Chapter 127 Let's Go Together

"I am the examiner for your transfer assessment. My name is Luo Zhongtian. You can call me Mr. Luo. That one is Mr. Mo Wenxuemo who is also the examiner." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze on the opposite side, Luo Zhongtian After introducing himself, he pointed to the cold-faced young woman on the opposite side of the training ground and introduced her as well.

"Mr. Luo, what is the test for? We are just ordinary people who graduated from institutions. It shouldn't be too difficult, right?" While Zhuang Xiaoyuan was observing the environment and estimating the strength of the two examiners, Wen Hui continued to speak to get More intelligence.

"Ordinary people, heh. None of the people here are ordinary people. Come with me." Hearing that Wen Hui called himself an ordinary person, Luo Zhongtian laughed. He didn't mind Wen Hui's words, and beckoned to take the lead towards the training ground Walk to a machine mounted on the wall beside it.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui followed without objection.

"Put your hand up and input your divine power. Only by turning on the yellow light will you be eligible to participate in the assessment." Walking to the side of the machine, Luo Zhongtian pointed to a palm-sized touchpad and said to the two people behind him.

"You first or me first." Looking at the strange machine with seven colored lights protruding from the top of its head, Wen Hui looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan,

"I'll do it first." Glancing at Luo Zhongtian who was lazily standing aside, as if absent-minded, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stepped forward and stretched out his hand to stick it on the touch screen. With the input of divine power, the surrounding area of ​​the touch screen emits a light similar to that of transformation. Faint golden light.The light above the machine's head began to flicker, the red light was on, the orange light was on in the next second, and the yellow light emitted a faint light after three or four seconds.Withdrawing her arm, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned to look at Luo Zhongtian.

"Pass, the lower god is downgraded, the minimum standard, the next assessment will not be easy." Luo Zhongtian glanced at the yellow light that was on, shrugging his shoulders, the expression on his face still careless.

After Wen Hui went up and turned on a brighter yellow light than Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Luo Zhongtian nodded and turned to Mo Wenxue on the other side, saying as he walked, "You all passed the first stage, and the following is the formal assessment You are all the patron saints of the combat department."

"Probably." Thinking of Nakiri Erina, Zhuang Xiaoyuan paused for a moment, but still nodded. After all, except for this one, the others all have good combat power, so they should all be considered combat types.

"What does it mean? Forget it. Let's treat it as you guys. The assessment of the Combat Department is very simple." He shrugged indifferently, as if he didn't think that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others could pass the test, walked to Mo Wenxue, and Luo Zhongtian turned around. Come on, the expression on his face turned serious in an instant, and he exuded a strong aura: "As long as you can hold on to the examiner for 3 minutes, you will pass. It's very simple."

"3 minutes... Let me confirm first. Teacher Luo and Teacher Mo are both at the level of God's Blessing." Through the observation and comparison just now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked with [-]% certainty.

"Oh, you have good eyesight, that's right, we are all at the God's Blessing level, I'm in the middle, and Mr. Mo is at the bottom. How about it, are you going to give up? The mere low-level god is downgraded, and you want to challenge the God's Blessing level beyond the Divine Grace level It's not easy. Maybe you will be hurt in an instant." Luo Zhongtian had a smile on his face, but his aura became more and more violent.

"We won't give up. How should the assessment be carried out? Should we pick our opponents or arrange them?" A competitive light lit up in his eyes. Even if he faced a cross-stage opponent, Wen Hui would not easily admit defeat, and only persisted for 3 minutes. .

"It's too much trouble one by one, you two come together." He waved his hand and denied Wen Hui's one-on-one question.Luo Zhongtian looked confident.

"Oh, even if you are at the Divine Blessing level, you will suffer if you are too careless. Mr. Luo." His eyes narrowed slightly. Although he knew the strength of the Divine Blessing level, Captain Hua Ze's flame had the ability to break through him head-on. Zhuang Xiaoyuan was very upset to be underestimated by the power of the solid wall defense of the earth-digging demons who could not break through the defense.The fighting spirit in my heart was also aroused.

"Hey." The corners of his mouth widened, and Luo Zhongtian's eyes flashed a hint of cunning: "You two come together, of course we are two together. Let's start."

Following Luo Zhongtian's order, the words 3:00 jumped out on the big screen under the strange machine that was tested before, and the next second changed to 2:59. The timing had already started, and at the same time, the surrounding temperature suddenly began to drop , flakes of snowflakes appeared in the city out of nothing.

"Tsk, despicable. Xiaohui, defend." Facing the sudden attack, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reacted quickly. A card appeared in his hand, and while being wrapped in golden light and starting to transform, he shouted at Wen Hui.

"Understood." The multicolored light flickered, and the light blue light surged and absorbed the other four colors and enveloped Wen Hui.As the light dissipated, Wen Hui, with blue double ponytails, blue spear, and blue clothes, appeared on the spot. While waving his hands, turbulent water waves appeared in the room out of nothing, rolled up snowflakes in the air, and rushed towards the two examiners aggressively.

"Come out, frozen puppet." The golden light dissipated, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who transformed into Yoshino, waved his little hand, and a rabbit puppet appeared on the spot in a smaller size. At the same time, icy cold air spread from Yoshino's body, In the blink of an eye, the water waves summoned by Wen Hui surged up. Affected by the cold air, the water waves condensed rapidly, forming a huge ice wall in front of Wen Hui and Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Frontal contact with the examiner is separated.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui's one-week fleeing career was not in vain. With many fleeing battles and encounters, their vigilance and mutual understanding were fully cultivated.Even the sudden attack of the examiners could not make them panic.

"Interesting, but this flimsy defense doesn't work for me. Roar." With a loud tiger roar, the ice wall in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui was broken in an instant.Luo Zhongtian, who had a fluffy king character floating above his head, unexpectedly used his own arm to open a passable entrance on the ice wall.

"Ice roars." After completing the ice wall, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who sat on the frozen puppet, seemed to have expected Luo Zhongtian's movements, and the ready-made extremely cold beam shot out from the frozen puppet's mouth and sprayed towards Luo Zhongtian.

"High-pressure water cannon." At the same time, the Nubo water cannon wrapped in the blue transparent water in Wen Hui's hand compressed the water around him and fired a high-pressure water cannon towards the opening of the ice wall.

The two attacks basically shot at Luo Zhongtian at the same time. Even if it is a god-blessing existence, if it is not fully transformed, it may be difficult to escape from the simultaneous attacks of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui.

(End of this chapter)

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