Chapter 465 Definitely Come Back

"Goodbye everyone, take care." Standing at the door of the spaceship, looking at the people gathered outside the spaceship, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved his hand and said goodbye.

Today is half a month after the disappearance of the Silent Clan. With the disappearance of the Silent Clan, human beings began to receive all the facilities on this planet, and also started the construction of their own homeland.

Without the Silencers, they no longer need to hide in the forest, but migrated out of the forest together.Based on the largest mining base near the forest, everyone under the command of Jia Zhai began to build a new base designed by him.

This is the second human planet without a voiceless family, and everyone is full of interest to make this planet a second music star.With Zhuang Xiaoyuan's continuous teaching to those children in the past half month, many children have mastered the method of using musical instruments, and also have a great understanding of music spirits under Le Youyou's teaching.

After all, I have only studied for more than a month. Even if I study music every day, I still cannot learn everything.However, for these children, it is very lucky to be able to play their own instruments and learn a few more songs.

After that, these children need to study and learn by themselves, and they need to find their own music path.Whether or not this planet can be successfully turned into a second music star depends not only on the construction of the planet by the adults, but also on the hard work of these children on music.

However, although the goal of being a music star is still far away, in the case of Music City, it might not be a difficult goal.As these children migrated to the newly built base, the energy of music began to faintly emerge around the base.

Although it is still relatively thin, with their pursuit and learning of music, maybe in a few months, they will be able to form a permanent music barrier around the city, just like the kind of music barrier that wraps the entire music star. world.

After teaching the children the simple usage of various musical instruments and the understanding of music elves, and giving them a few songs that are easier to learn, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou planned to leave.And today, the day they decided to leave, everyone who got the news came here.

"Sister Xiaoyuan, sister Yoyo, we'll wait for you to come back, and this place will definitely become better than it is now. Maybe it will become the same as a music star soon." Niuniu, who has recovered from her injuries, looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan He said goodbye to Le Youyou with a reluctance on his face.

"Well, I believe that you will build this place well. Next time I come to play, please treat me well." Smiling and touching Niu Niu's head, Le Youyou is also looking forward to coming back here again when.

"Well, in fact, if you stay here, maybe this place will soon become like a music star, why do you want to go to a music star?" Give up the plan to let Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou stay.

Especially after discussing with Zhuang Xiaoyuan and finding out that Zhuang Xiaoyuan is actually a scientific research expert like himself, I hope that she will stay and build this planet together.

"Because, although there are reasons for me to stay here, there is nothing I need. I have already felt that that thing is somewhere in the music star." Shaking her head lightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan refused again Jia's invitation.

"Okay, I'm just going to Music Star, it's not far anyway. And you heard from her, there is a reason to stay here, as long as you go to Music Star to get something like that, they will come back." Sitting on Jia Zhai's shoulder, Shlemeng said with a smile on his face.

"That is to say, I believe they will come back soon. We will build this place properly before they come back, and then we will give them a surprise." Zhang Lin, who has recovered from his injuries and left no scars, from On the other side, he hugged Jia Zhai's shoulder and said with a smile.

"That's right, we will definitely come back again." Nodding, Le Youyou replied with a smile.When she was a child, the music star Dawn Band's concert was still deeply imprinted in her heart. If she didn't go to the music star to see it, she would never be reconciled.

"Well, we will definitely come back." Beside Le Youyou, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also replied with a smile.It's just that unlike the smile at this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes carried a trace of longing and regret.

I will definitely come back when I come back, but will I come back in a few weeks and months after I went to the music star, or will I come back in a few years or hundreds of years.Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't be sure about this.

Vaguely, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that a lot of things might happen when he went to the music star this time.Moreover, if he can successfully obtain the world crystal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will continue his next world journey, and I am afraid that he will not return here in a short time.

However, even if he won't come back in a short time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still believes that one day he will come back here.At least I will come back to see how these friends have built this planet, and whether they have really become the second music star, right?

"The spaceship has been adjusted, and it can take off at any time." After Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou made an agreement that they would definitely come back, the voice of the middle-aged man who operated the spaceship in the captain's room sounded through the spaceship's broadcast.

Although, this spaceship was snatched by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, theoretically it was Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou's property.But after all, there are no flying tools on this planet.And after going to the music star, the two of them might not be able to use this spaceship, so the two discussed it and gave the spaceship to the fellow human beings on this planet.

At this time, the person who controls the spaceship named Youyuan by Zhang Lin and the others is one of the only people on this planet who can use the spaceship.After sending Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou to Music Star, he will return to this planet again.

Of course, he is not the only one on the spaceship who can operate the spaceship, there is also a combat team of a hundred people, in order to avoid the spaceship from encountering troubles during the voyage.

"Then, it's really goodbye this time, take care." Hearing the voice on the radio, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze swept across the reluctant faces outside the cabin door.He smiled and waved his hands to say goodbye.

"Well, goodbye. We will always be here waiting for you to come back." With slightly moist eyes, all the children who had been taught music by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou shouted in unison.

Click, the hatch slowly closed, separating the inside and outside of the hatch.Afterwards, the people standing around the spaceship reluctantly backed away.Amid the jetting sound of the propellers of the spaceship, the spaceship carrying Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou flew into the sky and flew towards the music star.

(End of this chapter)

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