Chapter 237 Huo Wenwu's Martial Skill Domain
Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack, Huo Wenwu raised his hands to meet the Earl of Steel, and at the moment of contact, his hands drew an arc in the air, releasing the impact force from the Earl of Steel to the side.

"Tai Chi? You guys actually use my moves to deal with me, I'm going to smash you. Giant God mode." Noticed that Huo Wenwu's movements obviously imitated Huang Xiaoyan's Tai Chi before, which made Zhuang Xiaoyuan in Vita form I can't help but feel angry in my heart.Vita's character is direct and irritable.The first time she used Weta's transformation form was inevitably affected by her, which made Zhuang Xiaoyuan also angry.However, Vita's combat power will also become stronger when angry.

With fire in his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan once again raised the Iron Earl in his hand. Following her order, the Iron Earl suddenly swelled, transforming from a small hammer into a huge heavy square hammer. The hammer surface area of ​​the Iron Earl even surpassed that of Zhuang Xiaoyuan. body size at this time.Holding up the gigantic Earl of Steel, Zhuang Xiaoyuan slammed it down in Huo Wenwu's direction: "Bastard, it depends on how you block this move, the giant hammer."

The violent roar of "Boom" echoed in this grassland. This kind of heavy attack cannot be blocked by ordinary people.Even if you can block it, you will definitely suffer a lot of internal injuries.Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack, Huo Wenwu's Martial God talent had already foreseen the strength of this attack, and he dodged Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack range early on, but this attack is not just dodging.

The giant hammer hit the ground, Huo Wenwu dodged early.However, the magic power splashed out the moment Earl Iron hammered the ground still hit Huo Wenwu, knocking him far into the sky.

"Opportunity, magic bullet reloading. Mode switch, explosive flame mode." A triangular ancient Belka-style magic circle appeared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's feet, on the handle of Earl Iron's hammer, and with the crisp knocking sound, bullet casings popped out one by one. As if a bullet was loaded, the reloading of Earl of Steel's magic bullet directly greatly increased Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own ability value.

As the magic bomb was loaded, the Iron Earl, who had returned to its original state from gigantism, changed again. The hammer heads at both ends protruded from one end with golden diamond-shaped sharp corners, and from the other end protruded with golden flame propellers. This is the explosive flame mode, greatly A mode that strengthens the destructive power and attack power of Assault.

"Take the move, Flaming Hammer." Fiery sparks exploded from the flame thruster on the Earl of Steel, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan held the Earl of Steel horizontally in the air and rushed towards Huo Wenwu.Accelerated by the flame thruster and accelerated by the gyration, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack has already broken through the limit of his own attack.With a fierce offensive, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Earl of Steel whirled and smashed at Huo Wenwu.

Facing such an attack, Huo Wenwu, who had always been relaxed and comfortable, changed color a little. The attack power increased in this instant has already surpassed the limit that the God-level can bear.Huo Wenwu's face finally became serious, and a faint flame of fighting desire was lit in his eyes.Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ferocious attack, he raised his right hand towards the attacking direction.

Following Huo Wenwu's movements, a mysterious aura emerged from his body, forming a solid protection around him that was hard to see with the naked eye.Boom, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack slammed heavily on this protection, and he remained motionless.

Now it's Zhuang Xiaoyuan's turn to change color. The attack power of the Explosive Hammer has already exceeded his own attack limit. If compared with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own level, even the right amount of manipulation of Lily of the Bell Branch cannot completely reflect this attack, even There is also the possibility of being directly broken.But such an attack was blocked by Huo Wenwu's hand.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, it won't work at once, then come again." A blow with the blasting hammer failed to break Huo Wenwu's protection, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes flickered, and he slammed it in a circle again, and it was useless to hit again.

After Huo Wenwu was hit into the sky until he landed on the ground, Zhuang Xiaoyuan used the turning force of his body to hit his protection one after another.The moment he landed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had been hitting him more than a dozen times, finally broke through his protection.In the last round, with a sharp water chestnut, Earl Iron hit Huo Wenwu.

In the fundus of Huo Wenwu's eyes, a tiny flame blazed up, igniting the entire fundus in an instant.The moment the mysterious protection was broken, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack, a ripple containing a strange aura rippled from his body. This kind of wonderful aura was exactly the same as the previous protective aura, and the ripple with the wonderful aura swayed far away. , the moment Ripple touched Zhuang Xiaoyuan, she was immediately frozen in place.

Then, Huo Wenwu's punching posture appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Accompanied by the pain from his abdomen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was sent flying with his punch and fell to the ground.Huo Wenwu, who finished with a punch, left his feet off the ground and was suspended in mid-air. His pupils burning with excitement looked down at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, but as Zhuang Xiaoyuan was blown away by the blow, the flames in his eyes seemed to gradually go out: "After all It’s just this level, it’s not enough.”

"Ahem, I didn't expect you to be blessed. However, this is... the domain. No, the domain is a rule that can only be comprehended at the fusion level. Why do you have the domain?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at the pained abdomen. Huo Wenwu had an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, in just over half a month, Huo Wenwu actually completed the advancement from Divine Grace to Divine Blessing. Divine Blessing is nothing, but why does it have domains.The ripple just now is obviously the breath of the domain.The domain is the representative of the fusion level.It is impossible for God Blessing level to have this kind of ability.

After the ripples spread, the surrounding environment changed.The grassland is still the same grassland as before, but the original blue sky has been shrouded in white, and strings of words flow in the white. Every sentence, every paragraph can be seen as a record of some kind of martial arts.And behind Huo Wenwu, white figures appeared one after another. The figures did not have their own faces, but they posed various movements.

"That's right, this is my domain. These are the moves I collected, imitated, and learned. Every move and every set of martial arts has its own users. Surrender, in my domain, you face It's not me alone, but countless me using different martial arts." Suspended high in the air, in his own domain, Huo Wenwu seemed to be the god of this world, looking down on the still human Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Ah, collecting and imitating learning. That's how it is. So it's like this. I was really surprised. It's not a complete domain, it's just a counterfeit product that simulates the ability of the domain." Hearing Huo Wenwu's words, observe carefully After looking around, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally found something different.

Compared with the domain aura of the gluttonous general Zhang Wei at that time, Huo Wenwu's domain was obviously pitifully weak.This isn't a domain yet, it's just an enchantment similar to a domain created by imitating the effect of a domain. If you insist, it can be regarded as the embryonic form of a domain.

(End of this chapter)

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