Chapter 161 Actually I Don't Want to Chase
"Woo~" roared again, and the stone statue stepped heavily on the snow, with its entire left foot stepping into the snow. Following his movements, a stone wall rose from the ground, just in front of him. The ice guns shot directly at the stone wall and penetrated deeply into it, but they failed to penetrate after all.

Behind the stone wall, the huge stone statue didn't just sit still. He stretched out his right fist and hit the stone wall in front of him. With his punch, the whole stone wall was blown up and smashed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Frozen Puppet." Softly calling the name of the angel under the seat, the eyes of the frozen puppet flickered slightly, and with a strong kick, it jumped onto the stone wall, and then borrowed strength from the stone wall, carrying the turbulent wind around it. The wind and snow rushed towards the huge stone statue.

"Woo." The stone statue looked up at the icy puppet pounced on without showing any weakness, raised its right hand, and directly hammered it with its strong rock fist.

"The sound of spring." The huge flowers that have receded far away have taken root again, and with the surge of Hua Qianqian's divine power, countless rhizomes and vines began to grow rapidly.The moment the frozen puppet came into contact with the huge stone statue, a large piece of vines sprang out from the bottom of the snow field and entwined towards the two of them. There were thousands of vines wrapped around them, completely blocking the surrounding path.

The surrounding vines clearly came into view, and the frozen puppet under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's seat slowed down, and the originally strong power weakened. The moment it touched the right fist of the huge stone statue, the rigid force turned soft, and on his arm Once again, it took advantage of its strength to fly straight into the sky.Running out just before the vines covered the sky.

The surrounding vines rolled towards the center like a wave, engulfing and covering the huge stone statue.Flying in the air, seeing with his own eyes that the stone statue was covered by vines, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and controlled the frozen puppet to pounce on Hua Qianqian, opened his deep mouth, and the freezing cold began to gather in the frozen puppet's mouth: "Ice Roar"

"Rockburst." Almost at the same time, a sobbing voice came clearly, and at the same time, there was a violent explosion behind.The vines engulfing the stone statue were all blown off, revealing a half-burst round protective cover inside.Inside the protective cover, the huge stone statue and the two people on the shoulders were all safe and sound.

"Winter's Pride." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's icy roaring freezing beam, Hua Qianqian continued to mobilize her divine power very calmly, only to see a bud firmly pulled out from the snow in front of her, and it grew rapidly. In less than a second, it grew up in the blink of an eye. After growing up, it can be seen that this is a plum tree, and beautiful plum blossoms are competing to bloom. The branches of the plum tree just completely block the view behind her. Huge flowers and thousands of flowers.

The extremely cold light beam directly hits the plum tree that Hua Qianqian summoned. There seems to be a unique protective circle on the plum tree. It is difficult for the light beam to penetrate a centimeter away from the plum blossom.It was the first time that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's icy roar was directly blocked by someone using his protective ability.

"Cai Qi, let's go now." Noticing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Hua Qianqian were competing, Ruan Tang patted Cai Qi's shoulder who was still crying, and whispered.

"Woo, um, woo." Nodding his head, Cai Qi cried hard while directing the huge stone statue below him to run to the other side. The stone statue moved its giant rock legs in big strides. , but because the distance of each step is large, the moving speed is not slow.

"Wait a minute, he's going to run." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, whose back was facing the stone statue, didn't notice the behavior of the stone statue, but Hua Qianqian, who could see the stone statue from the front, immediately noticed the movement of the stone statue running away in another direction.He shouted directly at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was still attacking.

"Huh?!" Hearing Hua Qianqian's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but stop attacking, and turned his head to look. Sure enough, the huge stone statue was running quickly into the distance. The stone statue seems to be shrinking slowly. It must be because the stone statue is gradually receding, so I misread it.

"Don't try to run." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack stopped, Hua Qianqian directly retracted the rhizome under the flower, bypassed Zhuang Xiaoyuan and chased after the fleeing stone statue.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan was speechless for a while as he looked at the two who were going away quickly one after the other... In other words, it seemed that he hadn't gained any benefits except for wasting a little bit of divine power.Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan stayed in place and watched them go away, a heavy breathing sound began to waft around, and a faint uneasiness surfaced in her heart, as if something dangerous had noticed her.Quietly, a pair of eyes slowly opened.

"Ruan Tiantian, don't run, stop for me." Urging the flowers under the seat to move forward quickly, Hua Qianqian shouted loudly at the stone statue in front of her.I don't know why I am so attached to Ruan Tang, it makes people feel that there is a story between the two of them.

"You tell me not to run, I won't run, you think I'm stupid, hurry up, Cai Qi speed up, get rid of her." Ruan Tang turned around to answer Hua Qianqian's call, while urging Cai Qi beside him to speed up and escape .

Hua Qianqian, who was chasing the stone statue in front, saw that the stone statue sped up and ran away again after she shouted, so she couldn't help but patted the flower under her body angrily.He does everything slowly, but he is so sneaky when he is running away.At this time, a gust of turbulent snowstorm suddenly approached from behind quickly, and in a few seconds, Hua Qianqian had appeared beside Hua Qianqian, and it was Zhuang Xiaoyuan who had stayed behind before.

"Hey, what a surprise, you also chased after me. I thought you would leave by yourself. You looked troublesome before." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan riding a rabbit, Hua Qianqian couldn't help showing With a surprised expression, when she started chasing the fleeing stone statue, Hua Qianqian gave up the fight with Zhuang Xiaoyuan in disguise.She thought that Zhuang Xiaoyuan would not chase after her, but would leave by herself instead.

"Cough, actually I didn't intend to chase after me." With an embarrassed fake cough, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed behind her and continued: "But this big guy chased me enthusiastically and drove me over."

"Big guy?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Hua Qianqian tilted her head in doubt, and looked back along Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fingers: "I'm going, Ice Crystal Beast, it's so big, Duo Duo, speed up, run."

Seeing what was chasing after her, Hua Qianqian, who had always been strong, suddenly changed her face, and urged Duo Duo under her seat to speed up with all her strength, and no longer save her divine power and hidden strength.The vines under the huge flower contracted for a while, and suddenly stretched, like a spring, bounced high, landed on the snow over a long distance, contracted again and bounced again.Jumping and jumping, the huge flower ran forward in this way that was almost twice as fast as before.The distance between him and the stone statue has been shortened in a few clicks.

(End of this chapter)

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