Chapter 467 It's them
"It seems that you really like music, let's go, let's go have a big meal." Noticing the emotion on Le Youyou's face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled slightly, no longer paying attention to the big screen over there, but pulled Le Youyou walked into the restaurant in front of her.

"It's been more than ten years, and I don't know what the seniors of the Suguang Band are doing now, are they still music stars?" Finally, he glanced at the lunch girl who was singing and dancing on the big screen in the distance. They, Le Youyou was dragged by Zhuang Xiaoyuan into this restaurant.


"Boss, let's have another roast duck, and we also want noodles." The familiar scene reappeared, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan called the boss to order again on the empty plate that fell high.

Since becoming Luo Tianyi's form, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appetite has directly broken through the non-human level.However, for this change, Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself is very happy to see the results. After all, Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself is a foodie. He used to have too much appetite to eat too much, but now he can finally eat enough to feel good.

"Sorry, this customer, the ingredients of our restaurant..." After Zhuang Xiaoyuan ordered again, the restaurant owner finally had to come over to tell them the sad news.

After all, this restaurant is not big. Although the business is still booming, it is only such a big restaurant. No matter how popular it is, it doesn’t need too many ingredients, so it’s only natural that the ingredients they prepared were not enough. Before, they deliberately went to I bought it once, but it still runs out quickly.

"Hey, it's gone so soon? It's just at the bottom this time, it's not enough to eat at all." Hearing what the boss said, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised her head from the food in surprise. She wasn't full at all, and she even just started eating. a feeling of.

"Okay, since there are no ingredients, let's pay the bill directly. Let's go to the next one and continue." Taking out the black card that was used on the moon before and handing it to the boss to swipe, Le Youyou comforted Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Although the relationship between Music Star and the Silent Clan is bad and there are endless fights, Music Star's website is blocked by the Silent Clan on other planets.However, the currency used has not changed, and it is still the original human currency.So Le Youyou is not worried, as the music star's own black card will not be able to be used.

"Let's go." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished the last bit of food, Le Youyou had already finished the check, took back the black card and stood up to call Zhuang Xiaoyuan to leave together.

After that, the two started to wander the streets of music stars, and when they saw a delicious store, they went in and had a big meal.However, just over an hour later, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou walked out of the fifth restaurant, they found that the outside of the restaurant was surrounded by men in black wearing sunglasses.

"Is it them?" Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou coming out of the restaurant, the leading man in black turned his head and asked another man in black beside him.

"That's right, it's them." Compared to the electronic photo in his hand, the man in black who was questioned nodded affirmatively.

"That's good." Nodding, the leading man in black walked up to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, his tall body stood upright, looked down at the two of them and said, "You two, please come with me Bar."

Coming out of the restaurant, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou realized something was wrong, there were so many people in uniform black suits surrounding the door.However, although the exit was surrounded, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were not worried.

Because they are just newcomers to music stars, it is impossible for them to know anyone, and it is impossible to make enemies with them. Therefore, the two of them did not think that these men in black who looked obviously bad guys would come to them of.

However, when they walked out of the restaurant with a natural expression on their faces, they found that these people seemed to be looking for them.Because the electronic photos in the hands of the man in black before were Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou who caught their eyes.

What's more, the leader, the tallest man in black, obviously dressed in a gangster costume, actually walked directly in front of the two of them, blocking their way.

"What should I do?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou didn't reply immediately to the question from the leader in black, they looked at each other in dismay.Seeing the doubt in each other's eyes, they raised their eyebrows lightly, and Le Youyou asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan beside him.

"What else can I do? Surrounded by people without knowing anything." Shrugging helplessly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a resigned expression on his face.Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer, the leading man in black couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

But in the next second, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face suddenly changed and he turned around and ran to the right: "At this time, of course I chose to run away."

"I knew that was the case. But when you run away, can you remind me first? What will you do if you leave me there?" He quickly followed Zhuang Xiaoyuan and ran to the right side, happily He complained.

"Didn't you already follow, I just knew you would follow so I didn't remind you. See how much I trust you." Smiling at Le Youyou who was running beside her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied.

"Tsk, stop them for me." His expression changed, and he frowned.The leading man in black looked fooled, and waved his right hand to direct the group of men in black on the right to stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou.

"Come here, be careful." Zhuang Xiaoyuan reminded Le Youyou who was beside her when she noticed the people in black who were approaching her with open arms on the right side and wanted to catch them.

While speaking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stretched out his hand to make a circle and touched the right hand of the man in black who was closest to him.With the help of force, the right hand of the man in black was directly directed to another man in black on the left.

When the two men in black were staggered by each other's strength, Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed directly between them, and Tai Chi Yun turned the two of them to the ground directly.

"Be careful yourself, I don't have to worry about it." Crossing Zhuang Xiaoyuan and stepping over the two men in black she had put down, Le Youyou lifted her foot and kicked the ankle of the man in black behind him. When he jumped, he punched him in the stomach, then raised his foot, and his knee met the fragile nose bridge of the bent man in black.

"Hey, this is the second time." When Le Youyou knocked down a person, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already rushed to her side, and said with a smile while repelling all the attacks of the attacking man in black.

"Ah, it's the second time. But this time we don't need to deal with so many people, let's go." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan dragged four or five men in black, Le Youyou quickly knocked down two more men.

Following the fall of these two people, the crowd that had blocked Zhuang Xiaoyuan's way was broken through.Not wanting to fight, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally drew a circle, and after all the attacks of the men in black were directed towards his companions, he rushed out of the men in black's encirclement with Le Youyou.

(End of this chapter)

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