Chapter 484
Boom~ The roar of a spaceship passed overhead, and a spaceship of the Voiceless Race flew over their heads towards the center of the city.They want to land in the center of the city, intending to directly disintegrate the human defense line from the inside.

"Air defense gun, shoot it down for me." Noticing the spaceship above his head, the army commander winked, and immediately ordered to the anti-aircraft gunner who had been prepared.

In fact, there is no need for the commander to order at all. When the spaceship came, the anti-aircraft gunners had already started to aim at the spaceship overhead. With a flash of dazzling cannon light, the spaceship had just arrived in the center of the city and had not had time to land. Annihilated in the dazzling cannon light.

The battle continued, flying directly in the air, and the plan to attack and disintegrate from the inside failed, and the troops of the Wuyin tribe began to land on the outskirts of the city, taking advantage of the number of people to attack.

As more and more Silent Clan fleets landed, there were more and more Silent Clan fighters, and the human defense forces around the city began to be unable to resist. The first line of defense was broken through, and the second line was destroyed. Breakthrough, the third track was broken again.

As the lines of defense were squeezed and broken by the troops of the Silent Race, the human defense forces retreated again and again, and the scope of the protective circle became smaller and smaller.Although the protection strength has also been improved due to the reduction of the protection range, but facing the gradually decreasing number of people on his side, and the increasing number of people from the Silent Race, the battle situation is ultimately unfavorable for the human side.

Amidst countless gunshots and gunfire, the singing of Sunshine Boys, Lunch Girls, and the long-retired Galaxy 123 has never stopped.

In fact, it is because of their music assistance that human beings can complete the retreat with the least loss and shrink the line of defense.But their music can only do this, because there are too many people in the silent family.

Even if their music wiped out dozens of voiceless people, hundreds of people would emerge soon, and when they wiped out these hundreds of people, thousands of people would rush forward. After a thousand people, more tens of thousands of people came up with the landing of the Silent Clan fleet.

It seems that at this moment, no matter how much people from the Wuyin clan can be killed, they cannot be killed and chased away.In fact, for this war, the Silent Clan gathered most of their forces in one go.

Almost 90.00% of the voiceless people scattered throughout the universe were gathered by them.Although the number of voiceless people stationed on each planet is not large, when these voiceless people from countless planets gather together, the number is enough to fill the entire music star.

It was in such a critical situation that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others finally rushed back.However, in the face of such a large number of silent people, even if there are a few more of them, I am afraid it will not have much effect.

In the fourth line of defense of the music star city, as the number of silent people increases, the human defense line is gradually compressed, and human casualties are also increasing.

"Captain, we can't stop us soon." Controlling the erected beam machine gun in his hand, he quickly fired at the oncoming Silent troops, slowing down the advance of the Silent tribe, while the machine gunner started firing The captain called for help.

Beside the machine gunner, all his companions who had defended against the Silent Race with him had all fallen to the ground.Many people have lost their breath and fell into eternal sleep.

However, a small number of comrades who survived dragged their bleeding bodies, climbed to the trench with their last vitality, and raised their guns to shoot.Every bullet they shoot consumes not only the bullets or energy in the gun, but also their own last vitality.

"Hold on, we have no way to retreat. If we retreat further, we will not be able to build a solid line of defense. We must block these bastards here."

Responding loudly to the machine gunner, the captain of the defensive force dropped the sniper rifle that had exhausted its energy in his hand, casually picked up the beam gun used by the comrades who had lost their lives on the ground, and killed several silent people with his hand raised. , However, it still couldn't stop the voiceless people who were getting closer.

"The captain, the old cat, and the scorpion are all dead, and Sanjiu can't hold it anymore. We really can't stop it. Can you call the band organized by Tian Lai to come over for support?"

In the houses on the side of the street, avoiding the artillery attack of the Silent Clan, they leaned out from time to time and counterattacked the bullets in their hands.This obviously immature young soldier wiped the black ash on his face and suggested to the captain.

"No, the band organized by Tianlai is already supporting the other three sides, and we can only rely on ourselves on this side. If it really comes to a time when we can't hold on, you all withdraw first, and I will give them a big gift here."

He tried his best to counterattack against the artillery fire, but he couldn't resist the approach of the Wuyin tribe. The captain gritted his teeth and made the decision to sacrifice himself, and said to the few remaining comrades in arms around him.

"Captain, we are with you." Noticing the firmness in the captain's eyes, the few remaining fighters here have already seen his decision.There was a hint of determination in his eyes.

"Okay, since you are all willing to stay, then I will rush over to send a group of people down first, and then this place will be handed over to you." I noticed that the eyes of my comrades were as determined as myself.The captain gritted his teeth and changed his decision.Since it is doomed to be unable to hold on, let's do it now and destroy as many as we can.

"Yes, captain, have a good trip, and we'll be here soon." Nodding firmly, the eye sockets of several comrades in arms turned slightly red.

"Comrades, I'm going first." He tied all the bombs he picked up from the dead comrades to himself.The captain left the last sentence, and directly jumped out from behind the obstacle with the little energy left in his hand, facing the artillery fire of the Silent Tribe and began to charge towards the Silent Tribe's troops.

When rushing out of the obstacle, the captain had already held his breath. No matter how painful his body was, no matter how much blood he bleed, he had to rush into the Silent Clan's troops first, and then detonate the bomb on his body.

However, when the captain completely rushed out of the obstacle on his side, the beams of light that shot at him did not harm him at all.

A barrier of music was created out of nothing in front of him, not only blocking all the artillery fire at him, but also blocking his way forward.It wasn't until he hit the music barrier and was knocked to the ground by the force of the rebound that the captain heard the music coming into his ears belatedly.

"At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was endless smoke. Often serving in chaos, the government and the people were in trouble, and the emperor was coerced and the princes. Standing in the east of the river in Kyushu, inheriting the ancestral business, inheriting the father and brother, the crowned leader of Wuyue, Wandou..." Accompanying the ears With unfamiliar but passionate music, illusory figures began to emerge around the captain.

At the same time as these figures loomed, a blue slender figure stepped on the hoverboard and blocked the captain.

(End of this chapter)

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