Chapter 410 Why Is The Necklace With You? !
So just when Feng Jingxian's palm fell, Song Luoyu grabbed her wrist, and in the next second, quickly turned aside, the pain made Feng Jingxian's face turn pale!

She was furious, shocked and angry inside.

I thought Song Luoyu was the weak type who would let others bully her, but she didn't expect her to dare to resist her so blatantly, and now it made her even more hurt, and she herself was fine!
This made Feng Jingxian so angry that her face became ferocious.

Angrily, she thought of raising her other hand to hit her, but she didn't expect that the movement was too big, and the necklace around her neck was exposed...

Song Luoyu was stunned for a moment, she looked at the woman in front of her in shock and disbelief, never would have thought that the necklace that had disappeared for a long time would be hanging around her neck!

Song Luoyu was almost 100% sure, it was the one that Jin Yandong gave him!After all, that necklace has been stared at and tightly held by her countless days and nights...

That is the family heirloom of the Jin family!It was Jin Yandong's birthday present to her!
Almost without hesitation, she reached for her neck and grabbed the necklace tightly!
"Why is the necklace here with you?! Feng Jingxian, what did you do? Why is this necklace here with you!"

Song Luoyu's emotions were completely broken. This important necklace that she and Jin Yandong had been looking for for a long time but could not find was now being worn around the neck in such a majestic manner by Feng Jingxian. This is simply a great irony!
But after the words were finished, Feng Jingxian was completely panicked when she saw her actions, her mind went blank.

She used this necklace to gain Jin Yandong's trust, making him believe that he gave her the necklace on his own initiative in the past, and this was only used by her to deceive him, and no one outside knew about it.

Now that Song Luoyu saw it, once she told the story, everything would be completely exposed!At that time, let alone marrying into Jin's family, Jin Yandong's feelings for her will completely dissipate!

Panicked and anxious in her heart, she immediately wanted to tear her hand away, "Why are you crazy! This is my own thing! What does it have to do with you!"

However, I didn't expect Song Luoyu to be relentless, still clenched tightly and refused to let go, and asked angrily: "Your own things? Do you dare to show evidence? This is clearly a birthday present from Brother Yan Dong! It's from the Jin family. family heirloom!"

Feng Jingxian didn't expect her to be so difficult. If she knew it earlier, she wouldn't have troubled her. Now that the matter of the necklace with her has been exposed, I'm afraid there will be more troubles in the future!
If Mrs. Jin knew about this, it would be even more terrible...

When she was in a panic, Feng Jingxian suddenly raised her eyes and saw a few people walking towards this side. For a moment, her mind went blank, and she just felt that she was completely finished...

Once the matter of the necklace is leaked, she will never even think about turning over in the future, let alone marrying into the Jin family!
My heart was completely confused, now Song Luoyu's back is facing those people, I don't know that Grandma Jin, Jin Yandong, and some juniors of the Jin family are walking over.She's still fighting over the necklace around her neck...

Feng Jingxian couldn't help but look around, finally, as if she had thought of something, she pursed her lips slightly, and made up her mind!
"Song Luoyu, let's see who has the last laugh!"

After finishing these words in a low voice, the next second, Feng Jingxian suddenly tilted her body in response to Song Luoyu's fight, and fell into the lake next to her with a "bang"!
 happy friday~
(End of this chapter)

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