Chapter 526 Shopkeeper Su Yu
"What are you yelling about? Are you noisy in the middle of the night?" He rushed into the Four Seas Inn directly from across the street, and the one who responded to Jiang Sidao's call was a soft and soft voice full of laziness.

"Sister Yu, something is wrong. Many people on the street have lost their minds. I have a friend who is fighting the culprit right now. Go and help her." Hearing this soft voice, Jiang Sidao's eyes lit up , turned to look at the source of the sound, and asked for help.

As Jiang Sidao turned his head to look, the owner of the voice came into his sight.It was a soft and beautiful young woman in a long white dress, with a delicate face full of alluring charm.

At this time, this charming young woman was sitting lazily on the recliner by the counter, holding a round fan in her right hand and gently swinging it, as if she didn't care about the drastic changes outside, enjoying herself Rare leisure.

"What's the rush? That little girl is amazing. She doesn't need my help." With a light smile, giving the illusion of a hundred flowers blooming, Su Yuer, the shopkeeper of the Four Seas Inn, is still lazily sitting on the recliner, shaking a round fan , I have no intention of getting up at all.

"Sister Yu, she doesn't need help there, so can you save the people in the whole city? With your strength, you should be able to rescue those people at once."

Hearing that Su Yuer praised Zhuang Xiaoyuan's strength, Jiang Sidao breathed a sigh of relief. There will be no problems for the time being, but the more serious problems now are ordinary people.

"Hehehe, why should I save those humans so thankfully. Even if those humans die, it has nothing to do with me." Taking a sideways glance at Jiang Sidao, Su Yuer narrowed her eyes slightly, without any desire to save people.

"Hey, but if all the people in the city die, won't your inn be closed?"

Slightly taken aback, Jiang Sidao almost forgot that the young woman in front of him was not an ordinary human being, and she had no obligation to save others.However, when he rolled his eyes, Jiang Sidao still found a good reason.

"It's okay, let's just die. At most, I'll move to another city." Unexpectedly, as soon as Jiang Sidao said the reason that came to mind, Su Yuer waved her hands indifferently, but still didn't move mean.

As soon as he said this, Jiang Sidao froze in place, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. You can rest assured that this incident will pass soon. As long as the source of blood evil spirit is pinched out, these controlled people will return to their original appearance, at most It only consumes a little physical strength and energy. With that little girl's ability, it's almost time to decide the winner. Hey, what a powerful Lei Fa, this little girl's mastery is not simple."

Seeing Jiang Sidao's dazed look, Su Yu'er smiled lightly and waved her hand to comfort Jiang Sidao.But as soon as the comforting words were finished, a huge lightning energy suddenly began to gather towards the center of the town in Su Yuer's perception.

Feeling the gradually gathering thunder and lightning, Su Yu'er could no longer maintain her previous laziness, she jumped off the couch with a surprised expression on her face and rushed out the door, looking towards the direction where the thunder light gathered.

Boom, accompanied by a violent thunderstorm resounding across the sky, blue and white lightning fell from the sky and directly smashed into the center of the town.With the arrival of thunder and lightning, most of the bloody aura in the sky was emptied in an instant.

"This kind of thunder method full of righteousness...why does it look so much like the thunder of crossing the catastrophe. Which old monster is that little girl the heir? I have never seen this kind of thunder method."

Looking at the blue and white thunder and lightning that split most of the evil blood in an instant, Su Yuer's eyes were filled with deep surprise.Feeling the power of divine punishment contained in the thunder and lightning, Su Yuer was even more shocked. This kind of lightning method is simply the nemesis of all evil things.


Back in time, when Jiang Sidao went to the Four Seas Inn, the battle between Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wang Xue also became more intense.Countless yellow talismans floated in the sky and on the ground. Surrounded by the yellow talismans, Zhuang Xiaoyuan held the Immortal Execution Sword and quickly confronted the extremely fast-moving Wang Xue.

After fighting again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan discovered that Wang Xue, who had been refined by the blood refining technique, not only possessed great strength and a hard body that could block even the Zhuxian sword, but also possessed super speed. Even if Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened the sky eye, she could only Barely catching up to the extreme speed.

This extreme speed put Zhuang Xiaoyuan in a predicament for a moment. Facing Wang Xue's speed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack could not reach her side at all, so he could only passively defend her attack.

The sight can catch up with her speed, but the body can't catch up, and the charms scattered around can't catch up.Even if the formation of talismans was set up for a while, Wang Xue could come and go freely in the formation of talismans.

Therefore, under such unfavorable circumstances, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could only choose to wait for the chance to kill with one blow.

In fact, if it wasn't a blood refining monster like Wang Xue, but an ordinary monster, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Qiankun Mysterious Gourd would be able to absorb them all, not to mention that Zhuang Xiaoyuan already knew her name.

However, this blood refining monster is not something that the big gourd can fight against. The huge bloody aura that permeates the sky is so rich that even the big gourd of the universe can't hold it.

What's more, as a blood-refined monster, Wang Xue's body is enough to reach almost all the refining auras in the world.And the refining energy in the Qiankun Mysterious Gourd is also included in it. I am afraid that it cannot refine Wang Xue, and it may strengthen her body instead.

Therefore, facing a blood refining monster like Wang Xue, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could only give up the big gourd and choose other ways to deal with it.And the best way is without a doubt the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Rectification Dharma that restrains all evil things.

However, if you want to use Wulei Tianxin's Fa-rectification, you have to face Wang Xue's speed.With her current speed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan might have escaped or been wounded by her before she released Lei Fa.

Therefore, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan needs to do at this time is to temporarily stop her movements.And to stop her movements, of course, you need to restrain her with the Wanfu Locking Monster Formation.But her speed can't even keep up with the Wanfu Locking Monster Formation.

In the end, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly used herself as a bait, and hand-to-hand combat with Wang Xue with Zhu Xian sword led her into the magic talisman formation.Whether it can be successful or not depends on whether the restraint of the Wanfu lock monster formation can last enough time this time.

"Aw~" Accompanied by howls from all directions, a bright red figure quickly wrapped around Zhuang Xiaoyuan, attacking Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body one after another.

Facing attacks from all directions, the sky eyes on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's head turned quickly, and the opponent's figure was clearly reflected in the eyes. With the help of the sky eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Zhu Xian sword quickly moved, blocking all the attacks.

(End of this chapter)

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