Chapter 158 Chase, Desperately!
It's really hard to guess blindly at this time.

The most important thing is that no matter Rong Yujin, Xiang Ye or Bo Yanhuai present, to be honest, none of them could be said to know Duan Jiaoyang well, because Duan Jiaoyang didn't spend much time with them.

The ones who stayed the most were Shi Chen and Ning Feiyang, and these two people are not here.

"This jade is very important to her." Xiang Ye also spit out this sentence, "We all know it, look around."

Everyone wants to know what news this jade wants to convey as soon as possible, for fear of missing the best chance of rescue.

Rong Yujin kept rubbing Mo Yu with his hands, thinking deeply about something, but... still no results.

"Did you think of anything?" Xiang Ye saw that he was thinking seriously.

This time, he didn't even think about whether the relationship between Rong Yujin and Duan Jiaoyang was so deep, and even hoped that they would go deeper, so that they could know what Duan Jiaoyang was thinking.

Rong Yu shook his head.

"Perhaps..." Bo Yanhuai said.

Both eyes turned to him.

"Baa-baa just wanted to tell us that she is here."

"..." If that's the case, then she doesn't need to throw such important jade away.

Got nothing.

"There's news from the traffic department." Xiang Ye's expression changed suddenly, "Two matching models were found [-] kilometers away from here."

It will only waste time to stay here, it is better to check those two cars directly.


The siren sounded from far to near, and the faces of the people in the car changed.

"It's the traffic police." The person sitting in the passenger seat said.

"Get rid of."

"You are crazy, this is not a remote place, do you want us to expose?"

"Do you think we haven't been exposed?" The man driving the car showed a stern look, "If we solve it, we still have a chance, if we don't solve it, we will have no chance, and we will be punished severely if we go back."

The words successfully convinced the person sitting in the co-pilot, "Okay, then..."

"Urgent notification Urgent notification, there was a shooting on section X."

When Rong Yujin and the others were rushing to the car for investigation, they suddenly heard that a shooting had occurred five kilometers away from the car.

Intuition told him that this could not be a coincidence.

Sending Xiang Ye to stay behind, he took his men and Bo Yanhuai to the road where the accident happened.

The law and order here has always been very good. It is absolutely abnormal for such a case to happen so suddenly.

Everyone in the car is equipped with a weapon.
He looked at Bo Yanhuai...

"Although I have a license to hold a gun, I can use others." Bo Yanhuai said seriously.

The car quickly arrived at the scene of the incident.

A police car was parked on the side of the road with its lights still flashing, and the people in the car...

"Front." Bo Yanhuai pointed to the fallen person 50 meters away.

They ran up, there were two traffic policemen, one was already...

"This one still has signs of life."

"...They're not...normal...normal." The traffic policeman woke up, and there was a pause in his words.


"Foreigners, they"

"The car model is...the license plate number..." After the traffic policeman said the best basic information, he finally passed out unbearably.

"I'll go after it." Rong Yujin arranged for people to stay, so that only he and Bo Yanhuai were left.

"I'll go with you." Bo Yanhuai said.

10 minutes later

"What to do, there are checkpoints ahead, and police officers..."

"Rush over." The driver should be crazy, "Get off the highway at the intersection ahead."

Rong Yujin drove the car at a super high speed, and Bo Yanhuai, who was sitting in the passenger seat, felt a little nauseous.

He, he felt that he was not riding in a car, but a rocket.

"Bang bang bang." When the sound came from a distance, Rong Yujin kicked the gas station to the end.

"Rong... Rong... Yu Jin, slow down, slow down." He had never been in such a fast car.

Rong Yujin didn't talk to Bo Yanhuai at all.

Yao watched the car in front of him forcefully drive past despite the police's obstruction, and it was even more impossible for him to stop.


The tire was punctured.

The car that was going down at a high speed almost flicked its tail unsteadily, but he steadfastly steadied it.

The police officer stared at him with a weapon, "Come down."

"I'm Rong Yujin, the leader of the special operations team."

As soon as the police verified it, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Rong, the incident happened suddenly..."

Rong Yujin didn't have time to listen to the explanation, "Give me a car." Their current car had a punctured tire.

"Motorcycles." Bo Yanhuai pointed to the two motorcycle police cars in front, and then looked at the police, "Is their car not impaled?"

"It should have been stuck, but I don't know the situation..." Neither Rong Yujin nor Bo Yanhuai heard the words clearly, they got on the motorcycle with perfect understanding, and then roared away.

"The tire is punctured, what should I do?" The mood of the passenger in the co-pilot became more and more unstable.

He felt that those two companions should be in danger, so what about himself?

Can I leave the country?

Can you take Duan Jiaoyang to leave the country?
If he can't, he will be miserable himself.

"Are you crazy?" The driver glared fiercely at the co-driver, "You can drive 100 kilometers even if you stick it."

The run-flat tires already have such a function, but they are currently running for their lives. It is estimated that at the current speed of wear, it is barely enough to drive to 30 kilometers.

Before that, quickly get rid of the people who are following you.

I looked in the rearview mirror a little distractedly...

Two motorcycle police cars chased after him desperately.

"Kill them." The driver gave the order.

At this time, there is no choice.

But do they think Rong Yujin and the others are ordinary police officers?
Steadily avoiding the impact, Rong Yujin directly chose to fight back.

Looking at Rong Yujin's handsome and ruthless posture, Bo Yanhuai wanted to say, what a man.

Because Duan Jiaoyang was still in the car, Rong Yujin didn't dare to force the other party to death, but just wanted to force them to stop.

However, the other party was like a desperado, and did not appreciate Rong Yujin's "generosity" to them at all.

Rong Yujin hit their tires one after another, but it was still far away from being forced to stop.

At this moment, Bo Yanhuai accelerated, holding an iron rod in his hand...

A stick smashed the window glass.

He froze for a moment.

Why is there no senior sister?

"Baa baa is not in the car." Bo Yanhuai froze for a moment, and was thrown a little far away.

After catching up with Rong Yujin, he shouted, "What's going on?"

"How is it possible..." Hearing this, Rong Yujin almost wanted to stop the car in an emergency.

Isn't the sun in this car?
Could it be the other party's trick?
But his intuition told him that it was impossible.

At this point, it is impossible to stop the car.

"Bang." The car lost control and hit the railing directly.

The two didn't have time to talk anymore, because the other party was already fully fired.

And reinforcements will take some time.

Fortunately, emergency traffic control has been carried out on the road section, and there are no other vehicles passing by on the road section in the same direction, and only gunshots like those in movies are heard on the opposite road section.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooo." Police cars arrived one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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