Chapter 411 Black Dragon King Angora
"Papapa, although they are also at the peak level, the spirit of the people who came this time is unexpectedly good." Accompanied by a burst of clear applause, among the three heroic spirits who had been watching the battle before, the figure The tallest and strongest one clapped his hands and said.

At this time, the originally crowded port was empty, and all the heroic spirits who were sitting or standing before had turned into golden light spots and flew into the depths of the island, leaving only the three people in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

A strong middle-aged man clapping with a smile on his face, a seductive woman in revealing clothes with an impatient expression on his face, and a tall and thin young man with a cold face.The three seemed to be dominated by strong middle-aged men. Although the seductive woman looked impatient and the tall and thin young man looked indifferent, they all stood behind the strong middle-aged man and did not leave, nor did they take the initiative to attack.

"Xiaoyuan, you're running too fast, you don't even wait for me." Accompanied by a breeze of flapping wings, Nina, with a pair of dragon wings growing from her back, descended from the sky to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side. Wing said while complaining.

"Run away, I won't be thrown away by you." A slightly unconvinced voice came from behind, riding on the back of the Frost Giant Wolf.A small part of the sea was directly frozen, and Yun Mengxue who ran over from the sea also came to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side.

"It's because you guys reacted too slowly." Shrugged indifferently, before Nina and Yun Mengxue could refute, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the trio in front of him and asked, "Who are you and why did you attack us? Do you know?" Where is the world crystal, I came here for that."

"No, no, no, don't make a mistake, little sister. We didn't attack you, what attacked you was just the dregs just now. And what you want, you need to work hard to get it yourself. For the time being, I just It's just working for others." He shook his hand to indicate that he was not hostile, and the smile on the middle-aged man's face did not change a bit, and he replied with a smile.

"You, you can't, maybe, you won't admit your mistake, right? But I remember that it is, it really seems, you, are you the Black Dragon King Angora?" Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze, Nina also saw the leftovers on the port. The three heroic spirits.Looking at the Heroic Spirit who took the lead, Nina felt familiar no matter how she saw it, as if a similar person had appeared in her inheritance memory. With hesitation and disbelief, Nina hesitated and asked.

"Oh, I didn't expect that after hundreds of years, there are still people who remember me. The aura of the same kind, so that's the case. I have also been recorded in the memory of the Dragon Clan's inheritance. It's really an honor." Hearing Nina's words Question, the middle-aged man Yingling Angola who had been speaking as a representative before, the smile on his face became more intimate, and his eyes shifted from Zhuang Xiaoyuan to Nina.

"Is it really you? Have you also become a heroic spirit? I remember you came to the eternal battlefield hundreds of years ago. Could it be that everyone who came to the eternal battlefield has become a heroic spirit?" Nina confirmed the other party's identity. And showing a hint of surprise, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Haha, you little guy has a quick brain. That's right, this island is full of heroic spirits, except for those of you who just came here. However, not everyone who comes to the island will change. Heroic spirits. There are also some wastes that don’t even leave a trace of soul in the end.”

With a laugh, Angola told Nina Island very readily, but after speaking, his tone became low, adding a bit of pressure for no reason.

"Is it an island full of heroic spirits? Heroic spirits are the incarnations of the souls of heroes passed down from generation to generation. There are no living people on this island except heroic spirits. In other words, have all the people who came to this island before failed? Then , What exactly is here?" Slightly frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan fixed her eyes on the three people in front of her and asked.

"Heh, smart little guy. It's okay to tell you, here... there is only a trial." The smile on his face faded, and Angola replied with a hint of seriousness in his eyes, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Trial, what trial?"

"Becoming the strongest, standing at the peak of everyone's trial, this is the pursuit of all the strong on the continent. Here, it is the closest to that position, whether it is a human, a demon, an elf, a dragon or a heroic spirit, whether it is Poisoning, assassination, betrayal or betrayal. This is a place where everyone will do everything possible to climb towards the highest peak in order to become the strongest king."

At this moment, Angolan's tone was no longer the comfort and kindness before, but full of blood and killing intent, persistence and viciousness.It was as if the outer light had been torn off, exposing the inner darkness.

"The strongest. It really is a title that can confuse people's hearts. However, the strongest often means the weakest. There has never been a real strongest. If you want to say the strongest, maybe the belief that everyone is united is the strongest. This is what my friends taught me." Facing Angola's gloomy tone and oppressive expression, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled lightly, instantly breaking the frozen atmosphere around her.

"Well said, if you can say such a thing, maybe you will be the one who dies the fastest this time." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, the impatience on the seductive woman's face has disappeared.What replaced the impatient expression was a look of interest at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, as if she had seen the end of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Grandmother Franny, I think it's better for you not to look at her like this. You have lost your identity as a demon and turned into someone else's puppet heroic spirit. You have lost even the most basic perception ability. She can It's not something you can provoke casually."

A bewitching voice came from the entrance of the port, and the ship of brilliance finally docked, and the first person to get off the ship was Grand Duke Lilith.And she happened to hear what Franny, the heroic spirit woman, said.

"Oh, you've grown up so fast, Lilith, you're already qualified to enter the Eternal Battlefield. However, you are still as childish and timid as before. You really are a demon in vain." Hearing Lilith's voice, Franny's Attention also shifted to Lilith who was walking over.

"Oh, this is true. You are as ignorant as before. My dear grandma. It is because you are too ignorant that you have become so miserable now, and you have even lost your noble status as a demon. Can I just become someone else's puppet heroic spirit, hehehe." With a few light steps, he came to the side of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others. Different from his friendly smiling expression, he spat out vicious words coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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