Chapter 395 Wolf Shadow Village in the Snow Mountain

"Ah, it's so cool and cool. Hiccup." Coming out of the cold drink shop, Nina touched her stomach with a satisfied face, and then hiccupped. A faint flame spewed out of her mouth, and then went out instantly. .

" are a red dragon. After eating so much ice, be careful that you can't even spit out the dragon's breath." Noticing the flame that Nina spewed out and then extinguished instantly when she hiccupped, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said speechlessly. .Fire dragon actually likes to eat ice...

"Allah, isn't it just a little bit of ice, it just makes me feel a little bit cold. It's not enough to extinguish my dragon's breath. What should I eat next?" He waved his hand carelessly , Nina's eyes wandered and she began to look for a new target.

"Well, since you said so yourself, I don't care about you. Next, let's eat from this street, eat from one end to the other, and then enter the next street to eat from the other end, how about ?" Shrugging indifferently, Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted Nina on the shoulder, pointing to the end of the street and suggested.

"Okay, okay, then let's start quickly. Let's start with this one." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Nina followed her finger to look at the far end of the street. Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arm rushed towards the nearest pastry shop.

So, the gluttonous Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the foodie Princess Wang continued their gourmet sweeping journey in Xueyuan City similar to that in Beifeng City.Unlike Beifeng City, which is a city near the sea, Xueyuan City is a city relying on mountains, and it relies on thousands of miles of snow-capped mountains.

Therefore, the food characteristics of Xueyuan City have completely entered two extremes, one is cold refrigerated dishes or cold dishes, and the other is hot spicy dishes.However, whether it's chilled dishes or spicy dishes, Xueyuan City has its own characteristics, and even the ingredients are completely different from those in North Wind City.

If you want to compare it with an example, Beifeng City should be regarded as similar to the Jiangnan cuisine in the past, with light taste and seafood ingredients as the main ingredients.And Xueyuan City is a combination of Russian cuisine and Sichuan cuisine. There are rough Russian cuisine and spicy Sichuan cuisine.No matter what, this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Nina still had a good meal.

Three days later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Nina, who had eaten all the dishes in Xueyuan City, left Xueyuan City and entered the Icefield Snow Mountain.After leaving Snowfield City, where no one could see them, Nina directly transformed into a dragon and carried Zhuang Xiaoyuan on her back to fly into the vast ice field and snow mountain, and began to look for the hidden wolf shadow village in the snow mountain.

"Huh, what's the matter, have you seen the location of Langying Village?" Nina flapped the huge wings on her back and turned into a huge crimson dragon, but Nina's voice was still as crisp as a girl's.

"It looks like we're not in this area. Let's continue heading west." Sitting on Nina's head, leaning on the dragon horn above her head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's lavender eyes swept across the snow-white mountains, Didn't see it.

"Hey, it's been almost a whole day. Can your eyes work? If I had known it would be so boring, I wouldn't have accompanied you out." Hearing that there was still no result this time, Nina complained a little frustrated.

"Aren't you bored in the city if you don't come out with me?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted Nina's dragon horn with her right hand, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan rolled her eyes at her.Although standing on top of her head now, she probably can't see it.

"How can it be boring in the city? There are so many delicious foods. I want to eat some of them a second time." When it comes to the food in the city, even Nina, who has already transformed into a dragon, has twinkling eyes shining light.

"Oh, yes. But do you have money for food? Or, are you willing to spend those shiny gold coins?"

"This is a bit..." Nina said in a slow tone when she heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words.

"If you know, then don't complain. You are alone in the city, and you are so stingy and don't want to spend money. What else do you want to eat? Work for me, and you can go back early if you find and complete the task early. , we can eat it a second time.”

"Oh. You said it yourself, don't go back on your word." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words that if she went back early, she would eat a second time, Nina suddenly gained momentum, flapping her wings vigorously, and accelerated towards the west. direction to fly.

"Wait a minute, I found it. It's right there, descending between the two mountains." Not long after flying again, the words Langying Village appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes, between the two mountains.

I finally found it, Langying Village, and thanks to these eyes, not only can I see other people's ranks and names, but I can also see the place names of cities and villages outside.After confirming the location of Langying Village, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directed Nina to land towards the location of Langying Village.

With the wings flapping on her back, Nina controlled her huge body to descend towards the depression between the two snow mountains.As Nina approached, Langying Village also faintly came into sight of the two of them.

It was a small village, which seemed to be about the same size as Blue Lake Village, but the difference from Blue Lake Village was that the buildings here were not separate houses, but a whole row of buildings connected together. There are also tall buildings similar to temples.

"Ahh~ahh~" As Nina approached, Langying Village gradually became clear in the sight of the two of them.On the contrary, Nina's huge body was also discovered by the girls in the village wearing red and white priestess costumes.

And the first thing they discovered was not these red and white witches, but the giant blue wolves scattered in the village. With the howling of wolves echoing in the valley, the witches noticed the light from the sky. uninvited guest.

"Oh, they seem to have discovered us. The welcome ceremony was very enthusiastic. What should I do? Should I go straight down?" When Nina got closer again, she could already clearly see the appearances of the witches in Langying Village. These witches had also gathered together, raising various weapons towards Nina above her head.

It is said that there are all kinds of weapons, but there are not many types, mainly weapons such as bows and arrows and crystals.The bows and arrows are all made of iron arrows, and the crystals are shining with blue lightning. Langying Village is a village of witches who are good at using thunder magic and bows and arrows, and believe in the wolf god.

"Well, the ones who came out were just little guys. How about going straight down? This kind of toothpick-like attack shouldn't affect you." His eyes swept over the witches in the village, and the levels above their heads were all covered by Zhuang Xiaoyuan. income in the eyes.

At this time, most of the witches gathered in the square of Langying Village are only second-rank professionals of three or four hundred levels.Occasionally, there are only a few rank-three ranks of six or seven hundred.There is no such kind of master who breaks through the [-]th level.

"Haha, no problem. Since you're not afraid of frightening them, I'll go straight down. Let's go." With a laugh, Nina flapped her wings on the back for the last time, and landed directly towards the square of Langying Village.

(End of this chapter)

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