Chapter 479
Song Luoyu laughed lightly when he heard the words, always felt that Shen Ran was worrying unnecessarily, but at the moment he also understood that she was doing it for his own good, so he didn't say anything.

It's just that in the future, she will not let others have the opportunity to hurt her again.If there is no one to protect her, then she will be her own armor.Not afraid of hardships, not afraid of wind and rain.
Jin Yandong and Feng Jingxian's marriage date is approaching, and the two are attracting much attention. No matter what they do, a little trouble can be on the hot search.

And this day, another piece of news about them topped the hot search list!

【According to the insider of the hospital, No. 15 Jin Yandong accompanied Feng Jingxian to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital last month. Behind the story of the gifted man and the beautiful woman is the marriage of the son? 】

After this news came out, it can be said to have caused a big sensation, and various newspapers rushed to report it, and many photos of the "pregnant hammer" were released.

The recent Feng Jingxian in the picture is basically wearing loose clothing, which is quite different from her previous style of tight and protruding clothing, and when she was in the crowd, she was photographed several times protecting her stomach. These evidences, one by one, It seems to confirm the fact that Feng Jingxian is pregnant!
When Song Luoyu saw the news, even though she had expected it in her heart, she still couldn't control her heartache after all, especially when she saw all the blessings and praises about their news on the social network, she finally felt that her heart wanted to be grabbed With a glance, there was a silent pain, which almost buried her whole body...

"Oh my god! Jin Yandong, my god! He has a child with another woman so soon!"

"It turns out that the wedding was held so soon after she was pregnant!"

"However, I think the two of them are a good match. Whether it's family background or appearance, they are a perfect match!"


There was a lot of discussion around, Song Luoyu felt suffocated, he quickly packed up his things and even Shen Ran left in a hurry.

"Luoyu! What's wrong with you?! Wait for me!"

Shen Ran's voice came from behind, but at this moment, she seemed to ignore it and walked extremely fast.

The little hand tightened the strap of the backpack, her heart seemed to be torn apart, she didn't want to hear anything about them anymore, she felt that she would go crazy sooner or later! -
In the beautiful open-air restaurant, the woman curled up her elegant slender legs while flipping through the messages on her mobile phone, her red lips slightly curled up.

Now the Internet is full of news about her and Jin Yandong, and many friends have come to congratulate her. It seems that the overall situation has been settled, and she will be the heroine of the Jin family in the future!

"Miss Feng, are you still satisfied? Now the whole country and even overseas people know about your affairs, which has a great impact, and most people are praising you as a talented scholar and beautiful lady, you are well-matched!"

The woman with black-rimmed glasses on the opposite side smiled and looked at her with a flattering expression.

After the words were finished, Feng Jingxian just slightly raised the corners of her lips, raised her red wine glass and toasted, "Satisfied, why are you not satisfied? Don't worry, I in your studio will invest a large sum of money , to keep you with sufficient liquidity.”

"Oh, that's so kind! Miss Feng, thank you so much, you are so kind-hearted! No wonder you can marry into Jin's family!"

The woman was very happy, and Man Ye raised his wine glass to toast her, feeling very happy.

But Feng Jingxian didn't have much of a nature. Now that the matter was done, she probably didn't have any worries or worries.

 Thank you cute [Yu Qi] for voting for a monthly ticket, love you~
(End of this chapter)

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