Chapter 177 The Birth of the First IS Mecha Machine

"Yeah, we succeeded." Seeing the lighting of the crystal, and after that, the power plant of Shenliyuan began to operate normally.The surrounding researchers all began to cheer, and after working day and night, they finally successfully broke through the first difficulty.Moreover, this is the research result of human beings across the century. With this success, maybe human beings will enter the new energy era in the future.The era when divine power can replace electric energy, solar energy, and fuel energy.

"No, everyone, hurry up and leave. It's about to explode." Amidst the cheers from the surrounding researchers, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression changed drastically.With his right hand, he directly pulled out the data cable in his hand, shouted at the researchers around him, and pushed them to escape out the door quickly.

These researchers are also veterans, and they knew something was wrong when they heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shout.There was no trouble, and everyone left quickly and quickly.The crystal on the mold shelf is still brightening, even though Zhuang Xiaoyuan has cut off the supply of divine power.But the weak divine power floating in the air was actually absorbed into the crystal by the disconnected data cable.

When everyone escaped from the room, the brightness of the crystal reached a certain peak, and the golden light had reached its limit, so dazzling that people felt that if they looked directly at it, they might be directly blinded.The next moment, with a bang, the entire crystal exploded.A violent explosion swept through the entire laboratory 1-1.

The explosion lasted for a long time, the automatic fire extinguishing device was activated, and after the fire caused by the explosion was extinguished, everyone walked back to the laboratory with lingering fear.

"Oh, it failed. Even the No. [-] machine is broken." Looking at the wreckage of the No. [-] machine, Wang Xiaofei sighed a little frustrated.

At this time, the place has become as if a typhoon has been raging, with broken traces everywhere, and even the specially reinforced alloy walls have become potholes, let alone the instruments placed inside.

"Okay, it's not the first time it failed. Before the No. [-] machine came out, the power unit broke down several times. If the No. [-] machine broke down, let the No. [-] machine go on. The explosion just now is not in vain. At least I We already know the cause of the explosion." Patting Wang Xiaofei on the shoulder, Zhuang Xiaoyuan comforted.

"Well, in that state, the explosion should be because the energy storage limit has been reached." Thinking of the dazzling golden light at the last moment, Wang Xiaofei was also aware of the cause of the explosion.

"That's right, the storage limit has been reached, but it is still absorbing divine power on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to install an energy limiting device and a discharge port for excess energy to the storage device." Nodding, affirming Wang Xiaofei's guess .Zhuang Xiaoyuan also put forward his own opinion.

"Okay, Xiao Zhang, go and get the No. [-] machine. Xiaoqian asked a few people to clean up here." After finding the reason and solution, Wang Xiaofei regained her spirit and began to direct a few assistants to start working.

Seeing that Wang Xiaofei regained her energy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and walked towards another laboratory without disturbing her.I don't know if Kang Yongnian's alloy has been finished, and what stage Sadahong's Shiranui has reached.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan shuttled between separate small laboratories every day, time also moved forward quietly, and other students of the college were either minor subjects or main subjects carrying out their own lives.

Wen Hui's study has also started to get on the right track.Chu Miaomiao, who had been to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side a few times, came to the laboratory more and more as the mecha gradually took shape.She is also very interested in this new type of mecha.

"I declare that the IS mecha, the prototype prototype, has been successfully completed." Half a month later, standing in the center of the laboratory hall, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze swept across the faces of the researchers from left to right. , taking the excitement they showed into their eyes.With a bright smile on her face, she loudly announced the official completion of the first IS mecha.

Although it is only an experimental body, there are still many problems.For the time being, I am afraid that it will not be able to be mass-produced and put into actual combat, but now, indeed, the technology of this mech has made a breakthrough.At present, the follow-up is only a small problem of improvement.They can already proudly tell others that our cross-century mech has been completed.



"Finally finished."

"Our names will definitely be written in the history books."

"I don't know how many contribution points I will get this time. I need to get a new set of experimental equipment."

"Haha, there will definitely be no shortage this time. You can change two sets at a time, one for yourself and one for your wife."

"Okay, everyone has had a hard time during this time. Although the first test machine has been completed, there are still many problems to be solved in the future, and we can't just stop at the present. In the future, we need to continue to study, update, and let the The IS mechs are getting stronger and stronger. Finally, because the whole city will start preparations for the Creation Ceremony tomorrow. Therefore, I announce that all staff will be on vacation tomorrow until the Creation Ceremony is over. Everyone take a good rest. The appointment If you have a date, you should go to sleep, and if you should have sex, hide in a corner and have sex. See you in four days."

After asking the researchers below to vent their emotions, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pressed his hand, and everyone fell silent.Taking a deep breath, facing the eyes of these researchers, Zhuang Xiaoyuan announced loudly that a four-day vacation will begin tomorrow.


"Long live."

"Long live the team leader."

"Finally I can take a good rest."

"It's a rare break. Tomorrow, I'll go shopping with Xiaomei from the next-door group."

"It's been a long time since I went shopping, and I'm finally free."

All of a sudden, excited discussions sounded from below again.This time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't bother them.Turned around and walked away.The researchers behind were still immersed in the surprise of research success and vacation.

"Lao Sa, how are you? Have you solved the last problem?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan pushed the door open and walked in from the 1-6 laboratory.There are still many people here who are still busy working, dismantling and assembling the huge fort in the center of the laboratory.

"Leader, I've let you down. Although you have helped us find the reason, we still haven't thought of a solution. I'm afraid it won't be useful for the time being." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan coming in, Sadahong's eyes flashed with frustration, a little Said discouraged.

"It's okay, don't worry. The IS mecha has basically completed the first experimental body. I can also concentrate on helping here. The tactical walking attack machine should have almost completed it. It's almost on fire."

After reassuring Sadahong, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at the huge fort in the center, which is a killer weapon against demons.In fact, this Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun is already usable, but it is only usable, and there is a very serious problem that limits its use.

(End of this chapter)

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