at Jin Yandong with complicated eyes, and she was basically sure that something happened between them, but she couldn't say anything at the moment.He could only celebrate for Luo Yu with a smile, "If it's not the upper class, it's not! Our family doesn't lack those material things, the most important thing is, let's let Luo Yu be happy!"

With that said, Grandma Jin also poured herself a glass of drink, and raised it up to signal to other younger generations around her, "There are so many happy events happening today, it's time to celebrate. Let's have a toast, everyone."

As he spoke, he seemed to think of something, and said to Feng Jingxian who was on the side: "You are pregnant, drink milk instead of alcohol."

Feng Jingxian responded with a sweet smile, "Okay, I know grandma."

Song Luoyu finally smiled and lowered his eyes, poured himself a glass of wine, his eyes were cold and quiet, as if nothing had happened.

He raised his glass to celebrate with everyone, but at this moment, Jin Yandong, who had been silent all this time, poured himself a glass of wine and drank it with his head raised. He had no intention of celebrating with everyone...

In the end, in the bottom of his heart, for the boy Song Luoyu liked, he had no intention of wishing her the slightest bit.He couldn't tell what was going on in his heart.

I just feel that she is still young and shouldn't think about this aspect...

After all, Song Luoyu was not in the mood to eat any more. She felt depressed after eating this meal, so she found an excuse to go out, and went to the garden to breathe.

Staying with those people, she still couldn't stay calm in her heart, especially the matter of Jin Yandong and Feng Jingxian, which weighed her down even more.

Just staring at the river bank where he was, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, Song Luoyu turned around, but didn't want to see Feng Jingxian...

At this time, she was smiling on the front, as if she was happy and proud of the winner, and she came here specially to show off her might...

(End of this chapter)

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