Chapter 376 Coincidence and Premonition
"I'm back, I'm back. Boss, look, she's back." Near the entrance and exit to the west of Blue Lake Village, the three brothers squatted here.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan's petite figure gradually approached Blue Lake Village, she was spotted by the sharp-eyed third child who hadn't entered stealth.

"What are you shouting for? I've seen it. It's so noisy. What should I do if the big master is so angry that he won't hand in the task?" A slap on the back of the third child gave him a lesson. She ran towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a flattering smile.

"Master, we have escorted that fat man back safely. Look at the mission reward." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked to the gate of the village, the boss greeted him with a smile on his face.This is the first silver mission among players, no wonder he is so excited.

Looking up at Jia Dafu, who had already greeted the village chief in the village square, it seemed that it had been delivered safely. Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to walk forward without stopping.

When passing by the boss, he casually threw a small book at him: "I picked it up on the ground just now, I'll give it to you." As soon as the words fell, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already passed the boss, and quickly approached the village square.

"Boss, what did you give me, just a dilapidated book?" After Zhuang Xiaoyuan left, the third child approached expectantly, but when he saw the dilapidated book in the hands of the boss, he couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment on his face.

"Idiot, what a fool. We are going to send it. Hahaha, it is indeed a silver-level task. We are going to become masters." The slap on the back of the third child made him stagger.The boss looked at the broken notebook in his hand with excitement.Even the task displayed in the task interface has been completed, and the reward for the first silver-level task to be completed is ignored.

"Hit me again, what the hell is it?" The youngest pouted aggrievedly, and the youngest raised his eyes to look at the broken notebook in the boss's hand.

"Hmph, worthless stuff. Here you are, with this you will be able to use it better. From now on, don't embarrass me, Boss." After glaring at the third child, the boss casually took the broken bag in his hand. The notebook was thrown to the third child.

He frantically took over the broken notebook thrown by the boss, and threw it so casually, it must not be a good thing, thinking so in his heart, the third brother also casually glanced at the thing in his hand.But this glance directly surprised him, and the hand holding the broken book became cautious as if offering to his ancestors: "Boss, boss, give this to me, isn't it good. Boss should keep it for himself."

"If you tell you to use it, you can use it. It's useless. No problem, second child." He made a gesture to hit someone, and the third child shrank his head in fright.The boss waved his hand indifferently and asked the second brother beside him.

"I have no objection, the third child is the worst delayer. It is time for him to learn more." The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and the second child who has seen the true face of the broken book just now has no wrong emotions at all, and smiles as if it is a matter of course , indicating no comment.

"Boss, second brother." Holding the broken notebook in his hand, the third brother looked moved, and looked at the two brothers in front of him who were closer than his own brothers with tears in his eyes.

"I hate to see you like this, so hurry up and learn from me. Be careful, I regret it." A slap on the third child's head, this time not so hard, it is more like a comforting pat on the head.

"Yeah, yum." Nodding his head, the third child who was full of emotion gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to press the broken notebook.The skill book of this high-level professional skill was used.

As the third child clicked to use the skill book, a system prompt sounded next to his ears: "Hey, use the Berserker skill book and learn the warrior-type three-turn professional berserker skill Bloodthirsty Rage (passive): according to the loss of your own blood bar The blood volume increases its own attack power. Because of the step-up learning, the skill effect is weakened. It will be restored after the level is increased."

Unaware that the three brothers behind him began to develop a strong brotherhood because of a small, useless skill book that Zhuang Xiaoyuan picked up at random.At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already come to the side of the village head and Jia Dafu, and began to ask Jia Dafu about the source of the ores used by Wei Renjie to recast the weapon.

"The rare ores he used to reforge weapons? I don't know much about the specifics. I heard that most of the ores he used were collected by himself, and one was purchased from the auction house in Blue Rock City." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was his savior, began to inquire about the recasting of Wei Renjie's broad-edged sword, and Jia Dafu replied straightforwardly.

He is also full of doubts about the sudden rebellion of his guard commander.Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan mentioned that there was something wrong with Wei Renjie's weapon, as if it was controlled by the weapon, Jia Dafu still couldn't let go of it.It's not that she doesn't believe Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, but that she is afraid that such a thing will happen again in the future.

There is such a terrifying weapon that directly controls the human mind to slaughter one's own brothers and compatriots.Although the wide-edged sword has been broken by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, there is no guarantee that there is only one such weird weapon in this world.

If Zhuang Xiaoyuan can investigate the source clearly and solve this kind of thing directly from the source, Jia Dafu is also willing to assist her.After all, what happened this time really scared him, not only physically and mentally, but more importantly, what happened this time also caused him to lose a lot of assets. He still has a lot of money to pay when he goes back, but this time he died many people.

"There shouldn't be any problem with the ore from the auction house. They won't just sell unknown props that cannot be identified. So if there is a problem with the ore, it should be the part he collected himself." From Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Jia Dafu finally figured out the ins and outs of this incident, and the village chief sighed for those sacrificed caravan members and joined the discussion.

"Have you seen the ores he collected? There are no special materials? Especially black ore materials. Before Wei Renjie died, he mentioned black or something." This incident also It made Zhuang Xiaoyuan vigilant.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan took the initiative to travel through the world not to destroy the escaped Loki, but to recover the power of Yuanli scattered in various worlds.But I didn't expect to find the world crystal that hides my own power, but I found Loki's trace first.

This is not good news, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is not worried that Loki will hurt him.With the remaining power of Loki at this time, unless it causes world-class despair, it is absolutely impossible to restore the power of the black mist before.

However, meeting Loki in a world with his own Yuanli power, such a coincidence made Zhuang Xiaoyuan feel that Loki came here on purpose.Could it be that his goal is also his own power of Yuanli?

The power of Yuanli is completely different from the negative power of Black Mist Luoji itself, and it is impossible for him to control this kind of power.But it's too coincidental to meet Loki in the first world.

And for some reason, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but have a premonition in his heart. I'm afraid that Loki will follow him like a follower for a long time in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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