Chapter 482 Gray Fog
"Well, I see, we'll go back right away." Putting down the communicator in her hand and ending the contact with the music star, Dongmenqian's face became a little heavy.

"Miss Xiaoqian, did something happen?" Le Youyou, who was doing routine body exercises, couldn't help asking, noticing that Dongmenqian's expression was not quite right.

"Well, it looks like this tour is coming to an end. The music star has been invaded by a large force of the Silencers. Later, you guys also come to the conference room." Nodding with a heavy face, Dongmen Qian She said something to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, and then turned around and walked out the door. She had to discuss the specific action plan with a few other teammates.

"Music stars are being invaded? Could it be that the people of the Wuyin tribe are already planning to go to war?" Hearing Dongmenqian's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Although he hasn't found the world crystal yet, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is sure that the world crystal is among the music stars.Even after the first concert, it was difficult for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to feel the existence of the World Crystal, and she still believed that the World Crystal was among the music stars.

Therefore, in any case, music stars must not fall, whether it is for the existence of the world crystal, or for the human beings who live in music stars who are familiar with music.

"I'm afraid this possibility is not low. After all, music stars have always been the thorn in the eyes of the silent people. It's not a day or two since they wanted to destroy music stars. It's just because of the existence of music enchantments around music stars that they paid for it at the beginning. After a heavy price, the operation was temporarily stopped."

Beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou slowly retracted her straddle and resumed her normal sitting posture, and said with a hint of guesswork and heaviness on her face.

"So, this time, did they start to act when they were sure of capturing the music star? Or, is there some reason why they had to go to war directly like this?" Also putting away his swaying movements, Zhuang Xiaoyuan While talking, he stood up from the ground.

"It's useless to think about it now. Anyway, the result is that the people of the Silent Clan have already started to act. So we have to prepare, prepare for the battle, and drive those people of the Silent Clan out. Now, we still Let's go to Sister Xiaoqian and the others first, I don't know how they decide to go back." Standing up from the ground, Le Youyou walked towards the door while talking.

"Well, I don't know if this incident will be an opportunity for me to find the world crystal. I always feel that the time to leave this world is getting closer." Behind Le Youyou, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said that only he could hear The voice murmured softly and followed.

After Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou went to look for Dongmenqian to understand the specific situation and follow-up action plan, the clam-shaped spaceship that was originally performing a concert tour around the universe turned around a curved arc in the universe and changed its direction. The original goal began to move rapidly towards the direction of music stars.


Beyond the roaring Music Star, at the very edge of the Silent Fleet surrounding the Music Star, a huge mothership is quietly suspended here.At this time, in a huge cabin of the mothership, the captain, the most senior officer of the Silent Clan, was half-kneeling on the ground alone, holding up the things in his hand.

"Almighty God. Please condescend to appear in the world and witness the highest despair that our people offer you." Holding up what looked like some kind of animal scales in his hand, the captain of the Silent Clan spoke respectfully. The scale in his hand bowed his head and begged.

As the Voiceless Captain's voice fell, the scales in his hands slowly rose from his hands as if they had their own consciousness, and a faint gray mist emerged from the scales, wrapping the scales and moving to the very center of the cabin.

Feeling the scale leaving in his hand, the captain of the Silent Clan showed excitement in his eyes, and stared at the scale floating in the center of the cabin full of reverence.

As the gray mist on the scales became more and more, that scale seemed to begin to swell faintly.When the fog was about to spread to most of the cabin, in the faint and hard to see through the fog, a thick and long dark figure slowly squirmed, making a rustling sound.

"At this time, call me and here, have you found the world crystal?" A low voice sounded from the mist, and following this voice that made people feel fear involuntarily, the gray Two bright red light bulbs lit up in the mist.

"I'm very sorry, the supreme god who brought us desperate enjoyment and fearful pleasure. I haven't got any news about the world crystal yet." Fanatical eyes stared firmly at the gray fog. After the inquiry from the owner of the middle voice, the Captain of the Silent Clan replied with a hint of apology on his face.

Boom, there was a loud bang.As the voiceless captain's words fell, the captain's body exploded out of thin air, hands and feet fell to the ground, and various parts of the body were scattered everywhere.

"Tell me, since you didn't find the world crystal. Why did you summon me? If you don't have enough reasons to convince me, you don't need to exist." The fearful voice sounded again, echoing in the empty cabin , this time there was a hint of warning in the voice.

"I'm very sorry, my supreme god. Although we haven't got any clues about the world crystal, we have a way to obtain the energy of despair by a large margin. Moreover, if the world crystal you need really exists, there is a great possibility that it will be lost." it's here."

The scattered pieces of meat were gradually weathered and turned into piles of dust. In a gust of wind that came out of nothing, the dust quickly gathered and reverted back to the captain of the Silent Clan, half kneeling on the ground respectfully facing the gray mist Something in it replied.

"Oh, the method you said is to capture this planet that is guarded by the rules of the world." The bright red light bulb moved slightly to look at the side of the cabin, which happened to be in the direction of the music star. The light bulb seemed to see through the structure of the spacecraft and directly saw the music star bombarded by countless naval guns in the distance.

In fact, it has known the existence of this music star for a long time, but to it in the gray mist, this music star is like a speck of dust falling on its body, dispensable, so it I didn't pay much attention to it, until now, the race created by itself said such words.It just started to notice the planet.

(End of this chapter)

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