Chapter 163 Laughing as if it's strange

"Because your smile is too much like the kind of weird sorghum who can lie to children with lollipops. The word modesty doesn't suit you at all." Looking at Ruan Tang's mature face with his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied seriously .Judging by the earnest expression on his face, he was telling the truth.

"Woo." Ruan Tang held his heart and received [-] points of critical damage.

"Puff." Listening to the question and answer of the two, Hua Qianqian beside him burst out laughing.What she said was so good, as if to match Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Hua Qianqian turned her head to look at Ruan Tang's face, smiling and nodding her head in agreement.Seeing Hua Qianqian's expression, Ruan Tang received another [-] additional damage.

The distance shortened rapidly as several people complained to each other, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others could already see the group of people marked with red dots on the original map ahead.But it was completely different from the melee they had guessed. There was indeed a melee here, but it was not a melee between students, but all the gathered students were struggling to resist the attack of a large group of wolf-shaped ice crystal beasts around them.

"This is really... There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others saw the chaotic battlefield ahead, the large group of wolf-shaped ice crystal beasts that were besieging the students also noticed that they were coming towards this side quickly. Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.Part of the ice crystal wolves separated from the pack and surrounded Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.
Just as the ice crystal wolves in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others surrounded them, and the ice crystal tigers behind them kept chasing after them, similar things happened everywhere on this snow field battlefield. The ice crystal beasts seemed to wake up suddenly from their deep sleep. , crawled out of the hidden lair, not only huge ice crystal tigers, hordes of ice crystal wolves, but also ice crystal cheetahs as fast as the wind, ice crystal eagles flying with wings, etc. Countless ice crystal beasts began to attack and compete students.

"The ice crystal beasts are starting to appear, so I'll take a step first, you guys come on." When the ice crystal wolves surrounded him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said goodbye to Hua Qianqian who was side by side and Ruan Tang Cai Qi who was a little later. Several people reacted, and the frozen puppet under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's seat suddenly jumped into the sky with all his strength, and then flew straight forward... Yoshino can fly.

"It actually flew away." Watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan go away, Ruan Tang looked at Hua Qianqian with a headache on his face, at this time Hua Qianqian also looked over, and their eyes met.Ruan Tang was shocked, and stretched out his hand to pat Cai Qi: "Cai Qi, hurry up, drive those wolves to Hua Qianqian."

Cai Qi paused when he heard this, and continued to cry. As the cry spread, the bodies of the ice crystal wolves who heard Cai Qi's cry suddenly lost their flexibility, and they all turned around and rushed towards Hua Qianqian like puppets being manipulated. .

"Xia Zhiwu." As if she already knew that Ruan Tang would hinder her, or she also wanted to hinder Ruan Tang.Almost when Cai Qi was controlling the Ice Crystal Wolf, Hua Qianqian's divine power also began to agitate, bright wild flowers bloomed on the way Ruan Tang and the others advanced, faint pollen of various colors began to float out, mixed with confusion, lethargy, The paralyzing, poisonous pollen completely blocked Ruan Tang's way forward.

When the two sides hindered each other, the ice crystal tiger behind them quickly approached.Roar, with the roar of the Ice Crystal Tiger, this area is also caught in a melee. While fighting in the melee, this battle circle is moving to another melee area, leading the Ice Crystal Tiger into the pack of wolves, whether it is the pack of wolves or the participants. The number of students is rapidly decreasing.

"Come on, everyone, hold on, you can get rewards if you pass the preliminary round, come on." Flying over the heads of the students who were fighting with the ice crystal wolf, Zhuang Xiaoyuan cheered up the students below him and began to look for his goal.

Hearing the voice from the top of their heads, many people looked up, and when they heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, several of them were so angry that they were half dead.I'm working hard here to fight monsters, but this person is flying above my head leisurely, and he still has the heart to encourage others. If you want us to cheer up, why don't you come to help.

Some people also noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movement of turning his head and looking around, obviously looking for something, and they guessed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's plan at once, but at this moment, surrounded by a huge pack of wolves, they couldn't move their hands to stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan for a while. .Many people were secretly regretting why they had dealt with the long-range attacking magic warrior first, otherwise they could have killed Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly.

"I found it." Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know the complaints and regrets in the hearts of the students below her, and even if she knew, she wouldn't care.After all, they are not acquaintances.After advancing for a certain distance, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally found his target, which was a black pit not far from here, and ice crystal wolves were still crawling out of it one after another.

Having found his goal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and rushed towards the deep pit.At the top of the deep pit, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't stop, and rushed straight in. The ice crystal wolf that crawled out of the pit tried to stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan, but was thrown out by the frozen puppet under her.The ice crystal wolves fight by relying on the superiority of numbers, and the two or three kittens here can't do anything to hinder Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

A few seconds later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed out of the deep pit, a little bit embarrassed, and there were several ice crystal wolves hanging on the frozen puppet under the seat, unexpectedly there were many guarding ice crystal wolves inside.As soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed in, he fell into their ambush and was besieged by the ice crystal wolves inside.However, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't get entangled with these ice crystal wolves, and directly let the frozen puppet rush to the depths with its huge body, grabbed something and ran away.

Gathering the surrounding cold air to form an ice gun, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shot the ice crystal wolf hanging on the frozen puppet, which was completely a living target, and shot directly, holding two cold blue crystals in his hand, showing a happy smile on his face.

One blue crystal was snatched from the depths of the Ice Crystal Wolf's cave just now, and the other was from the Ice Crystal Tiger's cave.Compared with the Ice Crystal Wolf, the Ice Crystal Tiger was more relaxed at that time, because after the birth of the first Ice Crystal Tiger, the Ice Heart was taken away by Zhuang Xiaoyuan who discovered something was wrong before it could gather energy to produce a second one.This is also the reason why Ice Crystal Tiger will chase after Zhuang Xiaoyuan.He probably didn't expect that the important Heart of Ice would be taken away from him as soon as he opened his eyes.

Ice Heart, a unique specialty of the snow field, is also an additional reward for qualifying.If this kind of cold energy crystal is placed in the snow, it will absorb the power of ice and snow, giving birth to various beasts with different strengths and weaknesses.Of course, as an additional bonus, the Ice Heart is not just a tasteless effect of summoning the Ice Crystal Beast, this kind of Ice Heart can be directly used by the magic warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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