Chapter 409 It is said that someone has become a heroic spirit

"What? Heroic spirit? You mean the man who sailed the boat? How did you know?" The elf's ears were different from ordinary people's, with some pointy ears.Not only are their appearances different, but the elves' ears are also extraordinarily keen.Sylphy caught Zhuang Xiaoyuan's soft cry immediately. Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice, Sylphy widened her eyes in surprise, and looked at the bearded Andrew in the cabin.

"Hey, you don't know that. Xiaoyuan's eyes are the eyes of truth that have the ability to see through everything. No falsehood or cover-up can hide from her eyes." The five senses of the Dragon Clan are also keen. Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Ni Na was also a little surprised by the beard, but after hearing Sylphy's question, she immediately showed off with a smug expression.

"The Eye of Truth? You actually have such an ability. Who the hell are you, little fellow?" Hearing from Nina that Zhuang Xiaoyuan still has the Eye of Truth, Sylphy looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a surprised expression in her eyes.

"Me, let me tell you a secret." Noticing the eyes focused on Sylphy's surprised cry, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied with a mysterious smile on his face: "Actually, I am the God of Creation."

"Pfft, Xiaoyuan, don't make such jokes. You are too disrespectful to Lord Chuangshishen." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mysterious expression suddenly, I thought she would reveal some kind of secret.I didn't expect to say such a joke in the end.Both Nina and the others around couldn't help showing funny expressions.

"Well, I was joking. Actually, I am a stronger and higher god than your creator god. I was born earlier than your creator god." You guys have seen it through, I can only tell the truth' Shrugging shoulders, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

"Hehe, the more you talk, the more exaggerated it is. How could there be a god earlier than the Chuangshi God?" Completely took Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words as a joke, and all the faces of the surrounding people showed smiles. The somewhat peaceful atmosphere was replaced by relaxation due to the existence of the clothed men.

"You who have the eye of truth should have seen his real name. Can you tell us his name? Since he is a heroic spirit, he should be a well-known person in the mainland. But I really didn't expect that he would be in the eternal battlefield. I saw a legendary heroic spirit on board." Knowing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has the Eye of Truth, after the initial surprise and the 'joke' just now, Sylphy's attitude towards her suddenly became better.

"His name is Andrew, Blackbeard Andrew. He is close to the peak strength. I can only see so much." Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly reported the name of the heroic captain.

A heroic spirit is a creature of the concept of a spirit body transformed into a famous person in history or legend after death.Since he can exist in the body of a heroic spirit, there is no doubt that the captain of the heroic spirit in front of him is definitely a once prominent existence.

As long as you know the name of this heroic captain, you can know his deeds, and based on his deeds, you can also analyze his abilities and clues about the eternal battlefield that is about to go.

As an outsider, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's understanding of this world is limited to what he saw and heard during his recent visits, as well as some information from the old village head Zhang Wanquan's collection of books.It is of course incomparable with these seniors who have lived for decades or hundreds of years.Therefore, if you want to know some additional information, you still have to go through these old-timers who have lived long enough.

"Andrew? It can't be that Andrew, right?" Hearing the name Zhuang Xiaoyuan said, Odoragon was slightly taken aback, with a trace of surprise in his eyes: "He can also become a heroic spirit?"

"It should be him, he is called Blackbeard, and he is also the captain, and he is the only one named Andrew." Frowning, Sylphie couldn't help but look strangely at the cabin: "The one who was Called a nasty captain, Andrew, the playboy who formed the Harem Pirates with girls from all races who are crazy about him, can actually become a Heroic Spirit."

"Hey, playboy, is he just like that? How blind must you be to fall in love with that kind of bearded face?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan was surprised when he heard what Sylphy said about Andrew. His eyes widened, and he looked back at that Andrew, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see anything special about him.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan's obvious surprise and contempt made Odoragon and Sylphy a little embarrassed. After all, among the blind people Zhuang Xiaoyuan talked about, there were girls from their elves and dragons.Of course, the most people are from the human race. Who is to say that the human race has a large population?

"Well, how should I put it. It turns out that Andrew doesn't grow a beard. Without a beard, he is born with a charming appearance. It is said that no woman can keep calm in front of his face. So he has been praised by men all over the mainland. He hates being welcomed by women all over the continent. But later, he fell in love with a certain duke of the demon clan..."

Scratching his face in embarrassment, Dragon King Odoragon began to talk about Andrew's deeds.It's not that they are blind, it's that the way Andrew used to be really popular, this is the subtext that Odoragon really wants to say after saying so much.Speaking of demons, Odoragon looked at Lilith who was beside him.

Noticing Odoragon's gaze, Lilith smiled slightly and continued: "The Demon Duke is a generation older than my grandmother, he is a succubus who is also good at charm, And he also has a strong jealousy. So when he was pursued by Andrew, he made a condition for him to grow a beard to cover his face."

"So did it become like this now? But why did he become a heroic spirit? Could it be because he is handsome without a beard?" Through the words of Odoragon and Lilith, Zhuang Xiaoyuan almost had a feeling for this Andrew. Understood, the interface asked.

"Shouldn't it be possible?" Blinking his eyes, Odoragon's tone carried a hint of hesitation.

"Well, it's impossible." Although he wanted to affirm Odoragon's words, Sylphie's tone was also uncertain.

"According to the records, Andrew the Blackbeard finally took his own pirate group to find a new continent and then disappeared." Zhang Wanquan squinted his eyes and replied with a slight tap of the crutch in his hand.

Although it is not as long-lived as the elves and dragons, but in comparison, the information recorded in human books may be more detailed than the inheritance of dragons and elves.At least, all the collected books of the elves are not as many as the books in a main city of human beings.As for the Dragon Clan, they have never had the habit of recording information in books.

"Could it be that he found a new continent? Or, what he found was the Eternal Battlefield, and he also discovered the way to enter and exit the Eternal Battlefield. If this is the case, then on the Eternal Battlefield, I'm afraid..."

(End of this chapter)

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