Chapter 85 Radio Interview
Chapter 85 Radio Interview

Although she had already expected that she and Jinnian would become the topic of the day, Xin Nuan did not expect it to be so serious.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the station, they were surrounded by a group of men and women.Everyone, you talk to each other, and every sentence you ask is sharper than one sentence.

"Ji Jinnian, what kind of mood did you two take to participate in the selection? You think the sensation is not big enough, do you want to cause a bigger commotion in the entertainment industry?"

"Compared with everyone else, what do you think your advantages are? Are you thicker than others?"

"Lu Xinnuan, you snatched Ji Jinnian from Yan Qing, are you impatient to show off to the world? Why, do you think you are amazing? Yes, you can be so shameless
It is indeed a skill. "

"I really don't understand, how can you be so shameless, since you are here to participate in the [Zero Night Talk] anchor selection competition."

"That's right, if I had already found a hole in the ground to hide, how could I still have the courage to meet people!"

Xin Nuan was forced to step back step by step, if Ji Jinnian hadn't held her, she would have fallen to the ground already.He firmly guarded Xin Nuan behind his back, "I have already publicly explained and apologized for the matter between me and Xin Nuan at the previous press conference. I know it must be difficult for everyone to accept now, but I hope we can give the two of us a chance, and time will tell. everything."

But how could everyone let them go so easily, and kept asking, until a sweet voice not far away interrupted their questioning.

"Have all the contestants arrived?"

Xin Nuan looked up and saw the owner of the voice.Seeing that she is only in her 20s, she exudes an extraordinary aura, no, it should be called aura. Everyone present was attracted by her and stared at her blankly.

The woman scanned all the people present, "Everyone who has arrived, follow me!"

Everyone followed the woman's footsteps to a large room, and the lights in the center of the room were extremely gorgeous and poured down.And sitting under that dazzling light were three people who looked completely different.

A man in a black suit, with an expression on his face that matched his outfit—all quite serious.

The other man has a completely different style, the clothes on his body are quite fashionable and trendy, and the smile on his face is unrestrained.

Although the styles are different, it cannot be denied that both of them have a very good face.Sitting between the two men was a woman with an extremely delicate face.

Not only the women present who came for the interview, Lan Duan, Qing Jiujiu, but even the current top divas, few of them could match the beauty of the woman in front of them.

Question marks popped up in everyone's mind.who is she?Why has such a stunning woman never appeared in a magazine?

"I knew that this woman would definitely make the situation like this. As expected, as expected..." Looking at everyone's shocked and curious eyes, the charming man opened his mouth.

The man in the formal suit didn't answer, just smiled faintly, reached out and flipped through the documents in front of him, and paused thoughtfully when he turned to the resumes of Ji Jinnian and Lu Xinnuan.

"I know that I am beautiful, but you will not forget the purpose of coming here today, right? I am very fair. Don't think that a few compliments will make me merciful. Everyone should understand me when I say this Right? The selection this time will be more rigorous than ever before, I hope everyone is mentally prepared."

The man next to him knocked on the table, "Ali, don't you realize that your beauty doesn't match what you said? To be honest, this is the first time I've met such an interesting woman like you."

Hearing this, the man in the suit suddenly said, "Ou Yanan, we are interviewing now, please put away your vagabond appearance."

"Wu Xiansen, you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

"Okay, you two, stop fighting. OK, let's start the formal interview now! From now on, I will give you a detailed introduction to the rules of the radio anchor selection competition. I hope you can listen carefully."

After the woman's explanation, everyone has a more detailed understanding of the selection.

You know, in this building, the previous anchors were all graduates of famous media universities, or they were already famous in the industry, and they had never openly recruited anchors to the public.The radio station's ingenuity to conduct such an open selection contest this time has undoubtedly met with many doubts from the outside world.

And when the public learned that Ji Jinnian, the protagonist of the recent headlines, competed with Lu Xinnuan, their doubts became stronger. Doing so was undoubtedly a self-defeating sign.

However, a small number of people think that [Red Butterfly Radio] has been committed to creating the most humane program for many years, and has an extraordinary status in the broadcasting industry. What are the consequences.Since they dared to do this, they must have already thought of a plan to deal with it.

Seems like the most reasonable explanation, but it's not.

Director Bai Li, who had just returned to China from abroad, gave answers to reporters' questions on the second day after the selection competition officially started.

She smiled sweetly, "Everyone knows that [Red Butterfly Radio] has long wanted to become the most humane radio station in China. For this goal, we have been working hard. And this anchor selection competition is just to tell everyone that as long as If you have a dream, you can join us. Regarding Ji Jinnian and Lu Xinnuan, since we want to become the most humane radio station in China, we must be humane, fair to everyone, and never look at anyone with colored glasses .doesn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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