Chapter 474 Indirect Kissing
"Ah, it's delicious, it's delicious. Hmm, it's worthy of the Tianlai organization, ahhh. Even the food in the cafeteria is so delicious." In the staff canteen of the Tianlai organization, Zhuang Xiaoyuan once again turned into a glutton and began to crazily sweep all kind of food.

Before coming out of Meng Lianxin's office, Nangongwang and Dongmenqian took them to the double room arranged by the company. After checking in and receiving the room key, they ran all afternoon and only ate at the end. After a little barbecue, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou expressed their desire to have dinner.

So, Nangongwang and Dongmenqian took them to the staff cafeteria organized by Tianlai.They said it was a staff canteen, but in fact the canteen they were in now was an artist canteen within the Tianlai organization.The real staff canteen is still downstairs, and there will be more space than here.

After all, it is an artist cafeteria. Apart from the exclusive artists trained by Tianlai Company, the only ones who will eat here are those from the artist team.So when Nangongwang and Dongmenqian brought Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others in, there was no one here except the cafeteria staff.

In fact, judging from the current point of time, it is already past dinner time.Even the entertainers who came here to eat probably have already finished their meal.So, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others are equivalent to booking this place.

Ever since entering the cafeteria and smelling the aroma of various foods floating in the cafeteria, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's full attention has been completely hooked.The layout of this canteen is not luxurious, but the food in the canteen is very luxurious.

On one side of the cafeteria and opposite the entrance, rows of ready-made delicacies have been placed there.Most of them are based on pastries, cold cuts, or some food that does not affect the taste when cooled, which is completely like a buffet.

On the other side of the cafeteria, there is a counter-like area isolated by glass. Small windows are opened on the counter, and chefs with different appearances are waiting inside. There is an ordering area. .

Looking at this is a buffet again, and you can choose your favorite meals to make.Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly ignored Dongmenqian who was introducing the cafeteria to them, and rushed towards the buffet, so the gluttonous feast began at this moment.

Under Dongmenqian and Nangongwang's dumbfounded, Le Youyou's usual gaze, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to crazily sweep up the food in the cafeteria.The buffet table was full, and the buffet dishes enough for dozens of people were all wiped out by Zhuang Xiaoyuan in just half an hour.

After that, Zhuang Xiaoyuan ran to the counter and ordered all the delicious dishes on the menu.As the chefs prepared the dishes one by one, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly finished eating one by one, and soon there were tall plates on the table.

"I said, does she always eat like this?" I have been watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan eat for more than half an hour, from the surprise at the beginning, to the shock later, and finally to the numbness after the shock, looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's flat stomach as before , Dongmenqian asked Le Youyou who had finished dinner in a daze.

"It's not been all the time." Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan enjoying the delicious food, Le Youyou couldn't help showing a hint of envy.

"That's okay, I thought I ate like this every day. It seems that she has eaten this meal today, so she won't have to eat it tomorrow." Hearing Le Youyou's answer, Dongmenqian breathed a sigh of relief.

In her guess, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body should have undergone some kind of evolution, and it has the function of storing energy similar to that of a camel, which makes it so edible. Maybe relying on the stored energy, he won't need to eat tomorrow.However, looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's chest, it doesn't look too big, where did all the stored energy go?

"No, I will still eat like this tomorrow. The law of energy conservation has no effect on her stomach. It's not because she couldn't eat like this before. It's just that she didn't have a chance to eat so happily."

Just when Dongmenqian breathed a sigh of relief thinking that she had found an explainable reason, Le Youyou's words made her fall into a daze again.If you keep eating like this, no one can afford this girl.

"Oh, I can't eat with you guys next time. It's really uncomfortable to watch her eat." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan finish another plate and put the empty plate aside, even Nangong Wang, who had been keeping a cold face, couldn't help it. Showed a look of emotion.

"That's right, seeing her expression of enjoyment made me want to eat a big meal, but seeing more and more food entering her mouth, even if I have an appetite, I'm still full. I can't eat it." Gritting her teeth, Dongmenqian showed a salivating and refusing expression.

"Well, so, just don't look at her." With a slight smile, Le Youyou scooped a spoonful of pudding from the small bowl in front of her with a spoon in her right hand and put it into her mouth, squinting her eyes in enjoyment and replied.

The cafeteria here is really good, and there are desserts here. The pudding here is really delicious.It seems that Le Youyou has found a way to prevent Zhuang Xiaoyuan from affecting her appetite.

"It looks like you're used to it." Shaking her head helplessly, Dongmenqian looked away from Zhuang Xiaoyuan and looked at Le Youyou: "Speaking of which, have you decided on your names yet?"

"What's your name?" He squinted his eyes in enjoyment, and when he heard Dongmenqian's question, Le Youyou came back to his senses and looked at her suspiciously.

"The name of the group, what group do you plan to call?"

"Hey, can you decide for yourself?" She tilted her head in doubt, and after receiving Dongmenqian's affirmative answer, Le Youyou put another mouthful of pudding into her mouth, and turned her head to ask Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the other side: "Madoka, what should we name our group?"

"Nagi Atsumi Paper? Male Biwa." With a mouth full of food, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied vaguely while chewing the food.In the middle of speaking, he suddenly choked, and desperately began to pat his chest.

"Don't talk while eating, swallow it before you open your mouth." Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan helplessly, Le Youyou handed over the juice in front of her.

"Gulu Gulu, ha~ I came back to life, I thought I was going to choke to death." After taking the juice that Le Youyou drank half, Zhuang Xiaoyuan poured it into his mouth without minding at all and finally swallowed the food in his throat: " The name of the group should be Nanbei, the North-South combination. One south and one north, two people on each side of the sky are destined to be together, how about it?"

"North and South, is there a combination of North and South? Well, not bad." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's proposal, Le Youyou said a few words and nodded in satisfaction.

I don't know why, in the name of the North-South combination, Le Youyou feels a strong friendship, as if there is a very deep relationship between this combination.Hmm, probably an illusion.

"By the way, you seemed to be kissing indirectly just now. You not only drank the same glass of juice, but also drank in the same place." Looking at Le Youyou who was thinking seriously and Zhuang Xiaoyuan who stopped eating temporarily, Dongmenqian suddenly rolled her eyes, He smiled and reminded.

"Boom." Hearing Dongmenqian's reminder, Le Youyou finally realized that her entire face turned red instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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