Chapter 241 Combat Test of New Weapons
"That's right, but it's because the quality can't keep up, it's better to say that the reaction of ordinary people can't keep up." Wang Xiaofei leaned down and operated the information terminal in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan a few times, and the information of the pilot of the No. [-] aircraft in the video was transferred. out.

This driver is indeed an ordinary person, compared to the words of a warrior in divine costume.But this ordinary person also has the level of a soldier king in the army.However, when the King of Soldiers used the No. [-] machine for simulated combat experiments, he couldn't fully exert the full performance of the No. [-] machine.

It is not very obvious in terms of attack, but when defending in the face of attacks from many directions, although the No. Sometimes even the energy shield is too late to open.

"The main thing is to defend against the enemy's attack and to predict and avoid the attack route. It seems that we must also equip the IS mech with a highly intelligent AI auxiliary system." After seeing the experimental situation of the second machine, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew Where is the problem.

With the cultivation of divine power, the physical fitness of a warrior in divine costume will always be strengthened, and his reflexes will of course surpass that of ordinary people.So Chu Miaomiao was very smooth when using the first machine, but if ordinary soldiers who are not magic warriors use it, their own bodies limit the IS mech's performance.Now if even the first-class soldiers in the army are only at this level, how can ordinary soldiers perform outstandingly.

You must know that the IS mecha was originally made to enhance the combat effectiveness of ordinary people. If ordinary people can't play this kind of combat effectiveness, and only warriors in divine clothes can display this kind of combat effectiveness, this kind of mecha will become dispensable.

According to the experimental state just now, there is no problem at all in terms of attack. This soldier king has fully exerted the attack ability of the IS mech, but his defense against attack is very weak. In this situation, if there is a special If the auxiliary system helps defend, it can avoid the situation of untimely response. The best thing about the IS mecha is its flexibility and maneuverability besides its persistent combat ability. "However, team leader, we have no research on intelligent technology at all. It may not be possible to manufacture an intelligent system worthy of an IS mech in a short period of time." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer made Wang Xiaofei frowned. She has also thought about assisting artificial intelligence, but at present, human beings really can't make that kind of highly intelligent AI, and there is no technical information in this regard.

"Don't worry about this, I have information about it." While speaking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a character card.At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was also a little thankful for his good luck.This card is the character card obtained after the end of the magical girl world, Hammer Knight Vita.

The world of Magical Girl Nanoha also has its own unique technology, that is, magic device technology. Most of their magic devices are equipped with unique intelligent assistance systems.Although Weta is not a talent in research, but a simple forward fighter, he still has some understanding of the structure of his magic weapon.So with Weta's magic device structure and the mind of the genius researcher Shinonosuke, the intelligence system of this world has also been greatly improved.

Time flies by unintentionally, winter goes to spring, and human beings usher in a new year of spring.This year's winter is not as cold as in previous years. There are no snowflakes in the central city, only a few occasional drizzles that bring chills.

No matter how time passes, whether it is spring or winter outside, it doesn't matter to the researchers of the scientific research institute. At this time, the scientific research institute is still busy with the research of various projects.

Since the flaws of the IS mecha were discovered last time, several people who originally studied the IS mecha have devoted themselves to the development of AI intelligence. The intelligent system structure, combined with the unique characteristics of this world, has been improved to a certain extent, and finally the first finished product was made a few days ago.

After loading it into the No. [-] machine and having it tested again, the effect is very obvious. Although there is still a certain gap compared with the No. [-] machine operated by Chu Miaomiao, it is no longer as different as before.

The AI ​​intelligent assistance system has completed the assistance work for the driver very well.This kind of AI system will project the attack trajectory from the enemy in the driver's retina according to the battle situation during the battle, and will also force the protective cover to be activated in critical moments to resist the attack, which greatly improves the driver's self-protection ability.After completing the development of the AI ​​system, solving the problem of the IS mecha, and starting to deliver it to the arsenal for mass production, and deploying it to all frontline troops, Zhuang Xiaoyuan received good news from the other side.

The development of the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun has finally been completed, and the defects that were originally revealed in the first shot have been repaired.After Zhuang Xiaoyuan's last use, although the experimental electromagnetic gun produced for the first time was destroyed after one shot, its experimental data was transmitted to the laboratory host through the signal terminal reserved inside.

According to the research and testing of the experimental data, Sadahong found the reason for the self-explosion of the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun. After nearly a month of research and testing, it was determined that the problem of self-explosion had been perfectly solved.So far, this weapon that is also very lethal against high-level demons has finally been announced to be successfully developed and can be used by the army.

With the completion of the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun and the IS mecha, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has completed two of the three research goals initially set.According to the original plan, the next step is to conduct research on superpowers.Let ordinary people in this world, like the students in Academy City in the world of the Forbidden Books of Magic, acquire all kinds of superpowers. The development of this kind of superpowers can also greatly strengthen the combat effectiveness of ordinary people, which is very important for resisting the invasion of demons. Add bricks and tiles.

However, Zhuang Xiaoyuan intends to shelve this research for the time being.Because she has one thing to do, and the sooner the better.

It just so happens that both studies have been developed this time.Whether it is an IS mecha or a Shiranui mecha equipped with a reconnection gun, it must begin to be popularized in the army.Although a certain degree of experimental testing has been carried out, it is still unpredictable how it will behave when facing demons.

Therefore, Zhuang Xiaoyuan planned to go to the forefront of fighting against demons with the first batch of mass-produced mechs to collect actual combat test data.By the way, I will finish the one thing I can't stop thinking about...resurrecting Feng Xiaoxuan.

This time, leaving the academy to go to the front line against evil spirits, except for the researchers from the scientific research academy and the logistics team transporting the mechs, only Zhuang Xiaoyuan went there alone.Wen Hui's pharmacy study is at a critical moment, and she is locked up by her teacher in the pharmacy department every day.Chu Miaomiao was 'captured' by the head of Ai Li, and it is said that she will go home for special training.

Originally, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could stay for a few more days, because after receiving the news, Feng Guoqing was coming back, and he could return to the central city in two or three days at the latest.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't wait for him, maybe when he brought Feng Xiaoxuan back together, he could give him an unexpected surprise, although at that time he might have forgotten that Feng Xiaoxuan had died once.

Taking a last look at the academy where he had lived for several months, Zhuang Xiaoyuan followed several members of the research team onto the airship heading for Ningcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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