Chapter 426 Press her hand against the wall!
Withdrawing his eyes and staring at the girl in front of him, at this moment he finally held her hand without saying a word, and dragged her directly into the villa.

Song Luoyu couldn't help but want to break free, and didn't want to be imprisoned by him at all, but at this moment, grandma was not far behind, she couldn't show anything after all, so she had to endure it, and kept lowering her voice to order him, "Let me go! I don't want to go with you! Jin Yandong! Did you hear that?!"

Along the way, the man seemed to ignore her, his back was stiff and indifferent, and he led her upstairs. In the end, Song Luoyu couldn't help it anymore. Just as they went upstairs, Grandma Jin was not behind her, so she directly angrily said, : "Who do you think you are? Are you someone to me? Grandma doesn't care about me, why do you..."

After all, before she could finish her sentence, she was pressed heavily against the wall next to her in the next second!

The tall body was like a mountain, covering all light and sight in an instant. When she raised her eyes, all she could see in her eyes was him in front of her!

The gloomy mood in my heart became more and more dissatisfied, and I thought to myself that this man might be addicted to being a superior!I want to be in control of everything, dictatorial and domineering!

However, just as she raised her hand to beat his chest, the next second, the man grabbed her wrist with quick eyesight and quick hands!
"Why should I? Song Luoyu, what do you think?"

He seemed like a devil who had been stimulated, and a dangerous and disturbing emotion appeared on his already gloomy and cold face.

The man raised one corner of his lips, lowered his head slowly, and spoke in a cold and sarcastic tone.

"The whole of you belongs to me. You say, why should I care about you? Huh?"

After all, these words made Song Luoyu's complexion change, she couldn't help clenching her fists, her heart was both angry and shocked.With what state of mind and in what capacity did he say these words now?
Does she belong to him? !
Fortunately, he can speak out!Just based on his treatment and behavior a few days ago, she wouldn't believe him if he didn't regard her as an enemy!
And now, one bite belongs to her, where did he get the courage? !
In the end, she struggled vigorously again, unwilling to give in and obey his words no matter what, the range of her struggling movements was very large, highlighting the meaning of resistance to the extreme!

"Jin Yandong! Don't think about it! I hate you, I hate you in this life! I belong to you? Dream!"

She sneered emotionally, ignoring the man in front of her face gradually sinking, at this moment she was full of chills and sarcasm.

Thinking of the vows and warm care he gave her in the past, but now he took back all of them, and trampled and insulted her heart, how could she not hate it? !

After all, the emotion in the man's eyes has changed. At this moment, the eyes are shaking violently. She never thought that she would say such things. She hates him, hates him...

The corners of her mouth couldn't stop curling up, she just thought it was sarcasm, subconsciously thought it was nonsense, how could she hate him when he was so kind to her? !

After all, he grabbed her wrist and pressed it directly against the wall. At this moment, he forced her to look up at him, his eyes were cold and gloomy, staring at her.

Under the light, the girl's face is extremely beautiful, pure and charming, especially those twinkling eyes, which seem to be able to talk, steal your soul away and make you lose your way...

The man's eyes fixed on her couldn't help deepening.

That's how she seduces men!
(End of this chapter)

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