Chapter 454 Prepare for Action
"The situation here doesn't seem right. The number of the Silencers has increased." Looking at the Silencers mine base in the distance, Shlemeng frowned, showing a trace of worry about the future battle.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were hiding in the darkness of the forest as before, but this time Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others hid deeper than before.This time it was not near the periphery of the forest, but deep in the forest.

The reason why they hide so deeply is that there are more protective devices on the periphery of the mine base of the Silent Clan than the area where the take-off ship crashed, not only bright searchlights, but also infrared detectors and biological sensor detectors.If you get too close, you may be discovered soon.

However, although it was hidden in the depths of darkness, the surroundings were pitch black, and even the outline of a human figure could not be seen clearly.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were no longer troubled by the darkness.

Because in the previous arsenal, they found a lot of infrared night vision goggles. At this time, they basically have a copy. With night vision goggles, they can clearly see the stumbling blocks on the ground and their companions around them.

Of course, in addition to clearly seeing the complicated road sections and companions in the forest, the far-sighted function attached to the night vision goggles also allows them to clearly see the mine base of the Wuyin clan. Compared with the previous information, there are many more silent people People of the sound family.

"Are they already prepared? Or did we just happen to have a troop exchange with the Silent Clan?" Zhang Lin looked a little serious as he also looked at the Silent Clan, which was nearly twice as many as planned.

Although his blood is often rushing to his brain, he can still calm down and save time at critical moments. After all, as the leader of the army, he is responsible for everyone's personal safety.

"I think it's better for us to suspend the operation and re-plan? Although the battle on the spaceship may be noticed by the Silent Race, as long as the weapons and ammunition there are emptied, even if the spaceship is occupied by them again, we will still You can take it back later."

Taking his eyes off the increasing number of guards of the Silent Clan, Shlemeng suggested cautiously.

"No, it's okay with the current number of people. It's just that if these people from the Wuyin tribe not only know this, but also set up an ambush to lure us into the bait. Suddenly, when we are fully fighting Being attacked from behind by them, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome at that time."

The line of sight shifted from the wall of the mine base outside the forest to the surroundings. If there was really an ambush, there would probably be more people from the Silent Clan in other places, so where would they hide?

"Ambush? Lure us into the bait? If you say that, is there a traitor between us?!" Frowning, Shlemeng looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a trace of dissatisfaction, although under the coverage of infrared glasses, he couldn't see it. His emotions, but from the movements he watched, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could feel his dissatisfaction.

"No, although there is a possibility of betrayal by traitors, this possibility is not great. If there were really traitors, the location of our base would have been exposed long ago. So, it's not because of traitors. I think it might be Because the crash of our spaceship has aroused the vigilance of the Silent Clan, they are also prepared just in case. Of course, the ambush is purely my guess." Shaking his head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan explained softly.

She could understand Shlemeng's dissatisfaction. After all, compared to outsiders like Zhuang Xiaoyuan, these people in the rebel army had been together for several years, and their deep feelings for each other made them trust each other, and they did not allow others to have unreasonable doubts.

However, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that it was not a good thing for Shlemeng to have such complete trust as the team's think tank.As the leader, Zhang Lin can trust anyone.

But as an assistant to Zhang Lin, Shlemeng shouldn't have this kind of restless trust. He should always have a little suspicion and vigilance towards others, which is what he should do.

Although, this kind of behavior of constantly doubting others will put a lot of pressure on him, but who calls him a military adviser?If you don't have doubts and vigilance towards people, maybe something will happen at any time.

After hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Shlemeng nodded in agreement. There are so many more people in the Silent Clan for no reason, this is the most likely explanation.Since there is a possibility of an ambush here, and the Silencers are so vigilant, the action plan this time should be cancelled. Thinking of this, Shlemeng asked, "So, do you also agree with our temporary retreat?"

"No, I didn't say that I planned to retreat. Even if the people of the Silent Clan ambushed, I don't think they would ambush more people. If we see the number of people so far, we are still fine. It’s just that in order to avoid ambushes, we still need to adjust the combat plan to prepare for the follow-up manpower for the ambush.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Zhuang Xiaoyuan denied Shleimeng's understanding of his words, and continued: "In addition, what I am worried about is not how many people and how powerful the Silent Race will be, but what I am worried about is how many people there will be." Just be their hostage. So, this is your task."

When discussing the action plan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already emphasized to them that the most dangerous people in this battle were the humans in the Wuyin tribe's mine.Therefore, the only task of Shlemen and others is to ensure the safety of the people inside.

As for the silent people guarding, or those possible ambushes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou are enough.Because music itself has a wide range of abilities, not to mention the songs they prepared this time are also very suitable for the current situation.

"Is it really okay? The people here are not the twenty or so people on the spaceship, but more than 100 people. If you add the ambush you mentioned, there may be two or three hundred people."

To be honest, Shremeng was still a little apprehensive when faced with the sudden increase of the Silent Clan, which originally had only about 50 guards, to more than 200.With their current combat strength of more than 30 people, even if they are fully armed, facing the Silent Clan with more than 200 people will definitely never return.

Therefore, even if Zhuang Xiaoyuan pretended to be swearing, he still couldn't let go of his heart.

"You don't need to worry about our side, anyway, you are not the ones who are in direct conflict with the Silent Clan. I think you should think about how to get into the base of the Silent Clan and ensure the safety of the humans inside." It was obvious that Shleimon Le Youyou waved her hand in dissatisfaction with the doubts and worries in the words.I hate this kind of mother-in-law the most.

(End of this chapter)

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