Chapter 127 Wedding
Two days later, there was a sensational wedding in the whole city.

Many guests were present that day, and fiery red rose petals covered both sides of the red carpet.

Xin Nuan walked onto the red carpet in a flawless white wedding dress accompanied by a beautiful wedding march, and Xiao Jin held flowers in front of her with a happy face.On the other hand, Su Ancheng stood at the other end of the red carpet in a perfectly tailored tuxedo, and the emotions in his eyes were somewhat incomprehensible to the guests present.

But Xin Nuan knew what was contained in it.

Looking forward to, looking forward to her becoming his bride.

Worried, worried that she would regret today's decision.

And give her the chance to leave now if she regrets it.

She smiled at him and walked slowly towards him.If you can't give love, give it something else!As long as she can give, she will definitely work hard.

It was getting closer and closer to Su Ancheng, and he was about to hold her hand.Suddenly, a sharp voice sounded from the crowd.

"What, Ji Jinnian committed suicide by slashing his wrist. He is in critical condition and is being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment? My God, yes, I'll come over right away!"

For a moment, as if the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the flowers in Xinnuan's hand fell to the ground, and the whole person almost lost his balance and fell.

The whole scene suddenly exploded like a pot, and the crowd boiled up.

"Ji Jinnian committed suicide because of this woman?"

"Otherwise what else could be the reason?"

"Ji Jinnian committed suicide, but she is still happily married here, that's too bad!"

Once again, she became the target of public criticism.Most of the people present were guests, and at most they only said a few words verbally.But Ji Jinnian's fans are different.

Immediately, a large number of people rushed into the venue, and even the security guards couldn't stop them.

"Lu Xinnuan, come out!" A woman stood in the middle and shouted.

Xin Nuan rushed in front of those people regardless of Su Ancheng's stop.

"How is he? Is he okay?" Her face was paler than a ghost, and her voice trembled outrageously.

Suddenly, a tomato fell on Xin Nuan's face, it was sticky, and immediately water slid down the face.Immediately afterwards, eggs, vegetables, and things kept hitting her.

Su Ancheng hurriedly ran forward to hug her, "Fool, why don't you run away?"

She struggled desperately in his arms.

Sensing the powerful force in his arms, Su Ancheng looked down at her in disbelief, "Heart warm??"

Her voice was already hoarse, "Let go of me, please let me go. Just let me bear all this! Compared with his pain, these are nothing!" Said.

"What's the matter with him? Huh? Please tell me. Will you? Please."

"What qualifications do you have to control him? You are responsible for his suicide. You are a disaster."

"You shameless woman! You've hurt Ah Nian so much, and you're still crying like a mouse here. How can you be so shameless!"

"I'm going to find him, I'm going to find him." Xin Nuan kept repeating this sentence in her mouth, she desperately wanted to squeeze out, but those people kept blocking her in every possible way, just not letting her go .

"Please, let me meet him." In the crowd, Xin Nuan fell to the ground.Even though she was in such a mess, things kept throwing at her.Except for some people who were attacking Xinnuan, others were destroying the wedding scene.

Within a few minutes, the scene was in chaos.

Su Ancheng originally wanted to call the police, but Xin Nuan kept begging and begging so hard that he didn't do that.

Seeing such a scene, the surrounding guests were frightened.

Seeing Xinnuan being hurt like that, Su Ancheng's whole heart seemed to be bleeding.My heart is warm, why do you bother to wrong yourself like that.

"Xiao Jin, go home and wait for Dad, okay?"

"Father, you must take good care of Xinnuan's mother." Although, she had a premonition that Xinnuan's mother might not be her Xinnuan's mother again.

After telling the assistant to send Xiaojin home, Su Ancheng suddenly shouted at the crowd.

"Enough, stop it all. If you continue to make trouble, believe it or not, I can let you all enter the police station."

In everyone's impression, Su Ancheng has always been gentle and humble, and he was a little scared by his appearance for a moment, and they were all stunned.

Su Ancheng quickly walked up to Xin Nuan, picked her up, who was covered in things all over her body, and strode out of the wedding scene.

(End of this chapter)

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