Chapter 147
"I beat Huo Wenwu. One hundred thousand"

"Huo Wenwu, 15"

"I'm Huo Wenwu too. Fifty thousand"

Huo Wenwu's voice was overwhelming. Among the warriors in the costume, there is really no one who is short of money. They have subsidies themselves, and many patron saint abilities are very suitable for making money. Many people's sub-subject income is not low.

The swarm of people beating Huo Wenwu made Luo Zhongtian sweat so anxiously that he couldn't help but lowered the odds by three points to [-] for [-].Even so, no one pressured Zhuang Xiaoyuan, they all chose Huo Wenwu.

After all, Huo Wenwu had occupied the number one position among the students not long after he entered the school, and there were always people who wanted to surpass him, but they never succeeded.The prestige is already deep, even if Zhuang Xiaoyuan's victory condition only needs to hurt him, no one believes that Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who doesn't even have a divine favor, can successfully hurt Huo Wenwu.

"I'll buy Zhuang Xiaoyuan. One million yuan." A calm and clear voice stood out from Huo Wenwu's overwhelming voice.And it's 100 million at a time, which is a lot of money.Although everyone has more or less wealth, but there are not many who dare to spend millions of dollars just for this kind of fun.

"Isn't she Chu Miaomiao who is ranked eleventh? How can she overwhelm the students in the class?" A young man watching by the side recognized Chu Miaomiao, with surprise in his tone, although he did not belong to the top ten special class , but Chu Miaomiao, who is ranked eleventh, is equivalent to No.1 outside the special class.Moreover, she is petite and cute, and is very popular among the students.Especially liked by some special hobbies.

"Brother, you don't know that. It is said that this transfer student is Chu Miaomiao's friend." The older youth on the other side began to show off his information with a proud face.

"Chu Miaomiao's friend, hasn't she always been a loner?" The former young man was even more surprised. You must know that Chu Miaomiao, who has been in school for nearly a year, has not reported any close relationship with anyone so far. It's all solitary.For a while, it was also called Bingshan Lolita.

"What's the matter with being alone? This shows that I don't have no friends, it's just that I don't like someone in the academy. You must know that she is the granddaughter of that person." The older youth looked like you don't know Expression, pointed to the top of the head and said.

"Hmph, I don't like those in the academy, and I don't see anything special about this transfer student. Facing Huo Wenwu is not the result of being abused. I really don't take money for money." The young man in front showed jealousy and dissatisfaction. expression.

"Who says it's not, there is absolutely only one input for Huo Wenwu. The 100 million is nothing." The older youth also looked sad, as if the 100 million belonged to him.

Anyway, among the onlookers around, and more and more people gathered, basically no one thought that Zhuang Xiaoyuan would win, even if Huo Wenwu had that kind of conditional restriction, he would win.

"Xiao Miao, your work is over. You came just in time. Help me to press 100 million. I'll transfer the money to you when it's over." Standing on the ring, seeing Chu Miaomiao's appearance, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up, and he said loudly Say hello.What greeted was boos from the arena.

Luo Zhongtian must make money, tell him to cheat others, tell him to throw the pot away.As for the booing under the ring, it was completely painless.If you want people to be convinced, you have to show your strength. Arguing with these people who don't know anything is completely useless. The fastest way is to slap your face with facts.Although I am not 100% sure, but the momentum and mentality cannot be lost.

"Press another 100 million." Chu Miaomiao didn't care about the audience around, and drew another 100 million to Luo Zhongtian.He completely ignored Luo Zhongtian's crotch pain expression again.

"I'll bet 100 million too, Zhuang Xiaoyuan." A slightly feminine male voice sounded, and at the same time a bank card was handed over.Obviously, the student card has a bank savings function, but also deliberately use the bank card, what kind of mentality is this, a completely guarded attitude against others.

"Hey, why is he here?" A well-informed student looked surprised.

"Who is he? Is he also a big shot?" He looked like a nerdy boy.

"You don't even know him? The tenth student is Wang Wenjie. All the girls in the school hate the number one." PHS explained.

"Ah, so he is that one." The bookworm had a sudden realization expression.

"You bastard, don't mess around." Seeing Wang Wenjie's appearance.Chu Miaomiao frowned slightly, her face fluctuated slightly, and her eyes revealed a look of vigilance.The top ten students are the only ones who will make Chu Miaomiao so wary.He is obviously the last one in the draft, but he is not as open and aboveboard as the first nine, but like mud hidden in the shadows.If you are not careful, you will be disgusting.

"Don't be too nervous, Eleven. I can't do anything now, can I?" Wang Wenjie shrugged helplessly, Wang Wenjie had a very innocent expression, but Chu Miaomiao could hear the meaning of his words immediately, and he couldn't do it now What, that is to say, do you really plan to do something.

"Wang Wenjie. If you dare to attack her, be ready to taste my fist." This was the first time that Chu Miaomiao showed a threatening expression, with a stern light in his eyes.

"Oh, it's really scary. I'm so scared, haha. Wait until your fist can beat me, and then talk about such big words. Humph." With a cold smile, Wang Wenjie turned and left, just like the 100 that he just pressed down. As if it didn't exist, there was no intention of staying to watch the battle at all.It seems that from the beginning it was to provoke Chu Miaomiao.

"Hmph, wait..." Watching Wang Wenjie leave, Chu Miaomiao slightly let go of her tightly clenched fist.In this qualifying match, he must be defeated.

While Wang Wenjie and Chu Miaomiao were fighting each other, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Huo Wenwu on the ring had already started to fight.

With the golden light blooming, Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared on the ring in a completely new state, with black shawl and long hair, white and blue-striped simple Taoist robe, and a small gourd decoration on his head. Huang Xiaoyan appeared again.

"It was the transformation at that time. It's really suitable for dealing with Huo Wenwu in terms of compatibility, but it won't be effective." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation, Huang Xiaoyan looked as if he had caught Mo Wenxue with a gourd last time. status.With Luo Zhongtian's strength, he has almost understood the limit of Huang Xiaoyan's ability in the short time he has been in contact with Huang Xiaoyan. He is very sure that it is only in this state that Huo Wenwu cannot be hurt.

"The eyes of the sky - open. Millions of spiritual talismans." Compared with Luo Zhongtian, Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself has a deeper understanding of Huang Xiaoyan.No matter how strong Huo Wenwu's real strength was, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that Huang Xiaoyan couldn't deal with him because of the strong martial aura he exuded.But it doesn't prevent Zhuang Xiaoyuan from using it immediately, because for Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Huang Xiaoyan's biggest role is not force.

With the formation of the two-hand seal, pieces of yellow talisman papers flew out of nowhere from his sleeves, and all flew towards Huo Wenwu.

(End of this chapter)

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