Chapter 105 The Unconventional Indulgence

Xin Nuan looked at Ji Jinnian in surprise, reached out and gently pulled the hem of his clothes, signaling him not to continue talking.

From her point of view, the current atmosphere is very bad.He is not in the kind of situation where he can offend people at will. It is hard for him to successfully premiere the radio program.

But he turned a blind eye to her hint and continued.

"It doesn't matter how you insult me. Anyway, since I fell from the cloud, I have gotten used to it. But now, for me, the red butterfly is like a family, and the people inside have become my family. So, Do you know what kind of mistake you made just now? No matter how much you don’t want to see me, you should at least maintain basic etiquette to Ye Li and the other people in Red Butterfly.”

When Ji Jinnian stopped, the other party froze there, speechless for a moment.

But the silence lasted only for a moment.Immediately, a voice said, "It's a big joke to talk about lowering the style. As a leader of the radio station, belittling competitors like this is simply the most tasteless thing. There is no style at all."

With the beginning, the other staff of Red Butterfly immediately echoed, talking about Xiao Yanran one after another, and the discussion became more and more intense.

The other party immediately yelled over, "Since you dare to do it, why don't you allow others to say it? What Director Xiao said is right in the first place, and it is perfect to apply to you group of people."

Hearing this, Red Butterfly's staff immediately fought back.

In short, the two sides' words were extremely fierce, and it seemed that they would do anything to trample each other under their feet.

Xinnuan was originally powerless to deal with such a situation, and within a few minutes, he felt his head hurting again, and wanted to leave this place quickly, but he couldn't get away from it when things developed to this point.Moreover, as Ji Jinnian said, from the moment they were successfully admitted, the two of them were already tightly bound to Red Butterfly.

Therefore, she cannot just be a quiet bystander.Join now.

In fact, Xin Nuan is indeed a person who does not quarrel.Moreover, in these years, because of the presence of Su Ancheng, she did not have that opportunity.Because Su Ancheng really protected her very well.But I don't know if she was infected by other people, or she wanted to take this opportunity to vent out her recent depressed mood. In short, she became very strange, not like herself at all.She yelled at the other party like a madman who lost her mind. What's even more funny was that she couldn't even remember what she had yelled after the yelling.

Afterwards, whenever Ji Jinnian brought up that passage, she was eager to dig a hole to get in.

These people looked quiet and elegant on the surface, but none of them were fuel-efficient when they quarreled, as if the quarrel would not stop until they could win or lose.

Later, everyone was not satisfied with verbal quarrels, and began to use hands and feet.Xinnuan didn't pay attention to who did it first. Anyway, everyone quickly huddled together, completely forgetting their identities, and tearing each other up without any image.

"Your sister, since you dare to hit our boss."

"Dead woman, you are quite courageous. Come here for me."

"Okay, let's decide the outcome here today!"

Some kicked vigorously with their feet, some grabbed their hair with their hands, some scratched each other's face with their fingernails, some directly hit them with their heads, and some even used the cosmetics in their bags as weapons.

In short, there are 8 words that can describe the situation at that time very aptly, full of gunpowder and bloody.

At that time, there were other people in the night snack bar. They were frightened by the fierce scene, and left in a hurry without even caring about finishing their food.

Seeing the customers leaving one after another, the owner of the night snack shop finally couldn't stand it anymore, and politely invited everyone out of the night snack shop.

As everyone walked out, they choked on each other, "Let's go out and continue."

"Okay, who's afraid of who!"

A large group of people fought from inside the store to outside the store in a hurry.

Just found an excellent location - an empty square, and when they were about to do their best, someone felt that the atmosphere was not right.The sound, the bad sound, was a police car.Daringly, the shop owner called the police just now?
When it was confirmed that the approaching sound was indeed the siren, everyone hurriedly stopped, and people on both sides ran away in different directions.

Xin Nuan also ran with everyone, and she didn't feel any pain when her face was scratched by the opponent's fingernails during the tugging just now.In the night, in the cool evening wind, I ran vigorously, running like this, it seemed that all the unhappy things were left behind.

I don't know how long it took to run, but Xinnuan realized that she was being dragged away by someone.

The person holding her hands was Ji Jinnian.

Although at first it was a conditioned reflex to run with everyone, but in fact, I felt that power deep in my heart!Because I knew it was him, I was so desperate, no matter how dark the front was, it seemed that as long as I had him, I would never get lost.Full of peace of mind, that is the feeling.

Everyone was out of breath when they stopped, and they all sat down on the concrete floor.

You look at me, I look at you, and seeing each other's distressed appearance, they all burst out laughing.Immediately turned the body back again, lying side by side on the wide ground.Looking up together, they shouted towards the stars in the night sky.

"It's really fun!"

"That's right, it's been a long time since I've had such a good time!"

"It's time to show those people a long time ago, otherwise we really think that we Red Butterflies are all vegetarians."

"Thank you Ji Jinnian for giving us this opportunity today."

"Yes, after today, you two will be your own people."

Later, whenever I think of that night, I feel very nostalgic in my heart.Because it was a rare time for her to be deviant in these years, and it was because of their presence that she had the opportunity to be so deviant.People, sometimes life is too depressing, and I need such a chance to indulge myself.

Everyone lay on the ground looking at the stars, chatting, singing, and some even picked up the leaves on the ground and played music. At that moment, it seemed that all the troubles disappeared without a trace.

Later, someone suggested that it would be too wasteful not to drink in this atmosphere. Immediately, someone volunteered to raise their hands and said that they were going to buy wine.This voice seems a little strange!When everyone looked over, the first thing they saw was the hair that was as messy as a bird's nest, and then the timid face under the hair.

Looking at the girl who usually has no presence on the radio, everyone suddenly realized that she is actually quite cute.Immediately, a man said that he wanted to go together, and jokingly said what would happen if such a cute girl was abducted.

Everyone laughed in unison.

"go Go!"

 Chen's time is too tight, and this story was updated without a manuscript, and Chen's computer is often broken, so the update of this story is not stable.Sorry for reading the text.However, this article is not on the shelves, and everyone can read it completely for free.Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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