Chapter 397 The Peak Level Powerhouses
The pure white light swept across the continent, not only Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the old witch noticed it, but also other people in different locations on the continent, especially those peak-level powerhouses at the top of all races.

"Come here, call the Seven Great Elders, and also call Siris." In the Star Forest, a huge city made entirely of plants is located above the palace in the center of the city. The elf queen Sylphy looked up. The white light that spread towards the distance gave instructions to the guards around him.

"Yes." Hearing the Elf Queen's words, a sharp light flashed in Jinwei's eyes, and he retreated with a serious face.

"The Eternal Battlefield is about to open, it's time for her to inherit my throne, and the elves will rely on her in the future." As the peak powerhouse, the Elf Queen will undoubtedly board the Eternal Battlefield.Then, it is impossible to determine when you will come back, and you must first make preparations for not being able to come back.

Since the Eternal Battlefield was opened for the first time, because all the powerful people went to the Eternal Battlefield, all the clans lost their leaders and fell into chaos, and even turned into a war that spread to the whole continent. Since then, every time the Eternal Battlefield opens, all clans will Make corresponding follow-up preparations.In order to avoid the confusion that may arise later.

When the elves began to prepare for the meeting, the demon clan in the abyss of despair had just left the meeting.

"Master Lilith, do you really believe that person? Maybe she is just deceiving you. In the end, she just made us do nothing. Human beings are cunning creatures and cannot be trusted." A little devil stood Behind Duke Lilith, after all the demons who participated in the meeting had left, she opened her mouth to express her opinion to Lilith.

"Oh, you don't understand. You haven't reached my level, and you can't feel the wonderful power in her body that seems to be connected to the world. Besides, you said she is human? That's not necessarily the case. Gods are not limited by race Yes. Besides, I originally planned to go to the Eternal Battlefield. There is not much deviation in the plan." With a poppy-like smile on her face, Lilith stood up and walked towards the meeting room. It's time to go to the grown-up.The long-cherished wish of the Demon Clan is about to come true.

"Ahem, Xiao Hua, go back early today. Grandpa is going out for a while, and I'm afraid he won't be home anytime soon. Be obedient and listen to Mom and Dad." Blue Lake Village, the village head patted Xiao Hua on the head, smiling kindly , but his eyes looked in the direction of the eternal battlefield.

"Yeah, it's delicious, it's delicious. I haven't tasted such a nostalgic taste for several years." In the largest and most luxurious restaurant in Bluestone City, in the box on the top floor of Bluestone Hotel, a swordsman dressed up The middle-aged man ate and drank alone at the table full of sumptuous delicacies.Sitting opposite him was a not-so-young old man, smiling as he watched the middle-aged man binge eat.

"If it's delicious, eat more. We haven't seen each other for decades. I'm afraid you won't see each other again when you go back." The old man smiled and looked at the middle-aged man. His face is not the kind of kindness that the elders see the younger, but the respect that the younger sees the elder.

"Yeah, I'm afraid we won't be able to see each other in the future." After eating all the delicious dishes on the table in one breath, the middle-aged man raised his head, took a towel, wiped his mouth and stood up.

"Hey, don't you want to eat? There's still a lot to come." Noticing the action of the middle-aged man, the elderly man opened his eyes wide in surprise. Stop eating?Has your appetite changed?Don't like it?
"Forget it this time. If I can come back, I will visit again. Treat me well next time. Little guy." Grinning, the middle-aged man put down the towel in his hand and walked out of the window.

"Senior Dragon King, no matter when you come here, our Blue Stone Hotel will treat you well. Even if I die by then, my descendants will keep my last words in mind and treat you well." Noticing that the middle-aged man obviously As if planning to leave, the older man stood up excitedly and said.

"Haha, good. I will come again if I have the chance. But now I have to go to the Eternal Battlefield first." Haha laughed, the middle-aged man jumped out of the window directly, in the air, his body swelled rapidly, accompanied by With a dragon chant resounding through Bluestone City, the middle-aged man transformed into a huge cyan dragon and flew towards the southwest.

"The giant blue dragon, the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan. Is it true that the Eternal Battlefield has opened? In the end, it was still a few steps away. It's a pity." In the center of the Bluestone City, the center of the City Lord's Mansion, the man who is the City Lord of the Bluestone City looked up. The cyan dragon with a regretful expression on his face.He is still a little short of the peak level. In a few years, maybe one of the nine peak powerhouses will be him.

"Heh heh heh, it's finally started. I'm almost done too." In Beifeng City, a gloomy young man stood up from the ground, threw away the black stone fragments in his hand, and his eyes were full of vicious emotions. , moving from the gravel on the ground to the remaining flame traces on the ground.

"Little girl Nina and that human assassin. They hindered me once or twice, let me finish you all in one go this time. Anyone who hinders me will die."

A black mist crazily surged from the young man, quickly surrounding him, and a dragon shape could be faintly seen in the mist.The mist gradually shrank, and finally disappeared into the rumored haunted house. With the disappearance of the black mist, Zhao Qianrong's home finally returned to calm again.

On the outskirts of Bluestone City, at the junction of Starstone Plain and Warcraft Forest.The player's first game guild, Baqi Wushuang, is established here.At this time, because of the world-class plot mission that everyone suddenly received, the senior leaders of the guild are gathering to discuss the action plan that should be taken for this plot mission.

As the first guild formed by players themselves, they are equivalent to the role models of players, and they are also the common target of all other guilds, and they will become the target of other guilds anytime and anywhere.

"President, do we want to participate in the world-class plot mission that suddenly started this time?" As soon as the meeting started, the vice-president on the left directly asked the most central president, Domineering Wushuang.

"Nonsense, this is the first world-class plot, of course we have to participate, even if the level is not high enough, but following those NPCs to pick up some bargains is enough for us to make a fortune." The domineering Wushuang in the center has not Speaking, another vice president on the right answered first.

"If one is bad and the loss is too heavy, it might give other guilds a chance." The vice president on the left frowned, with a hint of hesitation and worry on his face.

"Too much loss will indeed give people an opportunity, but if we do nothing, we will not only be looked down upon by others. If other participating guilds take advantage of this opportunity to obtain huge resources, I am afraid they will surpass us. Yes. Especially the vice president on the right hand side of the "Alliance Brotherhood", with the unique gambling spirit of an adventurer in his eyes, he believes in wealth and wealth.
(End of this chapter)

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