Chapter 393 Her Royal Highness, the Foodie Princess of the Dragon Clan

"World crystal? What is that? Why did you find this world crystal and come to our Dragon Clan?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan talking about the world crystal, Nina showed a surprised expression on her face, as if she couldn't figure out why Things you haven't heard of will come to the Dragon Clan to find them.

"The world crystal is the core of this world, and it can be regarded as the embodiment of the world's rules. In fact, I'm not sure if the Dragon Clan has any clues. It's just a matter of luck. Maybe the Dragon Clan knows." Shrugged, for Getting clues from the Dragon Clan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't have much hope.

"I've never heard of the name World Crystal. But when it comes to the core of the world, I do know a little bit." She shook her head, expressing that she had never heard of the World Crystal, but Nina had a hint of something on her face. Thinking expression, obviously thought of something.

"Huh? The core of the world? Maybe it's the world crystal I'm looking for. What is the core of the world?" Noticing Nina's expression, Zhuang Xiaoyuan blinked, revealing a trace of surprise. I hope, after all the Dragon Clan has left Dragon Island, I didn't expect that this Dragon Clan princess seemed to bring me a pleasant surprise.

"I'm not sure if it's true, but this kind of news has been circulating for a long time. Both the dragon clan and the elf clan know about it, and there should be many people in the human race. Don't you know? I... Nina showed a strange expression on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question.

"So, what kind of thing is it? Is it in the form of crystal? Does it give people a special feeling?" Frowning, he interrupted Nina Gu Zuoyan impatiently, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked directly road.

"I don't know." The words were interrupted, but Nina didn't care, and replied directly.

"Hey, you are playing with me. I don't know you are still talking nonsense. I thought you really knew something." With a sigh of relief, he rolled his eyes helplessly.Zhuang Xiaoyuan glared at Nina dissatisfied.

"Oh, I really don't know what it looks like, because no one has seen it. But there have been rumors from a long time ago. Rumors about the core of the world." Shaking her hand, Nina explained.

"Rumor? What kind of rumor?" Blinking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Nina and asked.It seems that I misunderstood before, and thought that the Dragon Clan had seen the core of the world in her mouth, but it turned out that it was just a rumor.

"There is only one way for the strong who have reached the peak to continue to advance beyond the world, and that is to find the core of the world. Only by possessing the core of the world can they break through again from the peak level. At that time, they will be able to escape from the shackles of the world and freely wear I have penetrated the barrier of the world." No more tricks, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's inquiry, Nina directly told her the rumors that had been passed down since ancient times.

"Get out of the shackles of the world, and freely penetrate the barriers of the world. If it is this kind of ability, the core of the world you mentioned is very likely to be the world crystal I am looking for. But this rumor does not mention the location of the world crystal Is it?" Hearing Nina's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was sure that the core of what she said was the world crystal that she was looking for that hid her own power.

"I haven't finished talking yet. No one is sure where the core of the world is, but everyone believes that it is on the eternal battlefield, because the eternal battlefield is a mysterious field that needs to gather nine peak powerhouses to open it. .So many people believe that as long as they go there, they can find the core of the world, break through to a higher level of self-improvement, break through the barriers of the world, and go to the new world." Wagging her fingers, with a mysterious smile on her face, Nina Said the second half.

"In the end, it really is the Eternal Battlefield. Are we waiting for the birth of the other two peak powerhouses?" Helplessly shrugging, I didn't expect to end up on the Eternal Battlefield after going around. Nina confirmed this again. With this kind of news, Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly lost the passion to continue to visit the mainland to find clues to the world crystal.

"Two? No, there is only one left now." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Nina sighed slightly and corrected her.

"Eh? I clearly heard that there are only seven now. Hmm? Could it be that the dragon traitor you are looking for is also a peak powerhouse, plus you, and the Dragon King who is definitely a peak powerhouse. There are three dragons?" There was a surprised expression on his face.Noticing Nina's sighing face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly thought of something, and asked with wide-eyed eyes.

There is no answer, but no rebuttal at this time means acquiescence.Sure enough, the dragon who stole the Dragon King's things and was hunted down by the whole dragon clan was also a peak powerhouse.So now the opening of the Eternal Battlefield is not far away.

"Okay, then, what are your plans next? It is basically confirmed that the world crystal is on the eternal battlefield, and I have nothing else to do. If you want to continue hunting down that traitor, I can also You are together. Two people are easier than one person." There is only one person left, maybe the opening conditions of the eternal battlefield will be reached soon, and then you can confirm whether there is the world crystal you are looking for on the eternal battlefield up.

At this moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had already locked his target on the eternal battlefield, had nothing else to do.Except for two letters from the village chief.But this is not in a hurry, the village chief seemed to be dispensable when he handed it over to him, and it seemed that it didn't matter if he didn't give it away.

"What are your plans? Didn't you cut off the last clue? Originally, I planned to ask about the stone from yesterday." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Nina rolled her eyes back.But in the next second, the expression on his face changed, showing a salivating look and pointing to the breakfast stand beside him: "What is that? It looks delicious."

"You really are a foodie princess. Since you have no plan of your own, how about we aim to eat all over the continent? Today we will eat all the remaining shops in Beifeng City, and tomorrow we will go to Xueyuan City. Taking a weird look at Nina's belly without any trace, Zhuang Xiaoyuan secretly admired the appetite of the Dragon Clan.Consciously, she stepped forward and paid for Nina to buy the kind of food she fingered.

"Ah, yes, yes, human food, I like it the most." After taking a bite of the fried golden glutinous rice balls in her hand, Nina had a happy expression on her face when she heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's proposal, and she was completely overwhelmed. The task of hunting down the traitor was left behind.

In other words, is she really worthy of being a foodie? If the Dragon King knew what it would be like to release her, I don't know if he would regret it.Seeing Nina eating food with a happy face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan secretly speculated.

In a city that Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know, the Dragon King who was stuffing food into his mouth sneezed hard, almost blowing the food in front of him away.Rubbing his nose, the Dragon King who turned into a human looked around strangely, secretly suspicious in his heart, wondering if his granddaughter was speaking ill of him behind his back.

 I always feel that there is no enthusiasm for writing this volume. The combat text is a bit boring, but the online game world seems to be unable to write daily life =_=.Originally, I planned to write about the ice field, snow mountain and elf forest, but it seems that I should just skip it.Going to end this world as quickly as possible in the next week or so.The next world outline has been determined, but two copies have been made.Cosmic Singer (Luo Tianyi) and Xianxia World (Huang Xiaoyan/???), who do you want to read first?

(End of this chapter)

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