Chapter 129
"Your recovery ability is really good. After eating [-]% ​​of the effect of my Dinghun Zhen, you recovered so quickly. Among the students who can recover so quickly, they are the top few." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan unexpectedly Being able to control his body to stand up, Luo Zhongtian showed a hint of surprise and appreciation in his eyes.It seems that the transfer students this time are very unusual.

"That's right, so I can rank among the top few in the academy." In the white light of the King's Sword, he regained his rigidity and stood up.Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked warily at Luo Zhongtian who was not far away, and at the same time said something she didn't believe.

"The first few? Hahahaha. Little girl, if you want to get into the top few, you should defeat me first." As if hearing a ridiculous joke, Luo Zhongtian suddenly burst out laughing.

"Beat you... so there is such a strong person." Eyes narrowed slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan grasped the meaning of Luo Zhongtian's words keenly.Some of the strongest students in the Shenzhuang Academy were able to defeat Luo Zhongtian, who was in the middle of the Divine Blessing level, so how high are their divine power levels?

If it is higher, it is indeed a genius in cultivation, but if it is lower, it is no longer a genius.Thinking of living and studying in an academy surrounded by strong people in the future, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart became hot.Deep down in his heart, maybe Zhuang Xiaoyuan also has a warlike side.

"Students who defeated the examiner, I really want to see it." Walking out of the frozen snowflakes with a burning flame, Wen Hui had an expectant expression on her face. Luo Zhongtian's words just now did not lower her voice, but also spread Wen Hui's ears.

"If you want to experience it, pass the test first. Fuxue." Although Mo Wenxue's expression on her face was always as cold as ice, her voice was surprisingly soft.After the words fell, Mo Wenxue exhaled towards Wen Hui.Following her movements, the cold wind with turbulent snowflakes blowing out of her mouth gradually expanded and rushed towards Wen Hui. If she was hit head-on, even if she was melted with a high-temperature flame, it would be impossible to break free for a while.

"Fire and red lotus." The tip of the flaming spear in her hand turned and stabbed towards the ground. With Wen Hui's movements, the flames around her became more and more turbulent, and the sudden burst of flames formed a huge flame lotus around her.This move is not just an attack move, it also has a good effect as a defense, especially when facing Xiangke's ice and snow attributes.

The cold wind carrying snowflakes hit the flame lotus, and the cold wind and the flames offset each other and quickly disappeared.White water vapor comes out, but evaporates and disappears instantly when it gets close to the flame, and freezes instantly when it gets close to the cold wind, turning into snowflakes and rushing towards the flame.

"Soul-fixing shock." Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up and delayed for quite a while with words, he was still unable to defend against Luo Zhongtian's attack.With a punch that the naked eye couldn't catch, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was punched out again.The body fell into stiffness for the second time.

The second time he was attacked by Dinghun Zhen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan almost understood the principle of this combat technique, and he could understand it from the name.The key point of this move should be the word shock, which instantly spreads to the enemy's whole body with the force of the shock, shocking the tendons and divine power, so as to achieve the move of cutting off the enemy's physical ability.The damage of the moves of complete control is very weak.

"Hey, the same moves are useless against Saints." Mingming deliberately increased his strength and used [-]% of the combat effect, but this time Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up faster than last time.In the white light of the King's Sword.Zhuang Xiaoyuan got up quickly.

"Huh?! It doesn't seem to be a problem of resilience. That white light, is it immune to my concussion? Interesting. If that's the case, let's try the concussion with 3% effect. I don't care if it's paralyzed. Drink." Noticed The difference between Zhuang Xiaoyuan's last time and this time, regardless of what the so-called holy fighter Zhuang Xiaoyuan said, Luo Zhongtian's eyes were focused on the white light on her body, which should have offset the shock force.Since there is defense, then I will show some strength bluntly.The brown fluff flashed across his body, and Luo Zhongtian approached Zhuang Xiaoyuan again in an instant.At this time, there are still ten seconds before the end of the three minutes.

The divine power flowing from the body quickly flows into the eyes. Although he has not learned combat skills to improve eyesight, pure divine power can also slightly improve the dynamic vision of the eyes.I saw it, eyes full of divine power caught Luo Zhongtian's flashing figure.Without the slightest hesitation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan forced himself to suppress the discomfort in his heart because of his decision, and threw the King's Sword in his hand directly in the direction Luo Zhongtian came from.nine seconds.

As the king's sword left his hand, the white light on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body flickered and went out.The action of Zhuang Xiaoyuan throwing the sword caught Luo Zhongtian by surprise, and he paused involuntarily, avoiding the king's sword thrown by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.eight seconds.

The moment Luo Zhongtian paused, another card appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, and golden light bloomed to surround Zhuang Xiaoyuan.After a short pause, Luo Zhongtian continued to move forward. Although he was very surprised by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's choice, this behavior of giving up resistance could not make Luo Zhongtian stop.

However, because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's action of giving up and the disappearing white light from his body, Luo Zhongtian couldn't help restraining some of the shock force in his hands.If you get a full blow without protection, there may be accidents.Containing nearly [-]% of the strength, the soul-fixing blasted towards Zhuang seconds.

"Tai Chi cloud hands." Luo Zhongtian's fixed soul trembled close to the golden light. In the golden light that had not completely disappeared, a pair of slender hands drew circles in the air, and a black and white Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram emerged.Luo Zhongtian's soul-fixing shock bombarded the center of the Tai Chi diagram with a strong shock force.

With the unloading, twisting and rebounding effect of the Taiji diagram.Luo Zhongtian's shock force was divided into two parts, most of which bounced back, and returned to Luo Zhongtian after offsetting part of the follow-up force, and the effect of a small part of the shock force breaking through the Taiji diagram continued to act on Zhuang Xiaoyuan, but after offsetting The concussion force has completely lost control and turned into pure impact force.

Luo Zhongtian and Zhuang Xiaoyuan flew out in two opposite directions in tandem under the impact of their respective impacts.six seconds.

After all, the strength of the rebound was offset by a lot. Luo Zhongtian quickly consumed the unexpected impact force and landed on the ground without any pause. As soon as he landed, he exerted force on his feet, and the shock force in his hand reappeared, rushing towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was still flying back .five seconds.

"The big gourd of Qiankun mystery." The impact force on his body pushed Zhuang Xiaoyuan back quickly. He was still in the air. Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already used his divine power to summon the bright red magic gourd. After pulling off the seal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan called out a name loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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