Chapter 486 Music Barrier
When Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared in the east and Le Youyou appeared in the south to support the defense lines on both sides and temporarily resist the invasion of the Wuyin tribe.Dongmenqian also brought three other members of the Dawn Band to join the northern defense line, replacing the already exhausted Sunshine Boys.

With Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others supporting the three directions respectively and stabilizing the defense lines in these three directions, the decline of mankind was finally restored a little.As for the west line of defense, because of the existence of the old combination Galaxy 123, it has been the most stable from the beginning.

However, this stability is only temporary after all.With the current number of the Silent Clan, it is definitely not something Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others can stop.Although it was temporarily blocked, and it seemed that they still had an advantage, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others exhausted their physical strength, no one would be able to resist the invasion of the Silent Clan anymore.

The current state of dying struggle may collapse at any time because someone's physical strength is exhausted.This kind of thing is not only known to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, but Dongmen Qian and the others, who are more senior, certainly know it better.But in the end they chose to do so.

It's not for dying, not for being generous, it's all about buying time for Meng Lianxin.As the closest group member to the first girl group era, Akane Dongmen knows a lot of secrets about music stars.

Since the first generation of girl groups, the two people of Heart Light Girl activated the music crystal inside the music star, and this music star has a music barrier that other planets do not have. This music barrier maintained by the music crystal protects Everyone in Music Stars.

As the two people who activated the music crystal, Liu Mengxin and Meng Lianxin both possessed the ability to control this music enchantment.And Dongmenqian's purpose was to delay the time, so that Meng Lianxin had enough time to control the shrinkage of the barrier.

As long as the area covered by the music enchantment shrinks, its defensive and repelling ability will also increase, and it may be able to block the invasion of the silent tribe by then.As for what to do after blocking, then wait until it is actually blocked and then figure out a solution.

"Sister Lianxin isn't well yet? If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to stop it." On the defense line in the north, the guitar in his hand was quickly strumming and playing passionate music.Beitang Meng frowned, sweating profusely as he watched the voiceless people gradually approaching amid the music of several people, and asked his teammates around him in an irritable tone.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer." Holding drumsticks in both hands, he quickly danced on a colorful virtual drum stand, and the crisp drum sound was integrated into the band's performance.Nangongwang's face turned pale due to physical exertion, but the expression on his face was as calm as ever.

"Persist a little longer, it should be coming soon." Looking at the teammates who are not in good condition, Dongmenqian continued to dance her fingers on the keyboard and played music with her teammates, but looked at Tian Lai behind her Organization building.

As if to respond to her expectation, as soon as Dongmenqian's voice fell, a burst of colorful energy spread from the bottom of the Tianlai organization building, and spread to the whole world in just a few seconds. After that, with the recovery of energy , The music enchantment that originally covered the music star's global area also began to recover quickly.

The rapid shrinkage of the music enchantment also caused a significant change in the color of the enchantment. The color that originally looked relatively light gradually deepened as the enchantment shrank. When the music enchantment became smaller enough to just cover the four sides After the area, the shrinking of the enchantment stopped, and the color of the enchantment also became dark.


At the very edge of the world, a dense gray fog surged violently, and accompanied by the slightest sound of tongue sticking out, huge bright red eyes appeared in the black fog.The Serpent of the World - Yurmgunter.

The huge body is connected end to end, surrounding the whole world. As his body shrinks, the world seems to tremble for a moment.Lifting his head, which was bigger than the planet, Yurmgunter followed the breath leaked from the world crystal and looked into the world.

"It finally appeared, World Crystal. Well done, my children. I didn't expect it to be here." Under the gaze of its huge bright red eyes, a war-torn planet came into its eyes.That planet is obviously the small planet that the Silent Clan it created is attacking.

"Huh?! This breath, she is actually there too. Just right, the one who eliminated Loki. Let me digest you and the world crystal together."

The body surrounding the world paused slightly, noticing the strange aura in the planet, a ferocious killing intent flashed in Yurmgunter's bright red eyes, he turned his head and crashed into the world it entangled. middle.

Rumbling, as Urmgunter rushed into the world, the whole world began to tremble violently.From the point where Urmgunter crashed into the world, the world began to gradually crumble.


"Is this why Miss Xiaoqian asked us to delay the time?" When the music star's music barrier quickly shrank in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan under the diffusion of colorful energy.But she turned her head to look at the underground of the building organized by Tianlai.Just now she felt that fleeting breath, which was the breath of the world crystal.

"Successful, those guys can't get in, that's great. It's finally blocked." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt the fleeting breath.The defense fighters around her all cheered.

With the recovery of the music enchantment, the silent people who had been able to move freely in the music enchantment were once again blocked from the music enchantment.No matter how hard they attack, they can't break the music enchantment recovered at this time.

And when these voiceless people approached the reinforced music enchantment without fear of death, as the colorful streamer flashed by, the voiceless people who approached turned into dust and disappeared without a trace in the streamer.

After the music enchantment was recovered and strengthened, this enchantment finally had an effect on these voiceless people again.The gray energy entangled in them is no longer enough to resist the enhanced enchantment at this time.

"Kill." Looking at the music enchantment in front of him that had an effect on his side again.The Captain of the Silent Clan who had already disembarked from the mothership frowned tightly, pondered for a while, as if he had made up his mind, and coldly uttered a word to the squad leaders around him.

"Kill." Hearing the order from the captain of the Silent Clan, the sub-captains did not hesitate at all, with fanaticism in their eyes, and issued new orders to all the troops they belonged to.

As their orders were given, the Silent troops raised their weapons.Da da da, chirp chirp chirp accompanied by the roar of weapons, a large area of ​​the silent clan fell down.They raised the butcher's knife against their own kind.

(End of this chapter)

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