Chapter 456 Ancient and Modern Battlefield
"At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was endless smoke. Often serving in chaos, the government and the people were in trouble, and A concealed the emperor and ordered the princes. Standing in the east of the river in Kyushu, inheriting the ancestral business, inheriting the father and brother, the crowned leader of Wuyue, and ten thousand pockets. Across the world, the spring and autumn have changed several times, and it is stable. In the southeast, facing the Central Plains, the navy locks the Yangtze River and resists Cao and Liu. Township Chibi, valiantly, seizes Jingchu, conquers mountains and mountains, drives gold and iron horses, and destroys enemies..."

Amid the crisp, active and rhythmic accompaniment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sang the lyrics following the rhythm.From the first sentence of the lyrics to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there is a vague scene around Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.

As the song sang, behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, one by one, groups of soldiers from the Eastern Wu Dynasty in armor and holding swords, guns, swords and halberds began to emerge, but in the first part of the song, although these soldiers appeared , but it is still just an illusory image, completely devoid of any attack power.

However, when the ten-member team of the Wuyin tribe entered the range of their weapons and pointed their guns at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also just sang "Shoot the tiger, rely on the yellow dragon, and have more courage than ordinary people, whoever is the opponent."

As the lyrics fell, behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, a not tall but heroic figure emerged, wearing a dragon robe, holding a longbow, with the same face as Zhuang Xiaoyuan in Luo Tianyi's form at this time , raised his hands, opened the full moon with the longbow, and aimed at the silent team on the opposite side.

When the Wuyin clan pressed the trigger of the gun in his hand, the figure behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan also just let go of the bowstring.As the bowstring was released, the arrow feathers on the longbow pierced the sky in an instant, leaving a golden afterimage in the air, directly smashing the beam of light from the gun, and shooting straight into the team of the Silent Clan.

There was a bang, and the golden arrow exploded with great power like a bursting grenade.Amidst the explosive sound, the ten-member team of the Wuyin clan was directly blown away by the arrow.After it was blown up, it fell down and never got up again.

An arrow blasted away the ten-member team of the Wuyin Clan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's "Power to the World" has only just begun.Not paying any attention to the voiceless people who were blown away by the blow, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to sing while continuing to move forward.

"Choose virtuous ministers, appoint capable generals, overwhelm the Jiangdong clouds and rain, and be romantic." As the lyrics fell, blurred figures appeared behind Sun Quan, who had exactly the same face as Zhuang Xiaoyuan at this time.Although they couldn't see the faces of these people clearly, they could tell from their clothes that they were classified as civil servants or generals.

"Finally stay, Eternal Sigh, having a child should be like this, Sun Zhongmou." When the lyrics ended, Sun Quan's originally illusory figure behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly solidified, with a proud sneer on his expressionless face, looking towards The large army of the Silent Clan and the group of human mechs rushing over here.

"Don't you see, the army set fire on the Red Cliff, chained with iron chains, and I didn't see it, defending the enemy from the north, uniting the West Shu, fighting fiercely on the Yangtze River." With this line of lyrics, the flames began to rise behind the capable ministers and generals, and a long river fell from the sky. And the groups of soldiers in the river solidified, showing firm eyes and firm will.

"In the military account, Jin Zhi, Zhang Zhaomou, often offered wonderful strategies. On the battlefield, Taishi was brave and willing to prosper, and one rider was worth ten thousand." After the flames and the long river condensed the soldiers, behind Sun Quan, the red-clothed black-haired heroic figure Zhou Yu, the equally handsome Zhang Shao with short white hair, Tai Shici with a spear, halberd and long bow, and Gan Ning with an iron chain and a cynical face all showed a clear look.

"Promote Lu Su, persuade Amon, gather talents to become hegemony, gain fame and fortune..."

"Don't you see, Lu Ziming, riding a light boat, crossing the river in white clothes, and I don't see Lu Boyan, burning the company, and the flames soaring to the sky."

"Be good at checking and balancing, choose good ministers, appoint capable generals, and conspire with the country..." Lu Su, Lu Meng, Lu Xun... and other capable ministers and generals of Soochow appeared one by one in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing.

When the last blurred figure of a capable minister and general was solidified, Sun Quan, who was behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, waved the long sword in his hand.The flames and the long river rushed over Zhuang Xiaoyuan's head towards the approaching humanoid mechs and the troops of the Silent Clan.

In the flames, Zhou Yu and Lu Xun led the soldiers behind them to meet the large army of the Silent tribe rushing on the ground.On the long river, boats carried Gan Ning upstream, and Tai Shici led a large group of sailors to meet the humanoid mechs in the sky.

All of a sudden, amidst Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing, in front of the Wuyin tribe's mine base, the large flat land in the isolated forest instantly turned into a fierce battlefield.The confrontation between ancient weapons and modern weapons.The fight between the soundless people and the physical image formed by music.

In the flames, countless voiceless people were either killed by the soldiers and turned into ashes, or burned into coke by the flames.There are also countless music soldiers who were shot to death by the silent people.

On the long river, the scorpion collided with the humanoid mech and was shattered.However, the soldiers on the warplane jumped onto the humanoid mechs, beating and attacking randomly with the swords, guns, swords and halberds in their hands.

The outer shell of the humanoid mecha was potholed, and if it was accidentally broken and cut off the circuit, the humanoid mecha directly paralyzed part of its functions, and even the main energy line was directly cut off, and fell into the long river and never came out again. .

Walking boats with thick iron chains moved quickly and flexibly on the long river, avoiding the attack of humanoid mechs.Two, three, or four or five walkers are joined together, and the walkers are connected by throwing iron chains. Under the flexible movement of the walkers, the humanoid mechs are directly bound by the iron chains.With the start of the walker, the humanoid mecha was either dragged into the river, or directly pulled to pieces by the iron chain.

As the humanoid mechs were destroyed one by one, the walkers and warships also began to be quickly eliminated.It's just that the humanoid mechas of the Silent Clan no longer reappear when they are eliminated, while the walkers and scorpions on the long river, accompanied by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing, will reappear soon even if they are eliminated, restore them, and walk freely on the long river again .

Although the battle was fierce at this time, the balance of victory was ultimately in favor of the Soochow army. As the battle continued, the number of Wuyin people decreased, but the Soochow soldiers did not decrease.

What's more, in the Soochow army, there are strong generals who resist the humanoid mechs with their bare hands, and military advisers who command the army to adapt to the situation, completely divide the troops of the silent tribe and gradually eat away at them.

Moreover, the voiceless people have to face more than that. The music reverberating in their ears is also rapidly eroding their bodies, and one of them will quietly disappear in the music without holding on.

"Boom" Just when the balance of victory was tilted towards the Soochow army, amidst a roar, the ground broke, and a huge drill drilled out.

(End of this chapter)

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