Chapter 232 Wen Hui's Fatal Flaw?
"Is this the strength of the special class? It's such a fast attack speed." The first time she saw someone from the special class make a move, there was a trace of shock in Wen Hui's eyes, and then a stronger fighting spirit emerged.

"It's really fast. I'm afraid this kind of shooting speed has reached a certain extreme. Besides, those eyes..." Nodding in response to Wen Hui's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face was a little dignified. None of them are easy to deal with. It seems that Li Wen, the hunting god, is only good at hand speed, and his certain speed is not outstanding.However, Zhuang Xiaoyuan noticed that his eyes seemed to be a little special.

"The hunting god's eyes are said to be able to see thousands of miles away, and the field of vision is very wide. It is rumored that he has a 350-degree line of sight. There is basically nothing that can escape his sight." Compared with Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui, it is obvious that Chu Miao Miao has a better understanding of the members of the special class.

"The next one is Yu Jie, who is ninth in the breakout competition." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Wen Hui, and Chu Miaomiao were discussing the strength and ability of the members of the special class.The challenge continued, and after that, Yu Jie, who was ranked ninth, Zhang Chu, who was ranked eighth, and Xu Feng, who was ranked seventh, went up one after another.

The ninth place and the eighth place basically had no outstanding performances. They challenged the eighth-ranked God of Hunting and the ninth-ranked Rabbit God respectively.But he was defeated without letting the opponent show much strength.It was the bloody Xu Feng who showed extraordinary strength.

He challenged the seventh Lishen, the round fat man who said before that he wanted to educate Zhuang Xiaoyuan.This battle was very fierce, and Xu Feng, who was dripping with blood, was even more injured, but he did not expect that as the injuries on his body got worse, Xu Feng's strength would become stronger and stronger, and finally he even fought against Lishen directly. The scene was completely dominated by Xu Feng.

It's a pity that the patron saint of the god of strength is the mammoth god, who not only possesses great power, but also has excellent defense.Xu Feng, who had exploded with extraordinary power, did not hold on for too long, probably because he lost too much blood.After continuing to erupt for nearly 10 minutes, he finally fell into shock.Although he still failed in the end, he was also the first person who forced a person in the special class to complete the divine surrender and used all his strength.

After Xu Feng, the sixth place, fifth place, and fourth place challenged the eighth-ranked God of Hunting, the ninth-ranked Rabbit God, and the seventh-ranked Lishen respectively.Unexpectedly, no one challenged the top five, and no one challenged the tenth place Wang Wenjie with a feminine face.

"It's so strange. It's fine that the top five in the premium class are better than the bottom five and no one challenges him. Why didn't anyone challenge the tenth place boy." Looking at the end of the last game in the ring, the next one It was Wen Hui's turn. Wen Hui looked at the feminine man standing at the end of the special class with doubts on his face, and asked Chu Miaomiao beside him.

"Because challenging him, no matter whether you win or lose, you will be disgusted. Why, do you want to challenge him?" With a rare expression of disgust on his face, Chu Miaomiao answered Wen Hui's question.

"Why is it disgusting? But I never thought about challenging for the tenth place. If I succeed and get squeezed out by you, it will be a loss." There was a trace of curiosity on her face, but Wen Hui was smart enough not to Curiosity makes this choice.

"Why is it disgusting, you will know soon. If he is squeezed out of the special class later, he will definitely challenge us. Well, it's your turn to play." Pushing Wen Hui's back, Chu Miaomiao Pointing to the arena to remind.

"Okay, I'm finally here. Let you take a good look at my heroic appearance." The wind around me began to gather, Wen Hui's hair, eyes and clothes were all dyed green, and the emerald green hurricane gun appeared hands.Smiling confidently at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Chu Miaomiao beside her, Wen Hui flew directly into the ring.Although she already has multiple element attributes, Wen Hui most often uses the original wind attribute.

"Student Wen Hui, who do you want to challenge?" the teacher who was the referee asked gently.Those who can stand on this arena are all the best students in the academy, and no teacher will be too harsh on such an outstanding student.On the contrary, it will give some support and connivance.

"Oh, who said that you want to educate me just now, come up." Wen Hui swung the hurricane gun in his hand, stretched out his left hand and hooked his fingers in the direction of the special class.

"Hmph, you came here to kill yourself. Don't complain if you're injured." Lei Bao jumped up with anger in his eyes, jumped onto the ring, and gently wriggled his fingers, making a series of crisp sounds.Staring at Wen Hui.

"There's so much nonsense, just let the horse come here." With a light smile, Wen Hui leaned down with guns in both hands, ready to shoot at any time.

"Both sides are ready, the duel begins." The referee gave an order, and both sides started their actions.Blue-purple lightning emerged from Leibao's body, especially the palm of his right hand. The beating lightning turned into a whip of lightning and threw it at Wen Hui.

"Hey." As the referee gave the order to start, Wen Hui chuckled, and the emerald wind beside him swelled instantly, and before Leibao's lightning whip came over, it had disappeared in place, and appeared in Leibao's place with the emerald green breeze. Behind him, the hurricane gun in his hand stabbed directly at Leibao's back.

"It's so fast. I didn't expect there to be such a strength among the challengers this time. Xiaotu, can her speed catch up with you?" Several students showed surprised expressions.

Especially those who ranked fifth and later had a faint seriousness on their faces.At this moment, Wen Hui's speed was enough to threaten them, but it was just speed.

"It's indeed faster than I was before, but if you want to catch up with me, this speed is not enough. Besides, she still has a serious flaw, doesn't she?" Yang Jie, the ninth rabbit god, looked at Wen Wen. A serious look appeared in Hui Hui's eyes, but she obviously didn't feel that Wen Hui could threaten her.Yang Jie was also the first in the premium class to let go of Wen Hui's speed.Because she is also a master of speed flow.

"Ah, it seems that there is no threat to me." After Yang Jie, Lishen Jinming's expression also relaxed. With the mammoth god's rock armor skin, if he did not have a strong attack ability, he would have stood in front of him. Invincible.

When the special class started discussing because of Wen Hui's speed, on the ring, Wen Hui's performance was the same as what the special class said, and her shortcomings were fully exposed.Wen Hui, who has a super speed of movement, quickly attacks around Leibao, but each attack does not achieve the desired effect.

Although Lei Bao couldn't keep up with Wen Hui's speed for the time being, and could only passively fall into the defense, Wen Hui couldn't break through the energy protection formed by Lei Bao's lightning, and even fainted on his body due to the counterattack of the lightning protection. of paralysis.

(End of this chapter)

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