Chapter 104 Rat Transformers

"What the hell is this? It can even transform into a gigantic one. A real-life Transformer." Clearly seeing the process of the bone demon mice gathering and merging, Zhuang Xiaoyuan really had the urge to curse.

You said that the past few days have been really unlucky, there are evil gods invading, evil monsters and beasts, earth-digging level evil spirits and emperor level evil gods.After finally finding some fetish, I thought it was a lucky time, but I didn't expect that there was a big boss waiting for me in the end.

"The ice roars." Although he secretly sighed at his bad luck, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't intend to sit still.Not being good at speed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't escape the bone demon's pursuit, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan could only reduce the speed of the enemy to distance himself from the bone demon.

As the frozen aurora shot at the head of the big mouse bone demon, the big mouse's head was frozen, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan took the opportunity to stay away from the big bone demon's bloody mouth.Unexpectedly, the changes after the big bone demon once again let Zhuang Xiaoyuan see what fusion transformation is.

I saw that the frozen part of the big bone demon's face suddenly turned into frozen small bone demons and fell to the ground, and lost the area around the face, countless small bone demons squirmed quickly, filling up the gap that the bone demon lacked. piece.There is no need to fight at all, unless all the small bone demons are wiped out in an instant, otherwise this big bone demon will be regenerated forever.

Seeing the abnormal resilience of this big bone demon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also put out the idea of ​​confronting it head-on.Start working hard.Lead the big bone demon back and forth in the DC area, and when it is about to be overtaken, it will let out a icy roar, making the bone demon pause for a while, and take the opportunity to distance itself.For a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reluctantly led the big bone demon around the DC area a few times.

But this is not a long-term solution after all, with the use of Ice Roar, the divine power in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body is also rapidly depleted, needless to say the consequences of running out of divine power will definitely be overtaken by it.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan wasn't running for his life, he was just delaying time.

After a few laps around the DC area, Zhuang Xiaoyuan controlled the frozen puppet and used the ice roar to stop the big bone demon again.Adjust the direction and fly towards the west with all your strength.

Noticing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had changed direction, the big bone demon did not hesitate at all, and followed a sharp turn to chase after him.One is in the sky, one is on the ground, one is in the front and the other is behind, one is advancing rapidly in the open space, and the other is rampaging on the complex ground, smashing through countless buildings and chasing after it.

After crossing most of the city, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw the truck parked in the middle of the west gate.Probably also noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arrival, and the big bone demon behind her who is full of presence.The army green truck started to move, heading straight to the west.At a distance of several hundred meters, the speed of the truck has been directly increased to the limit.

"Come back, icy puppet." Flying over the truck, Zhuang Xiaoyuan retracted the icy puppet and flew into the truck's passenger seat.

"Xiaoyuan, let's change seats. You drive. I'll speed up." Zhuang Xiaoyuan sat in the passenger cab, and Wen Hui breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing the big bone demon chasing closer and closer in the rearview mirror, she originally The relaxed heart lifted up again.Really hot on the heels.

"Okay." With the acceleration of Wen Hui's wind, the speed of the truck can be further improved.After Zhuang Xiaoyuan answered quickly, the two began to exchange places.The speed of the truck suddenly dropped, and the big bone demon behind him chased even closer.

"Step on the gas pedal, we're going to catch up." Wen Hui stuck her head out of the window, watching the big bone demon getting closer, Wen Hui urged Zhuang Xiaoyuan to step on the gas pedal and began to manipulate the wind to accelerate.

"Step on the gas pedal, gas pedal, I can't reach it now." After changing positions, Zhuang Xiaoyuan realized that he was still in Yoshino's transformed state, a pure natural little loli, with short hands and short feet that couldn't be reached at all. The gas pedal under the truck.

"Roar~" The big bone demon had already chased after the truck, and opened its huge bloody mouth to bite the back of the truck.

"Boom." The big bone demon bit empty space.

Realizing that his hands and feet could not reach the accelerator, Zhuang Xiaoyuan resolutely canceled the transformation, and stepped on the accelerator at the very moment. With the help of Wen Huiqingfeng, the truck's speed increased rapidly, and it flew towards the northeast.

"Roar~" The big bone demon who bit the air in one bite would not let it go.The four huge claws waved quickly under the body, chasing after it at a slightly slower speed.

"This guy is still chasing him." Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned depressingly when he noticed a figure he couldn't get rid of in the rearview mirror.This was completely different from what I had expected before. With the speed of those little bone demons before, they would never be able to catch up with the speed of the truck with Wen Hui's help.But this big bone demon, every time it swings its claws, it is several hundred meters. Although the speed is still a little slower, it is not a matter of time to get rid of it.

"Xiaoyuan, ahead." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was troubled by the big bone demon behind him, suddenly looked back and looked forward under Wen Hui's loud reminder, only to realize that there was another huge bone demon in front, but this bone demon It was a huge wild boar, and it was rushing towards this side with two sharp front teeth under its nose.

No, it looks like I accidentally broke into a dangerous area. Generally, the dangerous areas marked in the wild are areas where powerful bone demons, demons or other dangerous creatures are entrenched. Because there is no detailed map marked by dangerous creatures, it can only depend on luck. Going straight to the northeast along the main road, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others undoubtedly broke into the wild boar bone demon's territory.

This time, there are really pigs and rats.Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned the steering wheel violently, and the truck staggered to the left to get out of the way of the wild boar.The ferocious wild boar couldn't hold back and slammed into the big mouse bone demon directly, knocking a huge hole in it.

"The collision was really hard. They should fight." Turning back to the right road, Wen Hui said happily with a smile on his face when he saw the wild boar colliding with the mouse through the rearview mirror.

"It's possible. I don't think it will go so smoothly." Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied, not daring to focus on the back any longer, staring at the front.

"Ah, it's not good, they came after them together." Under Wen Hui's gaze, the wild boar that broke through the bone demon mouse shook its dizzy head, turned around and rushed towards the truck again. The mouse was much faster, surpassing the top speed of the truck at this time.

At the same time, the big mouse that was knocked out of a huge hole quickly recovered from its shattered body, gathered together again and chased after the truck.

(End of this chapter)

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