Chapter 314 The domain of the aircraft carrier class
Facing the oncoming laser bombardment, compared to the first sudden attack, this time Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others clearly saw the laser firing process and shooting trajectory.With the trembling of the divine power in their bodies, several people floated to one side to avoid the attack of the red laser.

After that, as if a certain switch was turned on, diamond-shaped blocks began to shoot in a row, and the originally sparse laser beams also began to gather together, and the red laser beams crossed in the air, blocking Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others from advancing.

"Permanent tail-chasing air-to-air missiles." Smartly dodging the pincers of two red lasers, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's pink wings spread out, and missiles flew out one after another to hit the aircraft carrier-level demon.

Chirp chirp chirp chirp, the firing frequency of the red lasers suddenly increased, and the dense anti-air missiles were swept away.The few air defense nets that passed through the red lasers attacked the aircraft carrier-level demons, not even tickling them.

"Fire sun breaks." The silver moon bow in her hand was pulled into a full moon, and the sunlight above her head was concentrated into a golden arrow in Feng Xiaoxuan's hand.As she let go of the fully drawn bowstring, the golden sunlight arrow turned into a golden meteor and instantly passed through a long distance, ignoring the blocking red laser and shooting into the body of the aircraft carrier-level demon.

There was a burst of explosion, and the area hit by the golden arrow on the aircraft carrier-level demon, including the nearby laser emission ports, was severely damaged by the explosion.But in the next second, the fragments that were originally shattered and exploded began to flow back, as if time was flowing backwards.

"Focus on the divine light cannon." The powerful cannon blasted out, piercing through the red laser's firepower net, followed by Feng Xiaoxuan's golden arrow and shot at the same position.The body of the aircraft carrier-level demon that had just begun to recover was smashed to pieces again.

Roar~ There was a howling sound that shook the world, and the red lasers that shot in all directions became more and more dense.The repair speed of the area hit by two consecutive attacks is no longer as fast as before, but it is still fast, and as the wound repair becomes smaller and smaller, the repair speed starts to increase again.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, there seems to be something like a protective shield on the aircraft carrier-level demon." Data streams flickered in the scarlet eyes, and the location that was jointly attacked by Feng Xiaoxuan and Chu Miaomiao before appeared different from other locations. Variety.It was clearly caught in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes.

When Feng Xiaoxuan hit the aircraft carrier-level demon with the first blow, although the body of the aircraft carrier-level demon was shattered, the outer protective cover did not break, but was inwardly dented strangely, and recovered as the protective cover protruded. , The originally damaged body also quickly recovered.

And Chu Miaomiao's second attack followed Feng Xiaoxuan's attack at the position where the demon was injured, and the sunken protective cover was broken.The damage of the protective cover immediately slowed down the recovery speed of the demon.However, that layer of protective cover also has the ability to repair itself. After the protective cover is repaired, the recovery speed of the demon's body returns to its original high speed.

"That layer of protection always seems to be somewhat similar to our domain." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Feng Xiaoxuan carefully looked at the wound that the aircraft carrier-level demon began to repair, and said with a hint of guesswork in her tone.

"Compare the energy of the domain, extract the data of the evil god's domain, and compare the results. The similarity of the energy itself is 90.00% 80.00, the similarity of the energy operation situation is 90.00%, and the energy wavelength is compared, the similarity is 90.00% [-]. Judgment based on the comparison. The similarity with the evil god's domain is [-]% [-]. Determined as some kind of domain energy."

Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's guess, the data flow in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes suddenly began to increase, and Icarus's computing system was fully operational, extracting the data about the evil god's domain in memory for comparison.

The results of the comparison have no doubt that the shield-like energy layer on the outside of this aircraft carrier-level demon is indeed an application of domain energy.

"The realm of evil gods, it seems that there are only two ways to kill this aircraft carrier-level demon. Either break her domain, or directly break her body from the inside and break the core. What method is Commander Feng planning to use?" Dodging Attacked by the red laser, Wang Gangrui squeezed the dark thunder glove in his hand and asked.

"Does it need to be said, of course it's a two-pronged approach." Feng Xiaoxuan's mouth was slightly raised, and Feng Xiaoxuan was not the kind of fool who would only choose one of the two.She is a pragmatist, the success rate of two kinds together is definitely higher than one kind, isn't it?

"Xiao Miao, Xiaoyuan, let's attack together and try our best to break through the domain protection on this demon. Let Captain Wang lay mines. After Wen Hui and the others finish solving it, we will launch a general attack." Holding up the silver moon bow in her hand, Feng Xiaoxuan once again gathered the sun to take the lead. A golden blazing sun arrow.

"Focus on the Shenguang Cannon." Without answering, Chu Miaomiao had already raised the laser cannon in her hand.

"If you bury the thunder, I'm afraid it will be too late if the time is too short. God descends and transforms." The golden light shone on his body, and a faint red mist diffused from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.

Booming, two attacks, one in front and one behind, hit the same position of the aircraft carrier-level demon, breaking its protective shield again.Even the surrounding red laser emitting ports were destroyed a lot, making that part of the attack sparse.

"Captain Wang, take the time now." Following Feng Xiaoxuan's voice, Wang Gangrui has already mobilized his divine power to rush towards the aircraft carrier-level demon.But he had only approached half the distance, and the demon's shield had already begun to shrink and recover. With his speed, when the demon entered the range of his dark thunder, the shield would probably have recovered long ago.

"Sharp Gun Gungnir." Just when Captain Wang was hesitant because of the recovery of the shield, a red flash flashed past him, and directly penetrated into the shield of the aircraft carrier-level demon before it had time to recover. In the wound of the shield, the upright scarlet spear just blocked the recovery of the shield.

"Dark Thunder Fist." Seize the last chance.Wang Gangrui's right fist was flashing with lavender thunder, and he punched the handle of the scarlet spear.The purple light flashed past, and merged into the body of the aircraft carrier-level demon along the handle of the gun.

Boom, the demon's shield was fully restored, and the upright scarlet gun was clipped into two sections by the shield with domain rules.It shattered into a faint red light powder and floated in the air.Chirp chirp chirp chirp, red laser beams intertwined in the air again.Wang Gangrui ran out of the laser fire net in a panic.

Roar~ It seems that strange energy has been integrated into the body, and red lasers are scattered all over the body.The bodies that had hovered in place when they started attacking Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to move.The tip of the folded long-handled umbrella pointed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, and they ran straight over.

"No, run away." Noticing the demon's movement, Feng Xiaoxuan yelled, and she and Chu Miaomiao dodged to the left and right.Creak creak, a large group of bats scattered in the air.Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had just shot the sharp gun, turned into bats to avoid the aircraft carrier-level demons that had already bumped into them.

(End of this chapter)

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