Chapter 109 Working Together to Save People ([-])

Don't worry, you'll be fine. "The car was driving quickly on the road, Ji Jinnian held the steering wheel with one hand, and Xin Nuan's trembling hands with the other, trying to calm down some of her anxiety.

"I'm so scared." I'm afraid I can't do anything, just like back then.Back then, Jinnian was undergoing surgery on the operating table, but she couldn't even run back to take a look.She will never experience that feeling of helplessness again.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Don't be afraid, I'm here, what affectionate and warm words.Some people have said that companionship is the longest confession of love.So, how long will he be by her side?
She didn't dare to imagine that deadline, she just wanted to take good care of everything he gave her.

With the exact address, the two quickly found the building where the boy was.Because it is an old-style residential building, there is no elevator installed, and you must climb to the top of the building with the strength of your legs.

"is it okay?"

"Yeah." It's only on the 7th floor, she can definitely do it.

But only arrived on the 5th floor, Xinnuan was already panting and tired, and sweat dripped from his forehead drop by drop.But she still held on to the escalator and worked hard to climb up step by step.

Seeing such a stubborn and warm heart, Jin Nian felt distressed in his heart.That's how he is, soft-hearted for her time and time again.

"Stop and rest for a while!"

"No, he can't wait."

"If you continue like this, you won't be able to stand it."

"I can persevere. There are only 2 floors left. I will definitely persevere until the end. He can't have an accident, no." While saying this, a thought suddenly flashed in Xin Nuan's mind.If she had been so attached to him back then and insisted not to leave no matter what her mother said, what would they look like now?
When he came back to his senses, Ji Jinnian was already in front of her. He looked at her and sighed, "What should I do with you." Then he immediately squatted down in front of her, "Come up, I'll carry you on my back."

carry her?Xinnuan hurriedly shook her head, "No need."

"Be sober, now is not the time to refuse. That boy reminds you of me back then. You didn't stay by my side well back then, and now you must do something for him. Have you forgotten it?"

Xin Nuan was startled, since he knew everything about her thoughts?
"Now I'm giving you this chance, are you sure you don't want it?"

"No, I need it." While speaking, Xin Nuan had already laid on Ji Jinnian's back.

With her on his back, he carefully climbed up as if he was carrying a world on his back, for fear of accidentally bumping into something.Xinnuan lay on his back, watching the sweat dripping from his temples, smelling the smell of his body, feeling full of peace of mind.It turned out that so many years have passed, and the boy she once wanted to protect with all her strength has grown into a big man, a man who can be relied on.

Step by step, the distance of 2 floors, the heart warms and thinks of forever.She hopes that she can have forever with him.

Suddenly, the two had reached the top of the building.Although it was in the darkness, Xin Nuan saw the boy in white clothes standing beside him at first sight.That touch of white is so dazzling and pure in the night.

The wind blew his hair, and the corner of his shirt fluttered in the wind.

It should be a sunny age, but the back view looks so lonely.


Hearing the sound, the boy turned his head.Heartwarming and startling, what a delicate face that is!Like an angel who fell into the world!

"Night talk at zero o'clock, right? I can hear your voice, but I never thought you would find me like that."

"Come here first, okay? Don't stand there, it's dangerous."

The boy laughed, showing a mouthful of neat and white teeth, "Am I standing here to keep myself safe? Don't forget, not long ago, I said that I wanted to die."

"It's not difficult to die. Jumping from where you stand is a hundred and one, but have you ever thought about how many people will be sad for you after you die. The dead don't know anything, and the living are often the most painful Yes. Moreover, jumping from here doesn’t give you the freedom you want, only your mind blooms and your limbs are broken.”

"Why do you dare to say that? They don't care about my life. Even if I die, they won't shed a tear."

"Why do you think so? If they really don't care about you at all, then you shouldn't jump off. It's not worth jumping like this. You have to live better, and then ask the best Why did they abandon you in the first place? Are you willing to die worthlessly like this? If I were, I would never choose this way. "

The boy was silent and didn't answer, the night wind was whistling, making Xin Nuan's heart flutter.

"Although life is often not easy in this world, as long as you are alive, there are countless possibilities in life. If you die, nothing can be changed. Do you understand?"

"What else is possible? My life has reached the most desperate point." The boy took another step forward, Xinnuan lifted his steps and wanted to rush forward desperately when Ji Jinnian grabbed her from behind, Tell her not to be impulsive.

"I can understand your feelings, because I used to stand where you are standing now." As soon as these words came out, both the boy and Xin Nuan were taken aback, especially Xin Nuan, who froze there.

What did he mean when he said he was standing there too?
The boy's body wobbled, "You lied to me."

"Who would make a joke about death? I really stood there, and I will never forget that year. Someone once said that she would always be by my side, but she broke her promise and left I didn't even say goodbye. I didn't even have time to say a word to her. By the way, you should know me! I am Ji Jinnian, who has the voice that many people are obsessed with. But you know? In fact, I have been I'm a mute, and I didn't speak until I had an operation in my teens. It was when I was lying in the operating room that the man quietly left me, and there was no news after that. I was in the same mood as you at that time, It was as if I had been ruthlessly abandoned by the whole world. I also thought about death, and I stood there. But at the moment when my feet stretched forward, I suddenly realized one thing. If I die like this, it will be true. I will never have a chance to see that person again. So I can't do that, I want to live a good life, and then ask that person in person, why did you leave?"

Every word he said touched the hearts of both of them at the same time.

Xin Nuan stood there, listening to him talking about the past, she almost lost her footing and fell to the ground.

Had he really done that for her?Why are you so stupid?What's so great about her, and let him run to commit suicide?

She didn't dare to imagine, if he really jumped down that year, what would happen to her later?But now he is still standing in front of her, what a blessing it is!
"and then?"

"It took me eight years to finally find that person."

"Did you ask? Why did you leave?"


"The results of it?"

"It turns out that she also has a last resort. Many times things are not what we see on the surface. So, don't die. You even have the courage to die. Don't you have the courage to live?"

The boy was a little shaken, and looked at Ji Jinnian in disbelief, it was hard to imagine that a man like him had such a past.Suddenly, his eyes saw Xin Nuan, she was covering her face and crying, she looked so pitiful.

"Sister, why are you crying?"

"Because his story is so touching. You see, brother Ji is a good example. After all, he found the person he wanted to find and asked the question he wanted to ask. So you must be able to do it too." She wiped the corners of her eyes In order to persuade the boy, he had to cooperate with Ji Jinnian in telling insincere lies.

I thought the boy would give up suicide, but I didn't want him to yell at the two of them, "You all lie to me together, it's fake, it's all fake."

"No, it's true, because I'm the one he's been looking for for 8 years. If you don't believe me, you can find the video of his previous press conference. Do you know how regretful I am now? Regret that I left like that, I regret letting him have suicidal thoughts because of himself."

Xinnuan approached step by step, seeing that the boy was about to turn his head, but the moment he turned around, he accidentally stepped on the ground.

"elder sister···"

"No!" Xin Nuan rushed over quickly, grabbing his hands at the last moment when he fell.

"Come on, climb up, you'll be fine." While saying those words, Ji Jinnian had already run over and grabbed the boy's other arm.

"Brother, sister, let go! If you do this again, you will fall together! It's hard for you to meet again, don't let it go because of
I have an accident. "

The two tried their best to prevent the tragedy from happening, smiled at each other, and said in unison in a firm tone, "I will not let go, and I will never let anything happen to you."

Perhaps, as long as a person does one thing with all his strength, there is nothing he cannot do.With the unremitting efforts of the two, the boy was finally pulled up successfully.The three fell to the ground together, weeping with joy at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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