Chapter 125 Let's Get Married

Xin Nuan later realized that he had thought everything too simply.

Su Ancheng and the woman soon went to court, and a custody battle kicked off.Xinnuan originally thought that Su Ancheng would win the case if she had a great advantage, but she missed a very important point.

Mrs. Wilson has a foreign husband who loves her, and the husband is rich, who can give Xiao Jin a good environment to grow up.Although Su Ancheng can also provide Xiao Jin with a superior environment, but he is an unmarried man, which has become the opponent's trump card.

"An unmarried man, no matter how successful his career is, cannot give a child the complete family care he needs. As for the influence of a single-parent family on a child's growth, I think all the judges and the jury here should be very clear about it." Be clear! If you are not clear, these are related reports in recent years, and you can use them as a reference.”

Not long after the information was handed down, there was a lot of discussion in the court.

"These children are so pitiful! If they grow up in a complete family, they won't go astray!"

"That's right! Think about it, just the sensitive term single parent will make children suffer from strange looks in school!"

For a while, most people sided with Wilson, and it was generally believed that a single-parent family could not make children happy.The court did not give a final judgment immediately, but decided to make a second trial in 3 days.

At the gate of the court, Mrs. Wilson smiled triumphantly at Suancheng.

"I said, I will desperately get Xiao Jin."

"I also said that I will not give up Xiaojin to you. There is no final judgment yet, and I will do everything I can to keep her by my side."

"Okay, let's wait and see!"

Xin Nuan sat in the co-pilot, looking at Su Ancheng who was working hard but pretended nothing had happened, felt very uncomfortable.

How she wished that he could express his truest emotions like others, instead of disguising himself as a hard rock.

"Don't tell Xiaojin what happened in the court today, I'm afraid she will be worried."


After getting off the car, Xiao Jin strode towards the two of them and threw herself into Su Ancheng's arms.

"Dad, Xiao Jin won't leave Dad, right?"

Su Ancheng pressed her little nose, "Of course, you are Dad's little princess, so Dad is reluctant to let you go!"

"Well, I want to be my father's little princess all my life."

What a beautiful picture!Xin Nuan can't imagine what will happen if Xiao Jin is really sentenced to Wilson Su'an City!

Although he looks so strong, she knows that Xiao Jin and herself are the most vulnerable places in his heart.

Thinking about it carefully, in these years, whenever she was sick, he was by his side to take care of her in every possible way, and when she was sad, he always comforted her very gently, but she did so little for him.

She knows what he wants most, but she can't give it to him, so she has been thinking about how to repay it.

After lunch, Xiao Jin was lulled to sleep by Su Ancheng singing nursery rhymes, sat beside her for a while, then went downstairs to the yard,
A person stared blankly at the small fish in the pond.

Xinnuan looked at his lonely back, and felt that it was time for her to repay.She walked over, knelt down in front of him and held his hands, "Don't worry, no one can take Xiao Jin away from you."

He stared blankly at the hands holding him.In her memory, she never seemed to take the initiative to do such an intimate action.

Still continuing to search for similar scenes in her memory, she made another action that shocked him.She stood up, bent down, and hugged him gently.

"I will do everything I can to keep Xiaojin by your side."


"Let's get married!"

Su Ancheng broke free from the warm embrace and looked at her in disbelief.Suddenly, he reached out and shook her arms vigorously.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Heartwarming, don't make such jokes with me."

"Do I look like I'm joking? Su Ancheng, I'm sorry, but I can't give you the same love. The only thing I can do for you now is to become your wife and prevent Xiaojin from being snatched away by anyone."

"I don't want to get married in this way. If you still can't fall in love with me, don't force yourself to marry me. To love someone is to make the other person happy unconditionally. I don't want to see you unhappy."

"But you have no other choice now! Su Ancheng, the most important thing to you is me and Xiaojin. You can't get my heart, don't you want to lose Xiaojin together now? That's for you It's too cruel, I don't want it. Even if I don't love you, I don't want to see you in that pain. So let's get married! Just for Xiaojin!"

Su Ancheng sighed deeply, "If it was before, I could accept your proposal, because even if you don't love me now, I can spend my whole life trying to make you fall in love with me. But it's different now. Ji Jinnian has publicly told You proposed, and you agreed. You have already obtained the happiness you want, how could I make you lose everything that is hard-won for myself. "

"No more, everything is completely over. There is no so-called happiness. Ji Jinnian and I are just a ridiculous joke. We can never be together again, forever."

"Heart warm???" What happened between the two of them.Why did you look warm and happy two days ago, and everything became like this in a blink of an eye?
"There's no need to say anything more, I've already made up my mind. Marry me! For Xiaojin and for me."

"Okay, I promise."

"Also, help me hold a press conference in your company. I need to explain to everyone about my engagement with Ji Jinnian."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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