Superstar Gossip: The King's Heart Attack

Chapter 32 Childhood Memories

Chapter 32 Childhood Memories
Li Xiaocao was an unblessed child from birth.

When my mother was pregnant with her, she went to the temple with her father to tell her fortune. The hostess in the temple said that her mother's baby was very likely to be a boy.Everyone in the family had great hopes for her birth, but they didn't want to give birth to a girl in October.The family was disappointed, and her father even gave her an extremely humble name in the eyes of the villagers - Li Xiaocao.But Xiaocao didn't think so, she thought the name Xiaocao was actually very good.

Although humble, it is not fragile.Wind and rain will not hurt her, she will only grow stronger in the wind and rain.On the contrary, the seemingly robust trees are sometimes broken by violent wind and rain.

Xiaocao knew at a very young age that everyone in the family hated her except the mother who gave birth to her and the third sister who was ruthlessly sent away.Her father named her casually, and her grandparents have never hugged her since she was born, and her father often refused to give her food.

Many times when she came back from work, she ran into the kitchen with nothing left, but there were leftovers in the dog trough next to her.At that time, she would wipe her face and tell herself not to cry.She is a grass, a strong grass.

Mom would walk up to her suddenly and hand her a bowl full of vegetables and rice.

Looking at her mother, she felt satisfied.No matter how hard life is, at least she still has her mother, and her mother will not leave her alone.

But every time she just took a few bites, that man would appear ferociously, throw the bowl in her hand on the ground, and yell at her, "Eat, eat, what are you eating? You still have the face to eat? What do you say?" What can I do if I raise you? Raising you is better than raising a dog!"

After he was 2 years old, Xiaocao called him that man in his heart.Dad?She has no father.

Growing up in such a family, Xiaocao matured earlier than many children of the same age.

At first she was still trying to understand that man, thinking from his standpoint, she thought it would be a son, but she would be angry if she didn't know it was a daughter again.But the more time passed, she felt that he was clearly ill, and he was already dying.

Regardless of whether she is a man or a woman, she is always his daughter, how can he treat her like a puppy?

When she was 6 years old, Xiaocao stood in the yard wearing tattered coarse clothes, and saw the neighbor's children carrying new schoolbags and wearing colorful new clothes, happily going to school, and was very envious.I couldn't help but say to my mother, "I want to go to school too."

Those words were heard by the father who had just returned from working in the field. He waved the hoe in his hand viciously and shouted, "Study? What do you read? Work hard for me, lose money!"

Mom quickly stood in front of her, "Be careful, what if you hurt Xiaocao?"

The man cursed loudly, "For a loser like her, one less is one."

"She is your daughter!"

"You still have the nerve to say that what I want is a son, but you still gave birth to a daughter for me. Why is your stomach so unbearable? Do you want our old Li family to have no descendants? Did you do it on purpose? Ah?"

Mom kept waving her hands and tried to deny, "I didn't, I didn't."

The man threw the hoe aside vigorously, Xiao Caoben thought that he could finally catch his breath, but he immediately picked up a slender bamboo stick from the ground beside him, strode towards her and her mother, and the bamboo stick fell straight on her A strong pain hit her from behind, and Xiaocao clenched her teeth.

Dad cursed while beating, "You lose money, why don't you die? Since you were born as a daughter, why didn't you die? What are you doing alive?"

The mother threw herself on Xiaocao, tightly protecting Xiaocao in her arms like a hen guarding her chicks, and let the bamboo sticks beat her weak body one after another.

Xiaocao couldn't remember how many times the man hit him, but he might have been tired at the end, so he threw away the wooden stick and went into the house.

Mother held Xiaocao's thin body tightly in her arms, gently stroked Xiaocao's hair with her callused hands, and murmured softly.

"Daughter, it's my mother who made you suffer so much at such a young age. Not only can you not go to school, but you have to work every day to endure your heartless father."

Xiaocao raised her head and looked at her mother who already had white hair and wrinkles, feeling very distressed.Although he is only a few years old, there is a stubbornness beyond his actual age in his eyebrows and eyes.

"Mom, don't say that. Xiaocao is okay, really. When I grow up, I will definitely take you out of this ruthless home and let you live a happy life."

As soon as the words were finished, her mother coughed heavily several times. Xiaocao thought that maybe the weather had changed too frequently recently, and her mother caught cold, so she hurriedly took off her coat and covered her body.

"What a good boy. But I don't want you to grow up so hard. I want you to have a happy childhood like other children. Trust me, I will find a way to let you have that kind of life, trust me. "

Mom did keep her promise.

Not long after that man's beating and scolding, Xiaocao's mother secretly took Xiaocao out of the house while there was no one at home, and even packed all Xiaocao's clothes with her.

"Mom, where are you taking me? Why are there only my things and yours? If you want to leave that home, let's go together, and I don't want to leave you alone."

"My dear daughter, I heard from my mother that I absolutely cannot leave. After all, I am also the daughter-in-law of the Li family, and I cannot leave that family alone. Besides, most of my life has passed, and I have survived the ups and downs. It's nothing I can't get through it. But you are different. You are still so young and your life has just begun. I will never allow your future to be destroyed in that home. I am already very guilty of not being able to protect your three sisters. I must let you leave. I Now send you to Uncle Ji’s house in the next village. They are rich and just lack a daughter. The most important thing is that the family is very kind. You will never be wronged if you go. I talked to them some time ago However, I will treat you as my own after you go. You can study, do what you want, and have a good life waiting for you."

On the road that said whether it was long or short, my mother kept talking, explaining this and that.In Xiaocao's impression, she has always been reticent, a middle-aged woman who is used to silence and patience.But at this time, my mother suddenly seemed to have endless things to say, and it seemed that she would never have a chance to talk to Xiaocao again.

(End of this chapter)

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