Chapter 522
"Master, I'm back~ Have you prepared something to eat for me?" Dusk has passed, and the sky is getting hazy.When the dark sky dyed the entire sky, a super giant panda came out of the darkness like a huge meat ball and appeared at the door of the Four Seas Inn.

That huge body tightly blocked the door of the Four Seas Inn, and its soft stomach squeezed into the Four Seas Inn, but it couldn't let its own body squeeze in with it.Creaking sounds came from both sides of the doorpost, as if the door was about to be crushed at any moment.

"Okay, okay, wait a little longer. What are you doing, you can't get in with such a big body, or don't come in, I'll take it out for you." As soon as he came out of the kitchen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw A Bao wanting to squeeze The movement of coming in, hurriedly opened his mouth to stop it.

With such a huge figure, he knew it was impossible to get in at a glance, but he still wanted to squeeze in. If he continued to squeeze like this, the door would definitely be squeezed down.The hospitality attitude of this inn is very good, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't want to break the door of the inn.

"Oh, then I'll wait for you outside." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice, A Bao, who had squeezed a few times but couldn't get in, also retreated obediently.He obediently sat by the gate of the Four Seas Inn, like a door god guarding him.

"Xian, Xianchang, he, he, he is the one you said to have dinner." Carrying a huge iron pot with another waiter in his hand, the waiter who followed Zhuang Xiaoyuan out looked at the waiter who retreated from the door. The giant pandas who went out were so surprised that their mouths were all swollen.

"Don't worry, although he looks big and powerful, he's actually very timid and won't hurt anyone. Let's go, help me move this out." He patted the waiter on the shoulder comfortingly. , Zhuang Xiaoyuan signaled them to move the big iron pot out.

Even with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's guarantee, when the two waiters carried the iron pan out of the door of the Four Seas Inn, they were still a little trembling, for fear that they would be eaten by the big bear.

Because this big bear is really too huge, and against the background of the night, the originally shiny black and white fluff has also been dyed in the night, making it look much more gloomy than in the daytime, and even more ferocious.

"Okay, let's put it here. Thank you for your help, you can go back." Instructing the two waiters to put the big iron pot in front of A Bao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and expressed his gratitude to the two waiters, and gave them a hand A small piece of silver was stuffed in it.

After receiving the broken silver from Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the two shop assistants showed smiles on their faces. At this moment, it seemed that this big bear was not as scary as before.Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan thanked the two shop waiters and told them that they could go back, Ah Bao couldn't wait to lift the big iron pot in front of him.

Boom, as the lid of the iron pot was lifted by Ah Bao, the thick hot air surged out and flew into the sky. With the surging heat, the rich meaty aroma permeated from the big iron pot, spreading instantly The whole street, of course, also floated into the inside of the Four Seas Inn.

"What is this? It smells so good." After receiving Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tip, the waiter who was planning to leave immediately froze in place as the pot lid was lifted, unable to move anymore, swallowing his saliva He sneaked a peek into the big iron pot in front of Ah Bao.

I saw a rich soup rolling in this big iron pot, floating up and down in the soup was a bunch of shiny chicken, and occasionally one can be seen among the dense chicken pieces. Thick and long vermicelli.

On top of the chicken pieces, there were pieces of bread, and even the sides of the large iron pan were burnt brown bread.Looking at the golden pancakes and the chicken and vermicelli rolling in the cauldron, the two waiters couldn't control their eyes at all, they were firmly sucked into the big iron pan, and the sound of swallowing came from their mouths from time to time. .

"Master, how do you eat this?" Smelling the strong aroma, Abao's face showed an expression of enjoyment, longing and anticipation.But looking down at the still rolling chicken, and at his own paws, Ah Bao began to struggle with how to get food out of the hot iron pan.

"Use this. After you're done eating, come find me at the back of the inn. You can't get in through the gate, so you can only climb over the wall." Looking at A Bao's pair of bear claws, Zhuang Xiaoyuan silently handed over a big spoon, Put the extended chopsticks aside.It seems that this pair of chopsticks is useless, because Po's bear claws can't hold the chopsticks at all.

"Oh, I see, then I'm going to eat." Taking the soup ladle handed over by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Ah Bao casually responded, then impatiently raised the soup ladle and stretched it into the big iron pot. Spooning the chicken, holding the spoon with his right paw, his left hand was not free either, he grabbed a piece of pancake directly from the edge of the pot, took a bite of the pancake and ate a bite of the chicken.

The crispness and refreshingness of the noodles and the rich meaty aroma of the chicken made Ah Bao fall into absolute enjoyment in an instant.At this time, Ah Bao once again confirmed his wise decision. It is great to follow such a master, and there are so many delicious things to eat.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips in aftertaste. Ah Bao opened his eyes and wanted to continue his dinner.Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, what he saw was a crowd of human beings surrounded in front of him.

The dense crowd of human beings blocked the street in front of him, and all the human beings were staring at the big iron pot in front of A Bao, and the unbearable sound of swallowing slobbered one after another in the crowd.

"Huh." Looking at the people in front of him vigilantly, Ah Bao stretched out his hands to protect the iron pot in front of him, turned around and left his back to these humans, facing the wall of the Four Seas Inn. Started eating quickly.

When Ah Bao was surrounded by human beings, in order to prevent the dinner from being robbed, Ah Bao began to protect the food and eat quickly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had quietly left the crowd and returned to his yard.

Although this world is a fairy-like world, the social structure is an ancient structure, which is very similar to many fairy-tale worlds.And what was most lacking in ancient times, food?what to wear?Knowledge?system?free?No, no, no, the most lacking thing in ancient times is entertainment.

After returning to her small courtyard, Zhuang Xiaoyuan found that she was completely idle.It's only six or seven o'clock in the evening, and it seems a little early to go to bed.But no sleep and no other things to do, no computer, no TV, no Internet, no games, nothing.

There was really nothing to do, and finally the bored Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to study the newly born card in his body again.Of course, the results of the research are still nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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