Chapter 107 Everyone Fights for Her
Xinnuan wanted to run away as soon as possible, the sooner the better, she didn't want to go to the entrance and was pulled by a pair of big hands, he pulled her to the sofa and sat down.

"I don't know how many paparazzi are watching outside now, are you sure you're going out alone like this?"


"Please, now my image in everyone's minds is a warm man, a caring boyfriend. But what will everyone think when you go out like this now. They will definitely think that the two of us had a quarrel, and you will leave in anger because I made you angry. Even more exaggerated, the news of our breakup may be published in tomorrow's news. Seeing that my popularity has finally picked up a bit, do you have the heart to let our long-term efforts go to waste?"

yes.After working so hard for so long, seeing the situation gradually improve, how could she destroy it herself?Forget it, just keep pretending, and always have to pay back what you owe him.

"Sorry, I didn't think about it that much."

"Fool, there's nothing to be sorry about. Sit down, I'll make breakfast. Only when you're full can you show your affection."

Seeing him wearing an apron and busying himself in the kitchen, I can't help stretching out my hands with warmth in my heart, is it the false happiness he created that I want to grab hard?
Xinnuan thought that everyone would admit that they were Red Butterflies only when they were touched in the head. Unexpectedly, those people were so affectionate and would do that to protect her.

[Time Walk] became more and more popular, and the program team struck while the iron was hot, inviting prominent figures in the entertainment circle to be the program guests one after another.In the new issue, Anna, who is known as the sexiest female singer in China, is invited.Anna, with beautiful facial features and a first-class figure, is the dream lover of many people. She has been voted by the Internet as the woman men most want to date many times.

Hearing that she agreed to be a guest, many men in the company were in a commotion.They all thought that they must try their best to date the goddess after the show.However, accidents are always unexpected.

In the corridor, Xin Nuan looked at the woman walking side by side with Ji Jinnian in front of her, and silently lowered her head.

Ji Jinnian frowned slightly, every time she saw him with a popular female artist, she always behaved like that.He knew her and why she was like that.But seeing her like that just made him angry.

They are an open couple. What she should do at this time is to walk up to him generously, extend her hand to say hello to him, and at the same time use appropriate language and actions to declare that she is his girlfriend.Instead of acting cowardly and cowardly like now.

Xinnuan thought about simply nodding her head, and calmly passed them.Don't want to be dragged by Ji Jinnian just one step away from them.

"Anna, this is my girlfriend, Lu Xinnuan."

Xin Nuan was about to say hello, but before she could speak, she was preempted by the other party.

"Jinnian, I really didn't expect that since you would let go of a beautiful woman like Yan Qing, you would like a little girl with stunted growth like this." She shook her head repeatedly as she spoke, as if she was too dissatisfied with Xin Nuan.

Xin Nuan subconsciously looked at her own figure, and then at the opponent's.Sure enough, there is no comparison at all.

I guessed in my heart why the guests invited by the show were all goblin-level women, each of whom was higher than the other.Even if her self-esteem is seriously injured, she can't lose her temper.So, he showed a smile that he thought was very sweet, and politely reached out to the other party.

"Yes, that's what you said. Miss Anna, nice to meet you."

The other party didn't reach out, and Xinnuan's hand in the air seemed to be a joke.

"I'm not happy to meet you. The vixen who snatches a boyfriend has the nerve to show his affection in front of everyone every now and then. Haven't you heard the famous saying in recent years, 'Show affection, die quickly'?"

"Anna, that's enough." Ji Jinnian couldn't help but said.But Anna continued to babble.

"Besides, you really think you are so charming. Let me tell you, all the big stars in the entertainment industry are playboys, and no one can get out of the mud. You think Jinnian really likes you, you are too Naive. It’s just that I’m used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, and I want to change some porridge and side dishes, just for fun. When he gets your heart, he will abandon you. You don’t take a mirror to look at yourself, just like you Is it really true that Ji Jinnian will marry you for the first time?"

"Anna, you'd better stop it immediately, otherwise, you will regret it."

Anna snorted coldly, "Why, threaten me? Ji Jinnian, don't forget, you are no longer the superstar who can make all the wind and rain. Don't think that you can be frightened by the popularity of the show you are hosting. Now you and I are completely One in the sky and one in the ground, what are you threatening me with?"

"Enough." Xin Nuan suddenly yelled, causing the other people present to tremble, "Why do you say that about him? For me, he can give up everything he had. How can you say such sincerity? So unbearable? Yes, his current status is not as good as it was back then, but I believe that one day, he will regain what he lost. Because I will always be by his side to support him, no matter whether he is a shining king or a street performer, Never give up."

"Well said, as expected of Lu Xinnuan." A loud applause sounded behind him, and Xinnuan looked back to see Time Walk and the staff of the entire program group showed their appreciation.

The main person in charge of the program gradually approached.

"Anna, I think we need to change the guest of honor this time."

"Just for this shameless woman? Since you replaced me?"

"This woman belongs to our Red Butterfly. Since you can't tolerate her, how can we Red Butterfly tolerate you?"

"Hmph, I don't care for a show that is not popular. But you embarrass me like this today, and I will definitely not make it easier for you. Just wait for me." Anna said through gritted teeth.

Seeing her leave so angrily, Xin Nuan couldn't help feeling worried.

Those in this circle know that Anna is the goddaughter of Li Yuntian, the leading figure in the entertainment industry, so no matter how willful and reckless she is on weekdays, give her a little bit, and dare not offend easily, for fear of losing her job if she is not careful.

"Actually, there's no need to replace Anna because of me, after all, her relationship with Li Yuntian is left there."

"Even if her biological father is the emperor, it's useless. Today she offends Xinnuan you, and she offends our Red Butterfly family. How can we tolerate it? Don't worry, just do a good job with your heart. Although Li Yuntian In the entertainment industry, you can do whatever you want, but as long as you are human, you must have weaknesses. Red Butterfly will definitely be safe."

"Thank you all, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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