Chapter 479 The Concert Ends

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou sometimes sang together, they sang this touching song.Before, the music energy that faintly began to emerge because of the singing and dancing of the Pure Land of Bliss also began to gradually emerge from the air with this song of the two.

As the singing of the two continued, notes of seven colors emerged from the air, dancing in the air, lively, as if performing their own unique dance with the singing of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou.

After we sang together, cheers and applause sounded again in the music hall.Although this song is completely different from the previous song full of dynamic singing and dancing, this song is still very nice.

So, in the cheers and applause of the audience, in the dense musical energy in the sky, in the dancing of various colorful notes.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou sang the songs they had prepared one by one, one after another.

Starting from the third song "Thousand Years of Frost and Snow", "Twins", "Pink Lemon", "Miracle Store", "Starlight Through North and South" to the last "Singing of the Heart".Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou never left the stage except occasionally to interact with the audience and take a break.


"Sister Lianxin, how is it? Is their singing effective?" When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were singing hard on the stage, Dongmenqian found Meng Lianxin standing there on the roof of the music hall.Walking to her side, we looked up at more and more colorful notes in the sky, and asked.

"Well, the effect is unexpectedly strong. The music enchantment that had been weakened has been completely restored, and it has also been strengthened." Without looking back, Meng Lianxin knew it was her when Dongmenqian walked up the stairs.

"Yes, that's good. In this case, we can stay here for a few more years." Hearing Meng Lianxin's words, Dongmenqian seemed to be relieved, and a part of the heavy stone in her heart finally let go.

"A few more years? It is indeed enough for us to last a few more years. But what's the use of staying a few more years. If you can't find the real son of music, this planet, this world will eventually usher in extinction." Gently She sighed, as the general manager of the Tianlai organization, Meng Lianxin was not as optimistic as Dongmenqian.

"Son of Music. Could it be the two of them?" Slightly narrowing her eyes, Dongmenqian looked down at the roof floor under her feet, as if she saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was still singing in the music hall through the ground under her feet. And happy.

"Why, you think it's them." Meng Lianxin's expression relaxed a little, and finally she took her eyes back from the seven-color notes in the sky, and looked at Dongmenqian beside her.

"Sure enough, you think so too. After all, one of them is sister Mengxin's child." Noticing the change in Meng Lianxin's face, Dongmenqian laughed, as I expected.

"Yeah, after all, he is Mengxin's child. As a half-son of music, he activated the thing on this planet to fully establish this music star. Let countless people fighting for this music star be at peace. It is thanks to her that the descendants of those sacrificed warriors can be so peaceful."

Sighing, there was a trace of nostalgia in Meng Lianxin's eyes.In my mind, I recalled decades ago, the Starlight Girls group formed with Le Youyou's mother Liu Mengxin, was active in the universe.

"However, compared to sister Mengxin's child, the other child is even more amazing. That kind of learning ability, physical memory ability, and creative ability far surpass ordinary people, it is really abnormal."

Turning around, leaning her back on the fence of the roof, Dongmenqian raised her head lazily and looked at the sky above her head that was changing colorful colors under the reflection of music energy, and murmured.

"Well, if it's them, I won't be surprised no matter who is the Son of Music. I'm afraid that the real Son of Music hasn't appeared yet. If so, I can't guarantee that this planet can support her until she appears."

Gradually, a trace of seriousness appeared on her face. Recently, Meng Lianxin, who has the closest relationship with the music star, has begun to feel a shadow that is gradually approaching.That is the deepest shadow that no one can resist and no one can escape.

"When are you going to take them to that place?" Noticing Meng Lianxin's expression, Dongmenqian put away her laziness and turned serious.

"...wait until after their touring surprise performance." After a moment of silence, Meng Lianxin finally opened her mouth to answer.

"After the tour, why? If they are really the sons of music, if something happens accidentally during the tour, the world will really end." Hearing Meng Lianxin's words, Dongmenqian immediately went from Climbing up on the railing, he frowned tightly.

"No, if they were really the Sons of Music, nothing would happen to them. And if they weren't the Sons of Music, wouldn't it be our usual idol plan to go on tour after the first performance. Unless they themselves said they didn't want to participate."

"Tsk, it's up to you. I hope you're right." With a curl of her lips, Dongmenqian got up and walked towards the stairs.If you really want to go on tour, you have to prepare in advance.

Regardless of whether they are the sons of music or not, Dongmenqian is unwilling to let these two children get hurt.Although it was only a short period of one and a half months, Dongmenqian had developed a relationship with Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.


"...From the beginning to the end, thank you for spending every journey with me." During the concert in the music hall, along with the last part of the last song "Sound of Heart" planned by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou The curtain came to an end amidst the chorus, and the debut concert of the North-South combination finally came to an end.

"Thank you, thank you everyone. Thank you everyone for participating in our debut concert. Thank you." After the last song was sung, amid applause and cheers, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou bowed again to thank them.

"Time always flies by, and before we know it, our concert has come to an end. Thank you for coming to this concert, and I hope that you will still come to listen to our singing next time we hold a concert again. With a sincere smile on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't even bother to wipe off the sweat on his head, and held up the microphone to thank the audience around him and said goodbye.

"We will definitely come again." As soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished speaking, the audience answered in unison in the venue.

"Well, we are also looking forward to seeing you again, and I am saying goodbye here today. Thank you, goodbye." The audience's answer made Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou both smile. Holding up the microphone, Le Youyou also said There were words of farewell.


"See you."

"see you later."

"Looking forward to the next new song."

"North and South, I love you guys."

"Long live the North-South combination."

Amidst cheers and farewell sounds, as the elevator slowly landed, the concert finally came to an end here.And after this concert, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others will be greeted by a whole universe tour concert, where not only the concert will be held, but also the surprise battle and chase battle with the Silent Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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