Chapter 488

"Roar, kill all human beings." When the music enchantment was finally weakened to a certain extent under the impact of the Silent Clan, the first Silent Clan rushed in under the gray mist wrapped around his body.

Finding that he did not disappear, but successfully rushed in, the voiceless clan roared excitedly and rushed towards the square.After this person, several voiceless tribes rushed in one after another.The enchantment has been weakened so much that it can no longer stop these people.

"Shoot, shoot me all these voiceless bastards." In front of the last human line of defense in the square, the human commander began to shout loudly.While shouting, the shooting action in his hand did not stop at all, and he shot precisely at the people of the silent tribe.

Booming, the roar of the rattling cannon fire sounded again, and the humans and the soundless race began to fight again.However, this time the human beings fell into complete passivity as soon as they fought.

Human firearms are actually useless to these silent people.All the bullets, all the beams, and all the shells did not cause the slightest harm to the people of the Silent Race.When these beams of bullets were fired at the Silent Clan, the gray mist wrapped around them actually moved by itself, blocking all the beam bullets.

When the light beams emitted by humans came into contact with the gray mist wrapped around the bodies of the voiceless people, the light beams were instantly extinguished, as if all the energy inside had been absorbed.

And when physical attacks such as bullets and shells fired by humans came into contact with the gray mist, as if time passed, those physical bullets began to rapidly become old, rusted, and finally completely weathered and disappeared.

All of a sudden, with the surge of the gray mist on the voiceless people, human beings were completely helpless against these voiceless people.Faced with this kind of battle where you are ineffective against others' attacks, but others are very effective against you, a trace of fear and despair began to emerge in the crowd.

Despair is a very scary emotion when a group is stuck in the same predicament.If someone in this group starts to feel hopeless, the hopelessness will spread at a very fast speed, faster than a computer virus.

And when this hopelessness spreads to the entire collective, if no one stands up to break the hopelessness.Then the collective will lose hope forever.Even the predicament that had the opportunity to escape will be completely lost because of this hopelessness.

Now, in the face of the seemingly invulnerable Silent Clan, the originally high-spirited human warriors actually gave birth to despair.After all, a war that should have killed and injured each other has entered a situation where only one's own dead enemies will not be hurt. No one will not despair.

However, just when this kind of despair just emerged and began to gradually spread among the people.Accompanied by a burst of crisp and fast drum beating, familiar music began to pass into the ears of human warriors.

After the drum set, the piano sounded, and the drum set formed a harmony with each other.Then the bass and guitar sounded, and both sides were perfectly integrated into the ensemble of drums and piano, forming a quartet.

After the quartet played, pipa, guzheng, and Dongxiao sounded full of rich ancient style.And the first four ensembles form a contradictory and harmonious duet music.Let this performance suddenly become three-dimensional.

After the three classical instruments, the beautiful voice of the violin and the slightly low voice of the euphonium sounded, embedded in the previous music.It adds a romantic and soft color to the original tone.

Obviously they are completely different instruments, but at this moment they are perfectly integrated into a very harmonious piece of music.When this piece of music began to float in the square, the human warriors' original irritability, fear, and despair were instantly swept away, and their hearts were filled with only strong fighting spirit.

Accompanied by the prelude of a variety of instruments, the clear singing began to sound.Two very similar but different singing voices, one after the other, began to sing in tacit agreement, full of hope and will.

When the singing sounded, it perfectly matched the previous music.A little bit of colorful energy began to emerge in the air, flowing towards the human warriors.When the colorful energy flowed onto the soldiers, it wrapped around them directly, forming a colorful transparent armor.

After the armor was formed, the remaining colorful energy continued to flow into the weapons in the hands of the soldiers.As the weapons are dyed in colorful colors, the beams and bullets fired by the fighters also have obvious changes.

And the most obvious one is undoubtedly the damage to the Silent Clan. Facing the gray mist on the Silent Clan, all the weapons of the soldiers were useless.But when these colorful energies were integrated into their weapons, the gray mist on the Silent Clan could no longer resist their attacks.

With singing and music, the war finally returned to its original state.Humans and the Silent Clan began to have casualties, but the number of the Silent Clan still put a lot of pressure on humans.

Although the Silent Clan has killed most of their own people by killing each other, the number of the Silent Clan is still dozens of times that of humans because of the large number of human casualties in the previous wars.

"Okay, leave the maintenance of this additional state to us. You can also start to act. No matter what, we must last until they come back. Of course, if we can let us end this war before they come back , that would be even better."

At the end of a piece of music, Dongmenqian reached out and took a chocolate bar from the shelf prepared by the side and took a bite. While talking to the other groups of people in a vague voice, she put her fingers on the piano again, coordinating with the Nangong Wang started to play again.

With the entrance of the chocolate bar, Dongmenqian obviously felt that her tired body instantly became more energetic, and her stiff fingers seemed to soften a lot.Although this obvious change may only be a psychological effect, the chocolate bar is indeed supplementing his lack of physical strength.

"It would be the best if we can really win by relying on us. Nini, Shanshan, let's go over there." Hearing Dongmen Qian's words, Yiyi smiled, and also stuffed some energy-enhancing food into his mouth. , greeted his teammates with a vague voice, and walked towards the other side with the pipa transformed by the music elf in his hand.

As Yiyi walked out with the first step, her fingers began to move the pipa in her hand, and Ni Ni and Shan Shan, who were walking with her, also manipulated their own zither and dongxiao respectively.

As the new music played between the three, the effect of the music gradually began to appear.When they came in front of the Silent Clan's troops, the effect of the music exploded, and the Silent Clan was emptied in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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