Chapter 458 Spaceship Repair
As the last few Wuyin tribes in the base were wiped out by Zhang Lin and the others, the battle against the Wuyin tribe's small mining base also came to an end.It ended with the victory of human beings, and the subsequent things had nothing to do with Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Zhang Lin and the others began to direct the humans in the mine base to help move all the weapons and food in the Silent Tribe base to their forest base.Because the deep forest cannot allow the vehicle to move freely, and it is also worried that the vehicle will be equipped with a positioning system.

Therefore, after taking all the logistical supplies that could be brought, Zhang Lin and his party began to lead the humans in the mine towards the forest base.After returning to the forest base smoothly, Zhang Lin arranged for people to follow Le Youyou to the spaceship to carry the weapons inside after placing the materials brought in from the mine base.

After all the materials were transported to their base, the day passed like this, and night had already quietly fallen.During this day, several towering trees around the forest base were dug out new tree holes, and several tree houses were built on the tops of the towering trees.

The next day, after arranging the human beings liberated from the mine base, Zhang Lin and Shleimon planned to continue the rescue operation.After their first success, they already had a lot of trust in Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou's musical ability.

After a few people had a brief discussion, in the early morning of the third day, they started the raid on the mine base again.They planned to liberate all the nearby small mining bases before the Silent Clan could fully react.

In this operation, the number of people has finally grown a lot, and the so-called rebel army finally looks like an army. It is no longer the previous twenty or so people, but more than 70 people, which has tripled.

After approaching the Mine Base of the Silent Tribe, the group of more than 70 fighters was divided into two groups. A group of 40 people followed Zhang Lin and Shleimeng to find a way to sneak into the base to protect the humans in the base.The remaining 30 people became Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou's bodyguards, just in case, to protect their safety.

After that, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou's concert started under the stunned gaze of the thirty-odd guards.This time the strategy was still going smoothly. Although there were more silent people in the mine base this time, they still couldn't stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou from singing in turn.

After Zhuang Xiaoyuan's power overwhelmed the world and defeated the silent army, Le Youyou's Zhanhu came to collect the heads and make up for it. The two cooperated very tacitly, and the two songs were almost seamlessly connected.There was absolutely no chance for the Silencers to fight back, so the second battle came to an end.

After that, every few days, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou followed more and more people to the mine base of the Wuyin clan to attack and rescue more people.In addition to attacking the Wuyin tribe base, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou would lead the same increase in children in the base to learn music and sing in normal time.

As more and more people gather in the rebel base, everyone's confidence is getting stronger and stronger. Human beings are social creatures, so there will be more security when there are more people.

But as the number of people increased, some people also faintly expressed a trace of worry.Such as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, such as Jia Zhai and Shleimeng, such as the children who originally lived in this base.

With more people, there will be more problems. After the original small team grows, in addition to many human beings who are grateful to Zhang Lin for saving, there will inevitably be people who are not convinced by Zhang Lin as the leader of the rebel army.

When there are too many people, getting along with people becomes complicated, and friction and disputes are inevitable in daily life.

After the number of people increased, it became more difficult to hide the base of the Silencers. The range of the anti-biological detection equipment originally made by Jia Zhai had to be increased, but correspondingly, the effect would inevitably be weakened.

Although they were worried about the various troubles caused by the increase in the number of people, they just kept it in their hearts and did not say it out loud.At most, they discuss with each other occasionally on how to solve these troublesome problems.

However, before the worried people thought of a specific solution to the hidden danger, a sudden crisis made them fall into a greater passivity.The Silencers began to counterattack, and this time the counterattack hit the heart of the human rebels.

On that day, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou continued to carry out the strategy plan of the Wuyin tribe's mine base under Zhang Lin's plan.After capturing the mines of the Wuyin tribe many times in the past half month, the soldiers accompanying the team were no longer as nervous as before.

As long as they could hear Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others singing, they would not have the slightest worry.This is the absolute trust that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his music have gained from countless battles in the past half a month.

A few minutes later, as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's power over the world came to an end, the humans won again and captured another base of the Wuyin tribe.After completing the strategy of the base, Zhang Lin and his team began to take the rescued humans to settle in the forest base of the rebel army.

This time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou didn't go back with them.Instead, the two alone left the main force and went to the area where the spaceship crashed.Just now they received a contact from several uncles repairing the spaceship. The damaged spaceship has been repaired and is ready for space travel.

After receiving such good news, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou couldn't wait to see it with their own eyes to make sure if it was really repaired.So, while Zhang Lin was busy sending the rescued humans to the base, the two of them left alone.

Half an hour later, it was confirmed that the spacecraft had been repaired, and it was really possible to leave for the music star at any time.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were very happy. After saying goodbye to the uncles who did the final maintenance of the spaceship, they headed towards the forest base.

"Didi, Didi." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were walking back to the forest base, a communicator carried by Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly rang, making a crisp beeping sound.

This is a small communicator, similar to the BB machine a long time ago.The function of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's communicator is also very single, it can only carry out one-on-one communication, similar to the function of a walkie-talkie.However, the signal of this separate communicator is very hidden, and cannot be detected by ordinary signaling devices.

This communicator was specially made by Jia Zhai so that when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Lin were on the move, they could safely get in touch with each other in case of an accident. At that time, there was a strange sound.

(End of this chapter)

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