Chapter 433 You love me, right?
Song Luoyu lowered his eyes and said sincerely and sincerely.

At this moment, her words are true, Yan Zhan is really kind to her in every possible way, and as far as she knows, he is the only one who is so kind to her.

After all, he is not...

At this moment Gu Size listened to her words, but couldn't help laughing out loud, feeling a little sore in his heart, but he still pretended to be indifferent and said with a smile, "You stinky girl, you ran to me to show your affection It's coming, it's horrible."

While smiling, he poured a glass of wine and poured it down with his head raised, endless bitterness in his heart.

Song Luoyu couldn't help but laugh, watching him drink, he picked up the bottle and poured himself a drink.

Gu Sze looked at the girl beside him, and finally felt a little bit puzzled in his heart. If it was as she said, if he had a boyfriend who cared for her, why didn't he look happy at this moment...

Instead, it's more like...

Drink away your worries.

Two people have their own concerns, sitting together drinking wine.But they didn't know that the host of this banquet was staring at them on the second floor, with such deep and cold eyes, like ice blades in the cold winter, full of lethality with just one glance.

He didn't know who the man sitting next to Song Luoyu on the first floor was, but he clearly remembered that the man who was with her was not him.

The big hands on the fence tightened slightly, and he found that he was becoming less and less able to see through Song Luoyu. He didn't know what kind of attitude she had towards the relationship between men and women in her heart.

Could it be that she is really the kind of skittish girl who likes to wander among men?

For some reason, at this moment, he couldn't help but think of the night before yesterday when he kissed her in her room and was slapped by her...

"Jin Shao, congratulations, from now on the entire Jin family will still be ruled by the Jin family."

A soft voice came from beside him, sweet and elegant, the man turned his head away, and as expected, it was Feng Jingxian who came.

Today she is wearing a light pink dress, which seems to have aged a little, looking elegant and beautiful.

It's just that for some reason, the Song Luoyu I saw just now came to my mind. She only wore a simple and elegant white dress, but her skin didn't look dark at all under the light. She was born with a cool fair skin, with delicate and smooth skin. There are advantages to wearing almost anything.There is no need to avoid certain colors and shapes when choosing clothing.

"Thank you."

After all, he pulled the corner of his lower lip indifferently, responding to her words.

However, Feng Jingxian didn't seem to notice that he didn't care, she still walked to the position next to him, like a hostess, and looked down at all the guests with him.

"Yan Dong, we will be very happy when we get married in the future, right?"

Feng Jingxian saw Song Luoyu following his line of sight just now, she clenched her hands slightly after all, but she still smiled gracefully and asked quietly.Like I don't know anything.

And at this moment, when the man heard her words, after all, the affection in his pupils froze slightly.He stared at everything in front of him, but in the bottom of his heart he was thinking about her sentence [we will get married from now on].

Could it be that at the beginning of next month, he is really going to marry this woman beside him?

At this moment, something should be certain, but for some reason, there is a subconscious sense of rejection, which radiates from the inside out...

"Yan Dong, you love me, right?"

Feng Jingxian beside her was silent for a while, but suddenly asked this sentence, the man was slightly startled at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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